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Handcuffed while logging in, impossible to break out.

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Some 12 year old in this clan i was playing with was at balota and said he was starving, so when i spawned in, before i was in but when my body was showing, he handcuffed me. It didn't go on immediately but when i logged in i was restrained, the kid took my gear and i was hypothermic, i was there for like 10 minutes wiggling but the handcuffs wouldnt break. Then the douche shot me.

Why couldn't I break out of the handcuffs? They were badly damaged.

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Some 12 year old in this clan i was playing with was at balota and said he was starving, so when i spawned in, before i was in but when my body was showing, he handcuffed me. It didn't go on immediately but when i logged in i was restrained, the kid took my gear and i was hypothermic, i was there for like 10 minutes wiggling but the handcuffs wouldnt break. Then the douche shot me.

Why couldn't I break out of the handcuffs? They were badly damaged.


How'd you know they were badly damaged? As far as I can tell it doesn't let you know what state the cuffs on your wrists are in. They could've been pristine for all you know. And pristine cuffs take a lot of time to break. My mate once cuffed me for a laugh, then realized neither of us had keys, so I stood there like a jackass for at least 20 minutes wriggling about.On the other hand I've broken free from bandit cuffs in under a minute.

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This 12 year old...He seems to know how to get ahead in life.  This sounds like a "why did the younger intern get the promotion over me" type of story.  Head on a swivel man....metaphorically speaking I mean.  You should know this geriatric pre-teen is thinking outside the box and should anticipate accordingly.


I've had no luck with clans so far in standalone.  I'll chalk that up to how limited the gameplay is at the moment.  First clan I joined put on a great show the first night we played.  Then spent the next two weeks on Arma III.  No thanks.  Second clan I joined had an egotistical leader who wanted a no rank, casual but organized system; however, if something went wrong he acted like he knew exactly what should have been done every step of the way even though he only spent time 600+ yards away sniping.  He also thought it would be a waste of time farming M4's, so when i stopped and grouped with the clan in Cherno we spent 2+ hours punching each other only to get half our group wiped out by a hacker.  Obviously a better use of my time then getting geared up or farming tradeable gear for the clan.  Basically should have jumped ship after this engagement.  Currently using a public communities TS which is "actively recruiting" but only 2 members play DayZ like twice a week.  


Going to check out =rTr=, but I don't like to play hero 100% of the time.  If I feel like KoS'ing someone I would like the people I'm with to understand that sometimes you just have to kill people in order to be ok with running around NOT killing people.

Edited by Grundlesmuggler

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You should have established a safeword prior.


Mine's "prestidigitation'

try saying that with a pear stuffed in your mouth

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Mine's "prestidigitation'

try saying that with a pear stuffed in your mouth


HAHA love it! :beans:

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