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You should be able to put grass on all of your clothing, and spray paint all of your clothing! I don't know, think of something from this rushed, poor old suggestion.


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Adding the ability to add grass to anything or spray painting anything would only lead to literally everybody and their mothers doing it. Everybody would be covered in grass, everybody would be running around with shitty looking olive drab/black shirts on. 

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Adding the ability to add grass to anything or spray painting anything would only lead to literally everybody and their mothers doing it. Everybody would be covered in grass, everybody would be running around with shitty looking olive drab/black shirts on. 

^ Yuurp.. he's right.. I was praying that ghille wear wasnt going to be easy to get when they implemented it considering how simple it is to get most other stuff atm. Turns out it is very hard and i hope it stays that way.


This topic is kind of redundant considering there is a craft able ghille suit in the game anyway... 

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 Turns out it is very hard 





i usually get enough ingredients for full ghillie before i find a gun i actually want


max 3hrs from spawn

Edited by Wookieenoob

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i usually get enough ingredients for full ghillie before i find a gun i actually want


max 3hrs from spawn

I actually havent tried to make a ghille.. i was just going by what people had posted on how hard it was mind you that is around the time just after they released it so it was highly sort after I guess.. there was a rumor that only 1 netting spawned per server per restart I remember reading but whether that is true is another story and if you are a server hopper is also another story ;)

Edited by liquidcactus

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