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proper endgame

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I am new to the game and didnt played the mod. I love this game, i love not to be the brainless "hero" that needs to kill the X amount of X creatures and defeat the evil (put some latin name here). I have some suggestions that maybe r already discussed on this forum, if so ignore them, otherwise i expect constructive discussion.


problem: after playing the game for some time, dying couple of times by zombies and hypothermia i only die from PVP. being a frendly player firstly i explored, tested the game mechanics and items, gearing up and testing weapons. now what? it looks like endgame is grab some gear and run around to find ppl to murder. i imagine that would be fun for some time but not for long. 


solution: how to add endless goals and fun without disrupting the sandbox and pvp? endgame should be survival! make the game extremely hard to survive. 

brainstorm:if hunger and dehydration kills faster and all food and water is reduced by 90%, completely remove it in military areas, ppl start naked so rags and bandages will be problem too. the friendly players geared or not will need to find animals,fish or grow plants and share food to survive. the bandits wont murder players pointlessly, they will do that to get their loot and survive. to balance for the newspawns add more animals and much more improvised (short range, inaccurate) range weapons so they can survive or defend against bandits. here r some examples:


bola: stone (brake into rocks with hammer) + rope = bola can be trown to do the hancuff effect or unctuousness if headshot.

improvised trowing spears: wood stick+knife

longer range variant trowing spear: ashwood stick+ducktape+any kife or bayonet

make screwdriver trowing weapon

slingshot: woodsticks+rope (rocks for ammo) that does low damage but causes unctuousness if headshot ...ect ect


other ideas:


blood: if all players have same blood type (explanation would be that only that blood type is immune to the zombie plague) after killing a player to have some short (30 sec) time to fill a blood bag from the corpse before it becomes toxic  


poison: extract poison from snakes and poisonous mushrooms with syringe so u can poison food or water (also dip arrows to cause poisoned effect)


feel free to comment, criticize 


edit: i also was thinking about some cosmetical endgame there are games like GW2 that r driven mainly by the cool looks prestige. so maybe some achievement system could be added that so ppl can unlock cool tattoos, haircuts, stencils to spraypaint skulls and stuff on the helmets, golden watches and jewelry ect ect (stuff that dont affect gameplay)

Edited by hiperion

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That's a bit too tough imo, but at present it's far too easy to survive.

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Soon Endgame is planting Tomatoes and defending it :D

Edited by VanValdenburg
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Actually the game is already too much hard, due to the quantity of bugs that are awaiting to be fixed.

Yes your right, this ALPHA game is too hard.

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solution: how to add endless goals and fun without disrupting the sandbox and pvp? endgame should be survival! make the game extremely hard to survive.

Some ideas:

  • An overall harsher environment would delay "end game" resulting in more players struggling for survival and less players thinking "what now?" It also would increase the chances of dropping back out of "endgame" because of gear loss and lack of supplies.
  • A better player/character identification system would improve the social aspects by expanding on elements like fame and trust which helps the forming of groups and small communities ingame which allows for more altruism and cooperation.
  • The current reward system could be expanded by adding extremely rare and specialized items (like military specialist weapons) which adds a much longer chain of "survive and search long enough tp get your reward" and "beat it to get it" rewards to keep people searching.
  • Cooperative or long-term goals would emphasize cooperation and also add rewards for working together over a longer period of time giving people something to work towards.
  • (Semi-)lasting impact on the environment like base building/destruction or painting walls would make for practical uses (see cooperative goals) as well as artistic expressions.

In the end key points for "end game" are:

  1. Delaying "end game" by expanding on "early game" (basic survival) and "mid game" (getting better equipment and meeting friends) as well as keeping them relevant by setbacks,
  2. Add more options and rewards as well as "something to do" beyond just surviving and gearing up (especially of the cooperative and long-term variety).
  3. Add specialized equipment that needs quite some logistics (impractical for "early game" or "mid game" but useful for "end game").

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i expect constructive discussion.



Wrong internet, pal.


Also, this is DayZ, this is your story.


No set "end game" content or goals will likely ever be implemented in the "vanilla" experience.


Private shards may see this kind of thing in the future.

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There should be no early, mid or end game. There should just be 'game'. I agree that right now the game isn't at all like that, but I have faith that once everything is implemented and balanced, DayZ will change from the boredom-fueled fragfest it is today.


Survival will be a continuous labor, some days food will be plentiful, other days you might narrowly avoid starving to death by picking berries or apples. Zombies will be much more of a threat than they are now. And since survival will be much more difficult, interaction will be necessary to survive. You could still just kill a man for his beans, but at least now you're killing for a reason. And why not team up with a few gunners to clear a town of zombies? Same with base-building. If there is something worthwhile to build and protect, people will cooperate. 


I'm against specialty items, since that'll just create more opportunity for killing people. Why waste time trying to find the Holy Grail when some shmuck holding it walks into your line of sight?

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Right now there are little to none longtime-goals so everybody is kind of PVPing thats right.

But as far as my knowledge goes: zeds are reduced because of the limitet AI and the problems with it. So it will become harded when the new AI-system and a greater number of zeds is activated.


Regading the longtime goels: cars are the next step and they are working on it. The devs want to introduce base-building as we so there is a point in defending something and not just randomly kill each other and the loot system will be reworked too so I assume with  all points of OP will be dealt ;)


So I totally agree with Sacha here. The game will change and hopefully so will the community  B)

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I'm against specialty items, since that'll just create more opportunity for killing people. Why waste time trying to find the Holy Grail when some shmuck holding it walks into your line of sight?

I can see the reasoning but on the other side I don't think thats a problem at all. First those items should be very rare so even if everyone would KoS each person thats uses them there would not be much of a change. Then this would actually add to their impracticability further cementing them as "endgame items" that would either require great care and/or a community built around them.


The only real issue I can see here is hoarding - a player who found the holy grail hides it in order to keep it or prevent other from getting it. Hiding items on public servers inside stashes/bases etc. is not a problem - it might cause a "dragons lair" situation where others would try to get your stuff while you try to prevent them from doing so. On private servers you should only be able hoard items from those servers not affecting the public ones.


This leaves hoarding items on your character - having gear on your survivor but simply not playing with her would deny items to other players. And if you stop playing the items would be lost forever. A possible solution is a despawn timer (only for limited items) than decreases when you are offline and increases when you are playing. If it reaches zero the item is removed from your character and may spawn again. But what about the casuals who only play once a month? Well if you are one its simply not the right equipment for you - but you can still give it to a friend or stash it on some server hoping it will still be there next month.

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