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In certain houses, use the inventory to find loot not your eyes..

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As you can see, loot is spawning, just that it's below the floor.



It seems to be only this building, I've tried others, but it's a bit of a pain as this type of building is usually a good one for loot.

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Good info for devs and players...have some beans


PS loving those bright yellow shoes :D


I've tried making a bug tracker account on several occasions, and each time it refused to log me in, except once when I was able to file a bug (which has been resolved although I don't think the bug entry has been closed).


If anyone who has a bug tracker account wants to try and replicate the issue for their own piece of mind then use this video as part of the evidence, please feel free.



Edit: I will admit I was thinking twice about submitting this. After all, I don't want all you lot getting my sweet, sweet hidden floor loot... ;)

Edited by ricp
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Thanks for the advice. Certain buildings (sometimes several at a time) get this way without any kind of warning from update-to-update for whatever reason. It's a rule I think all players should keep in the back of their mind from now until they're done tweaking loot spawns.

Edited by Tatanko

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Thanks for the advice. Certain buildings (sometimes several at a time) get this way without any kind of warning from update-to-update for whatever reason. It's a rule I think all players should keep in the back of their mind from now until they're done tweaking loot spawns.



Yeah, it's a common thing it seems as loot is visible before the buildings as the scene draws in when you spawn. 

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As you can see, loot is spawning, just that it's below the floor.



It seems to be only this building, I've tried others, but it's a bit of a pain as this type of building is usually a good one for loot.


Those green houses have been like that for months - since before the summer, I think.


There was another thread about this last week or something (will look for it...[EDIT: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/215997-small-secret/]). I'm a little disappointed that the secret's out now, to be honest: they used to be reliable sources of food, ammo and clothes near the coast when everything else was looted!

Edited by Pillock

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I'm a little disappointed that the secret's out now, to be honest: they used to be reliable sources of food, ammo and clothes near the coast when everything else was looted!


Yeah. that was my thinking too, but then I remember this is Alpha and the whole point is to get these things fixed. ;)

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Does anyone know if dropping loot in the 3 car garage causes the loot to be lost forever because it seems to fall through the floor? That one really got me a couple of times. I lost a mosin with LRS a few weeks back while trying to balance my inventory. That 3 car garage one was the worst because the loot wouldn't show up somewhere else outside of it like has happened in some houses/apts and hitting tab and looking for it using the inventory wouldn't allow you to find it either. I need to retry that, maybe that's changed since .51.

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You know, from the limited amount of time I spent on .51 stable I noticed right off there were a few issues with it. This dosn't surpise me, to see more glitches. It really good to show them here.


Axes have the option to be painted, but cannot. Mosin rap is bugged, not even sure if it they just took it out. All the new coolest new features are so rare there almost not worth looking for. So from my end it almost seems like stuff is missing and or broken. The trucks really are maybe 1/2 to 2/3 done, regarding features and mechanics. Honestly I almost rather them just role it back....but we need progress. .51 seems like it could have used a bit more work maybe like a couple of weeks before it hit stable.


I was reading the .52 notes on whats up coming, it looks like there maybe going to iron some of it out. The trucks will have more features, and hopefully they will fix some of the broken stuff.  But I predict it will be many weeks before we see it hit stable.


This is prime example of why we must remind our selves this is alpha. Me Im just not going to play this patch that much, I just wasn't feeling it this time. Hopfully they do not do a chr wipe and I will have my geared avatar waiting when .52 hits stable, and I will just pick it up from there. I also want to see the exp .52 so I may check it out. But .51 stable not the biggest fan of to be honest. Im almost in a "wait til next patch and see what it brings" kind of state mind.


Dayz in its development so far has had good patches and bad patches. If theres a bad patch, I learned I much better off just waiting for the next patch then dealing with bugs that ruin the game play exp. I'm sure there will be a good one coming....there always is.


But its all a work in progress and we must have patience... 

Edited by CJFlint

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Don't drop anything in the brown house that has 2 stories (ground and 1st, or 1st and 2nd if you are US). You know the one, it has an overhang which has a ladder attached (horizontally stored) and you'll sometimes find cars there. 


I thought I was being clever by filling up a smersh backpack full of food and placing it into my rucksack (smerch has 8 slots, but takes up 6 slots). I was hungry and took the bag out of my backpack only to find it disappeared. Normally when this happens you can find it in the floor below, but of course there is no way into the floor below in these types of buildings.


One other thing I noticed was on the ground floor and I place something on the floor and it disappears I sometimes find it outside the building next to where you were inside.

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