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Cross server Bandit and Survivor camps suggestion

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I don't kill on sight either. If find it a bit frustrating that there isn't bit more, well a lot more interaction, rather than knee jerk killing. I've died countless times while trying to say freindly hehe. I'm sure in the early days of the mod there was a lot less of this. In fact I specifically remember coming back from a break in playing, and being shocked how KOS seemed to have taken over and become rampant. You could see it spiraling. I love having the scoped mosin, but because I'm not a bandit I hardly ever get to use it, apart from practsing on zombies or hunting.

Don't lose your hope Dave , I roll with a group of four occassiaonally if I'm not lone wolfing it , and i always find friendlies ... You just have to "force them into friendlieness" so to speak by getting the jump on them while having your weapon out and then turn the conversation freindly when you know he's not a blood craving maniac lol .. But I love your idea , i honestly have to say though my group would rather do this at Zelenogorsk like someone suggested earlier as it is farther from the spawn points and for me and my groups experience, is more friendly because of that ... As long as we survivors don't mess with the northwest airfield too much I'm sure we can make this work .. I live in the us east coast so generally I can do any server but the aus/signapore/de servers...

So if you establish a good server for the first experiment to take place , and also re edit your first post redefining the "safe areas" where we all should meet , and when (it should be at certain time frames of the day so we can organize a bit , but like 3 different times a day for a week or so so we can nail all time zones , the most dedicated ones could try and attend all three during one day to fill in all new comers as to what these "safe" zones are all about). But I again like to speak my opinion and say I think these zones should be based out of Zelenogorsk or towns similar , ones that are far away from spawns so at least we don't get a bunch of bored fresh spawns attacking us , just the geared bandits that are to be expected anyways .

Edited by Grapefruit kush

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Thanks for the suggestion, I've just joined reddit and posted it there, with a link to this thread also. Is it worth doing the same on steam forums?



I'm not so sure about steam forums, I don't really hang around there too much.

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Would be cool to see some more locations added for different rollplaying groups like medics of the wasteland or even cannibals (if this feature will be implemented). Count me in will check out Black Mountain Castle as soon as possible....love the idea

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I think this might have to wait a bit until persistence and stuff is fixed, I spawned in cherno, made my way to pavlovo's military base, headed up north, found a chopper crash, spent like 3 hours getting to black mountain, I had m4, mararov, a lot of rounds for everything, and as I was setting up a fire on top of the castle I suddenly lagged and fell and obviously died :) watch out if you are setting up shop at black mountain, or any building for that matter

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