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Cannibalism Discussion

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We ate me 3 times over last night. The conversations where hillarious tho.


We where all starving anyways but if you sneak up on People and suddenly hear some manic laughter in the night..its...something.


Also this leads to funny "fight for your Steak" moments:



Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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The thing people seems to draw conclusions of is that "eating human flesh is wrong, you get sick! science prove it!" The reality is that humans, like animals, carry diseases. Eating a human that is victim of Kuru will transmit it, obviously. But the mere act of eating human flesh doesn't cause the parasite to spontaneously appear like a godly punishment, it just happen to infect cannibalistic populations who will eat the brain of their deceased.


Obviously the idea of unpunished cannibalism was bothering one of the designers or they did it to make this food source mostly useless unless you are desperate or stupid.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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Obviously the idea of unpunished cannibalism was bothering one of the designers or they did it to make this food source mostly useless unless you are desperate or stupid.



Wich is fine in the context of a "game". I like the way they handle eating other human beigns. Really do.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel
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It's fine and it's another 'rp' thing in-game - and I don't believe people are more KOS based on cannibalism.

I seldom shoot when I spot other players first, but I sometimes get shoot at if other players spot me.

However, I've met other players who're friendly indeed and talked to eachother - and both were geared up with end game equipment

with flashbangs grenades which is not working at the moment.

Edited by Ori42
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This is my issue with the mechanic as it stands.  "Don't like it? don't do it" does not make for a good sandbox experience.  What if I want to roleplay any variety of cannibal that isn't going to cry or laugh about it?  It hampers roleplay, and it hampers gameplay to put in a mechanic that has severe punishment for something in an extremely unrealistic manner.


"I wanna do what i want without concequences"


I don't doubt these things will change, but I haven't heard any official word even about prion disease or why it was included to begin with.


"I don't doubt these things will change, but meanwhile i'll complain about it and use my flawed logic to bitch about a clearly unfinished feaure of a game on ALPHA stage"



It's cannibalism in a video game, it is a trivial thing.  Just like "murder" in this game is a trivial thing.


"This is your story" remember?  That's their entire goal of the game summarized.  They're walking a fine line by making my character exhibit emotions.  In this case it's caused by a disease that does occur in real life, with similar symptoms so I don't think they've quite crossed it but they're hovering a foot over.  What I'm saying is that the disease in real life is not nearly as common as being represented in game or even necessarily obtained in the same manner (certain parts like eating the brain are more prone to give you prion disease than just chowing down on a leg), and a better solution would be prolonged cannibalism can lead to it.
But hey, if you guys want to just insult me and not actually discuss the topic and believe it's perfect as is that's cool too.


"Blah blahblah...

Munchin entrails blah blah blah...

But hey, if you guys have some time free please, please give me attention y crave for it"


All i do is enjoy the game as it is, report bugs and make suggestions if and when something crosses my mind, when i have a suggestion like... I don't know... Wanting something changed or implemented i go to "Suggestions", try doing that and hope for the best.

Edited by BrainlessZombie
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The notion that everyone, from a single incident, who eats another human being ends up laughing/crying uncontrollably is idiotic.


No more so than magically healing a broken bone with a rag and stick.  Just eating human flesh doesn't automatically mean you will get the crazies, there is just a chance that you will.  Yes in real life it would take a long time for the effects to actually kick in but this isn't real life or at least I haven't seen an zombies walking around my office yet today...

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Think it should only happen after a long time of eating a lot of human meat, because otherwise it's stupid.

The game shouldn't dictate my character's behavior to such a degree over such a trivial thing.  There's way more cases of cannibalism where people don't become shivering laughing/crying messes than do.


It should be a bit higher than that IMHO.  You don't want it where eating other players is a main food source.  But it shouldn't be instant insanity either.

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