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Please fix zombies so they don't clip through doors, kill you from underground, or just plainly bug out and take zero damage.

(or just remove them till you do)


I stopped playing dayz  a year ago because of these problems.. also bugs like 

instantly fall off ladder soon as you go to top and die...

unable to pick up items from bodies..

unable to load ammo, (all pristine and right caliber) 


wanted to play again and hoped these problems would be fixed.....NOPE! 


But at least we have vehicles and new weapons!...  for love of god please fix what you got before adding more stuff.

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Sorry pal, but you dont just shove the artists into the coding and whatnot. Everyone has their specialties, and they continue doing bugfixing even as new content is added. If they stopped adding new content we'd have just as many people complaining about that as we do about the bugs. You signed up for an alpha, and that's what you got. If you don't want to play, that's fine, but don't complain, constructive criticism if fine, but just flat out whining is not okay. 

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for love of god please fix what you got before adding more stuff.


Really, really think hard about how the Alpha game development works and why content is being added first by designers before everything is being fixed by programmers in the Beta.


Locked, please read before posting.

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Well a year ago there weren't that many of us playing, I don't remember you being amongst us.

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