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Burnt Steaks are poisonous?

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So I'm sat in a house watching the steaks cook whilst my mate goes out and gather's sticks to make his arrows. I'm watching and watching (A watched steak never cooks,) and it's taking forever. So, I turn away to sharpen 3 sticks and put feathers on them and jesus in a goddamn balloon if in that time they've gone from uncooked to burnt.


So we have 2 cooked and 1 burnt steak each. Can't be that bad right? I ate a half and my mate ate a whole one and almost instantly gets "I have a weird taste in my mouth"


Are you shitting me? Burned food poisons you how exactly? For the charcoal they're covered in? Meaning we had to look for charcoal tabs to fix it? Doesn't anyone at BIS go to BBQ's? The very essence of a BBQ is to burn the food and then burn it again just to make sure you're not going to die from it!!


LOL ;)

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right Jexter !
A lot of really burned meat might give you a day of digestion pains. I think mainly if you're not used to it.

But raw meat.. ? I'd have to be desperate to try that IRL in a survival situation, and I'd expect nothing good. There are some tricks, and parts of animals that are "safer" and some that are much worse.. but Nah.. not unless you gonna die if you don't..


wikipedia: <<Every year in the United States, 6.5 million to 33 million cases of illness are diagnosed due to microbial pathogens, with about 900,000 deaths occurring annually as well. According to a multi-state study published in the America Journal of Preventative Medicine, the annual cost of disease caused by food borne pathogens is estimated to be anywhere from 9.3 to 12.9 billion dollars in “medical costs and productivity losses." Most of these diseases come from contact with contaminated raw meat.>>


That's 900,000 deaths in a pre-apocalypse full-medical-care, operational civilization..

Edited by pilgrim

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this was brought up the other day, as seen above.

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LOL this game is like Lost man, the thing we though not going to kill us, will kill us hahaha

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Hey my thread's way better than his thread! ;)


I have no idea where the dev's thought that burnt food would poison you.....



But now, there’s evidence that suggests that eating all that burned food could actually be bad for you. Back in 2007, a Dutch study was done that showed an increased risk of cancer in women who were exposed to the chemical acrylamide — which forms on fried or baked foods, especially when those foods are burned. The study found that women who ate 40 micrograms of acrylamide a day (equivalent to say, a bag of potato chips) had double the cancer risk of women who ate the lowest amount of the chemical.
So what is this chemical acrylamide anyway? Acrylamide is a chemical that is can be used in the manufacturing of paper and plastic, and is often found in products like caulk and food packaging. Alarmingly, though, acrylamide is also found in certain foods that have been prepared at a very high temperature — i.e. food that was fried, grilled or broiled. It’s found more in starchy products like bread and potatoes. How come? An amino acid called asparagine found in these foods forms acrylamide when heated at a very high temperature.
Another concern is the HCAs (heterocyclic amines) that form on chicken and meat when grilled over a high flame. HCAs have also been linked to cancer in animals, though research in humans is still limited.


So it can give you cancer, hardly food poisoning.


Reduce the nutritional value but who was it sat around the table shot his hand up and came out with this brainiac idea? Let's make burnt food poisonous!!


How did this idea come about? Are we to expect cars to be fine unless you brake too hard and then you snap your ankle?

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How did this idea come about? Are we to expect cars to be fine unless you brake too hard and then you snap your ankle?


Hey .. it's happened (I mean just stepping on the brake, not breaking a leg in a collision) .. but.. hmm ... maybe not often

.. to find it you have to look right down at the bottom of the list of "ways you can injure yourself around vehicles". It's way down past 'trapping your fingers when you close the car door'


You never heard that you can choke to death on a chicken bone?  And I read somewhere about a guy who died swallowing a peeled Satsuma orange too fast..


Maybe we should have "You ate your food without chewing it" - "you are dead"




ed: off topic - And oh, DayZ players - opening a rusty can with a rusty bayonet ?? ... don't you know what you can DO to yourself there?.. stick to PvP dudes.


ps - I think we should start a "Bring Gangrene into DayZ" movement. For self-treated wounds (gunshot, scratches, fractures, opening cans) Gangrene is NEAT.

Edited by pilgrim
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right Jexter !

A lot of really burned meat might give you a day of digestion pains. I think mainly if you're not used to it.

But raw meat.. ? I'd have to be desperate to try that IRL in a survival situation, and I'd expect nothing good. There are some tricks, and parts of animals that are "safer" and some that are much worse.. but Nah.. not unless you gonna die if you don't..


wikipedia: <<Every year in the United States, 6.5 million to 33 million cases of illness are diagnosed due to microbial pathogens, with about 900,000 deaths occurring annually as well. According to a multi-state study published in the America Journal of Preventative Medicine, the annual cost of disease caused by food borne pathogens is estimated to be anywhere from 9.3 to 12.9 billion dollars in “medical costs and productivity losses." Most of these diseases come from contact with contaminated raw meat.>>


That's 900,000 deaths in a pre-apocalypse full-medical-care, operational civilization..

Raw meat is good to go as long as you eat it right away.  You just carved it out of an animal that had an immune system.  Unless the animals are infected too, but I haven't seen that yet.

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Raw meat is good to go as long as you eat it right away.  You just carved it out of an animal that had an immune system.  Unless the animals are infected too, but I haven't seen that yet.


Hey, it wasnt me claiming 900,000 people die each year in the USA at present IRL from raw meat... that was the American Government saying that, dude... that's USA with operating food laws pre-apocalypse, not post-apocalypse.. hmm ?


" raw meat is good to go" ??   Try Liver Fluke .. I just picked Liver Fluke kind of at random because its such a NICE thing, ya know ? It infect mammals WITH immune systems, heh. You do know we humans are mammals right along with cows and rabbits and deer, right?  Liver Fluke is fragging real good to go.. you def. want to try some of that. check it out. Also check Trichinosis why not, if ya like raw wild boar ... it's just another parasite, nothing special. If you want your rabbit raw off the bone, go for Hydatid parasites. Lol - I don't know how mean bad 'survivalist' you have to be to eat a properly skinned gutted rabbit RAW.. I just never even thought of trying it.


And some civilised Western places serve raw calves brains as a delicacy - its legally backed up by certificates and vetinary examinations, and carefully prepared by experts who know what to look out for, so there's really only a handful of people catch Meningitis eating it, these days.. Dude, think about it. check it out.. do you know when a piece of meat is good or know any signs to show an animal is infected with something? Just because the animal is walking about and it ain't foaming at the mouth - don't mean eating it cant make ya really really sick (sick as infection not poison)

(heh - off topic, guess you never ate a bad oyster, right?)


scuse me if I'm wrong, but you really don't sound like a person who has eaten much raw meat often

My advice, before you start experimenting IRL with raw deer liver and being manly, etc  - First buy yourself a nice big medium-price medically safe steak and eat it, cold and raw, see how that goes, it's a worthwhile thing to know if your jaw and your stomach can deal with that ok (no reason why not). Then check around what 'uncertified' non-vaccinated animals, and what animal parts, can carry what diseases, what parasites, that ya can catch when you eat them raw.. and how to avoid them (if ya can). Hey - when you're butchering your animal, don't let spinal fluid, bowel matter, dirt or brain matter touch the meat you're going to eat .. for starters, after you've decided it's a healthy animal (you decide for yourself, it's your life) .. but maybe you know that stuff ?


Read a mil. survival pocketbook; might help you out IRL.

OP is right, myself I'd boil it in chunks, but otherwise you bake it or roast it good.


[ edit: Disclaimer:  if you do try eating raw steaks or ribs or whatever, you buy them from a medically safe legal outlet, and that's your responsibility - don't go saying someone on a DayZ forum told you to do it. OK?  As long as that's clear, then IMO it's an interesting experiment. Don't be one of the 900,000 and then claim it was my fault. And if you aren't legally adult then get advice from an adult in your family first. ]

Edited by pilgrim

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