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As someone who has predominantly played experimental...

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I find the amount of loot available in the current stable branch highly worrying. 


Not in an "all this loot is making the game too easy" way, but because I am now so attuned to the fact that if I find a single tin of beans I automatically go into paranoid mode expecting another 10 heavily armed people all to be fighting over the scarce resource.





So.. seeing this sort of stuff spooks me the f*ck out.

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Yeah, there's a bug. You should see if you can find something like a fire station or jail that's loot bugged - it's like a guns, ammo, food, clothing pinata was exploded. This started with the .50 update, and I've stumbled upon a few of them. It's like Christmas!

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I thought the devs might be ramping up the loot in order to see how the persistence and the 'hive loot economy' would deal with lots of loot.


I was in an army barracks and it made me ridiculously paranoid. Guns, everywhere, military loot, everywhere. However, like bees to honey, it means these sites would be hot as the proverbial potato and I was very keen the get the feck out of these so I could relax.




Edited by ricp
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I found like 10 Sks' last night. Yeah, its crazy.

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i havn't seen areas that covered in loot though i usually play on persistence servers it is worrying having everything pristine sucks too and the abundance of loot is crappy i like that every house building and shed spawns loot but the amount and the quality is troublesome to me as well the game is easy and it would be easier if it wasn't for the heat which is the saving grace right now in my opinion.hopefully it gets fixed soon because the favorite part of the game to me is looting and i hit one town or mil base and have everything pristine too makes my end game hit real quick though i have been exploring more now instead of looking for pants or a gun. i say enjoy it while it lasts because you know its not going to last forever.

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There is one server I stopped by before and when you went into the room there was so much loot that the game lagged bringing it all up and after bringing it all up it crashed.  The floor was covered and the bunks had stacks upon stacks on them.

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Just a few more crazy loot images. 


These don't seem to be different to what others have experienced. It does freak me out though...







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Haha I know it's fun though.


Bean, you are right, these areas draw a ton of players. This morning I got in a shoot out at an army base (with this much loot) with 3 people in the game! These places are magnets for server hoppers too, I would stay away. What I did was drop a lot of my items up in the woods, ran down into the base with a shot gun in my underwear, then ran back up into the safety of the woods with tons of loot.


This will be fixed, but for now let's laugh a little at it.

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It's like Christmas! Thanks Dean!


... to be honest it would be awesome if on Christmas this is what all loot spawns looked like. That would be hilarious.

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