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Bipod and Mosin

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Hello, I recently found mosin, got compensator and LRS but I cant snipe at more than 500m because my aim is moving. Is there still chance to put bipod on Mosin? Because I haven´t found any. And also where to find heli crashes? Thanks for answers

Edited by TeaPack

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Hello, I recently found mosin, got compensator and LRS but I cant snipe at more than 500m because my aim is moving. Is there still chance to put bipod on Mosin? Because I haven´t found any. And also where to find heli crashes? Thanks for answers

you have a "hold breath" button, you should know how that works since you play Dice games. think bipods were temporarly removed.

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you have a "hold breath" button, you should know how that works since you play Dice games. think bipods were temporarly removed.


holding breath doesn't work since 49 patch. You should know that too.

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Most heli crash sites are in the Western part of the map. Namely the Northwest. Make sure your character isn't suffering from an injured limb. You can even if there's no indicator. Splint will fix this & make sure your character holds his weapon as steady as possible.


There's a hold breathe button as Axezeroone said, which by default is on your right-mouse click. There may be a secondary key? I'm not sure. Either way, you can remap it.


The bipod was removed from the Mosin, & I'm fairly certain that it's permanent, not temporary.

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LRS will be removed, and the bipod has been removed from the Mosin permanently. You will need to prone or hold your breath, you may have a broken bone so try using a splint.

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LRS has been removed from the Mosin permanently. You will need to prone or hold your breath, you may have a broken bone so try using a splint.


LRS? I'm sure you mean bipod, no?

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holding breath doesn't work since 49 patch. You should know that too.

huh? my crosshair stops moving for a blink of a moment, enough time to aim and shoot aswell...

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A few tips I have acquired while learning to snipe:


  • The bipod has been removed from the game (or not spawning at all).


  • As a previous poster said, splint yourself before you settle down to snipe to remove any excessive weapon sway from zombie damage.


  • Hold Breath still does work (kind of).  Its just been drastically reduced in its effectiveness, but it does steady your aim slightly just beofe you shoot.  You MUST remap hold breath to another key as if your constantly zooming in your scope, you will constantly be out of breath if its mapped to RMB and this will increase sway.


  • Use the + and - keys on your keyboard keypad to zoom and scout areas.  I usually only use the RMB zoom when Im ready to fire.


  • Have your FOV set just to the left of the "o" of "Field of View" when ranging your target.  If you dont, your ranging will be off. Once you are ranged, you can increade/decrease FOV if you like but remember to put the FOV back to the "o" if you need to re-range if you spot someone further away or closer to you.


  • To range your target, imagine stacking the target on top of each other.  If you can only fit 1 player between the centre of the cross hair and the tip of the thick vertical line coming from the bottom, thats 100m away.  If you can fit 2 players inbetween these reference points, its 200m etc.  It gets harder to estimate the further away you are from the target.  You can also guess the range by ranging against doors on houses in the distance if sniping into cities.  Players are about 3/4 the hight of a door so you can use that to guess distance.  Its not perfect but will be roughly right. 


  • Use the measuring tool on the online Dayz maps to calculate exact distances from known locations.  I use izurvive.com as we use that for squad positions anyway and has the firestations and police stationsclearly marked on the map.  You can also go on low-pop servers and find your favourite sniping spot and take practice shots to work out the distance to, say for example, the hospital building, firestation. police station etc.  Write these ranges down and also do this from a couple of locations as you should always move to another spot after taking a few shots to make sure you dont get hunted by sniper killers.


  • If a Target is 650m away, you will either have to aim a bit higher with 600m range or a bit lower with 700m range.


Here is a video that helped me loads



Edited by Beav
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Oh and one more thing, if you use these tips to snipe me, I will hunt you dont and remove your kidneys (in game I mean) :)

Edited by Beav

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LRS? I'm sure you mean bipod, no?

XD yes i mean bipod ill fix it but they need to remove the LRS as well because it looks like it is taking a shit on the mosin.

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XD yes i mean bipod ill fix it but they need to remove the LRS as well because it looks like it is taking a shit on the mosin.

They should, in all respects. 91/30 Mosin-Nagants lack the necessary furniture to mount such scopes and bipods. If anything, a Mosin should be "Survivors First Rifle", what with its inherent reliablity and inaccuracy, coupled with ALL THE AMMUNITION that should be found. 


I really dislike how the 91/30 is treated like the "go-to sniper rifle". If anything, the CR527 should be the "Sniper Rifle" of the game. The CZ527 (real life counterpart) is known for its accuracy and reliability, which the 91/30....isn't. Plus, the CR527 can easily mount scopes and such.

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holding breath doesn't work since 49 patch. You should know that too.

Holding breath does work. But it only lasts a second or two, and it doesn't negate the sway completely, it only reduces it.

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huh? my crosshair stops moving for a blink of a moment, enough time to aim and shoot aswell...


blink of a moment. Nice that you used this term. But it is far from "enough" to aim and shoot unless you snipe at 300 meters. Try aiming at something at 800 meters and then tell me how this blink of a moment is enough to aim. First your weapon sways in huge circles, then you press hold breath it stops for a blink of a moment somewhere in left corner of the monitor and then you have to move with the mouse your crosshair to your target and as you do that the sway returns again. So stop spouting nonsense about "enough time", or show a video, I wanna learn from such a skillful sniper who can aim in 1/16th of a second.


If target's head is one or two pixels there is no way that the crosshair will stop swaying at that exact pixel after you press "hold breath".

Edited by MaxRain

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1st off holding breath does work, lets just make that clear. Second the bipod the last time I checked is no long able to be attached to the mosin. Its only for the ak101, AKM and the m4 now. Currently its vary hard to find...maybe helo crash sites.


Also I have heard no word on the LRS being removed from the mosin....none. If they are it would be a dumb idea, unless they put another sniper rifle in the game. Were do people get this info from? Jesus.


I don't mean to rude, but there is allot of mis leading info on this thread.


I use the mosin with pu and long rang currently all the time when I play. My fav rifle in the game ATM. It is posible to make really long range shot with it. You need to be prone pref. You need to be really aware of the sway, and use holding breath. You also have to set the range aswell. To say you can't use it for long range currently tells me you are a novice at with the mosin. It takes skill.

Edited by CJFlint
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blink of a moment. Nice that you used this term. But it is far from "enough" to aim and shoot unless you snipe at 300 meters. Try aiming at something at 800 meters and then tell me how this blink of a moment is enough to aim. First your weapon sways in huge circles, then you press hold breath it stops for a blink of a moment somewhere in left corner of the monitor and then you have to move with the mouse your crosshair to your target and as you do that the sway returns again. So stop spouting nonsense about "enough time", or show a video, I wanna learn from such a skillful sniper who can aim in 1/16th of a second.


If target's head is one or two pixels there is no way that the crosshair will stop swaying at that exact pixel after you press "hold breath".

study how your crosshair moves, it does some sort of 8 just horizontal, if proned, energized and hydrated it doesnt move that much... never did an 800m shot but its still possible, just study your scope, hit hold breath in the right moment, it wouldnt take skill if it wasnt hard...

Edited by Axezeroone
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1st off holding breath does work, lets just make that clear. Second the bipod the last time I checked is no long able to be attached to the mosin. Its only for the ak101, AKM and the m4 now. Currently its vary hard to find...maybe helo crash sites.


Also I have heard no word on the LRS being removed from the mosin....none. If they are it would be a dumb idea, unless they put another sniper rifle in the game. Were do people get this info from? Jesus.


Gosh there allot of mis leading info on this thread.


I use the mosin with pu and long rang currently all the time when I play. My fav rifle in the game ATM. It is posible to make really long range shot with it. You need to be prone pref. You need to be really aware of the sway, and use holding breath. You also have to set the range aswell. To say you can't use it for long range currently tells me you are a novice at dayz and with the mosin.

The Mosin 91/30 isn't a sniper rifle. It is a battle rifle over 80 years old, itself based on a design from 120 years ago. And,  in real life, it cannot mount optics without modification. It also is notably inaccurate (or, more correctly, "not that accurate", like all combat rifles of the period).


There is a "sniper rifle" (for the given definition of "rifle used at range") in-game, it just can't mount optics for some ass-backwards reason; the CR527. Fix that, and you will have a "sniper rifle".


I really can't wait for jamming to be implemented

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The Mosin 91/30 isn't a sniper rifle. It is a battle rifle over 80 years old, itself based on a design from 120 years ago. And,  in real life, it cannot mount optics without modification. It also is notably inaccurate (or, more correctly, "not that accurate", like all combat rifles of the period).


There is a "sniper rifle" (for the given definition of "rifle used at range") in-game, it just can't mount optics for some ass-backwards reason; the CR527. Fix that, and you will have a "sniper rifle".


I really can't wait for jamming to be implemented

there is INDEED a sniper version of the mosin 91/30 you can look that up, there are many versions of it actually.

there are Sights adjustable to 2000m aswell...


edit: the rifle is about 140years old. modified and improved over the years

Edited by Axezeroone
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there is INDEED a sniper version of the mosin 91/30 you can look that up, there are many versions of it actually.

Doesn't change the mechanical accuracy of the rifle. We are using the "base" version, AKA the infantry rifle that is known for reliability, ruggedness, and not for pinpoint accuracy.

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Doesn't change the mechanical accuracy of the rifle. We are using the "base" version, AKA the infantry rifle that is known for reliability, ruggedness, and not for pinpoint accuracy.

can you give me the source where it says the very base type of the mosin? are we talking about the very first model? you dont seem to make sense at least to me.

for my feel the version we are using ingame is pretty fn good at both, close and long range.... just keep in mind you fire 7,62x51mm... it doesnt matter what barrel this

bullet leaves but i assure you it flies way further than you would wish that to be real in this game.

Edited by Axezeroone
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The Mosin 91/30 isn't a sniper rifle. It is a battle rifle over 80 years old, itself based on a design from 120 years ago. And,  in real life, it cannot mount optics without modification. It also is notably inaccurate (or, more correctly, "not that accurate", like all combat rifles of the period).


There is a "sniper rifle" (for the given definition of "rifle used at range") in-game, it just can't mount optics for some ass-backwards reason; the CR527. Fix that, and you will have a "sniper rifle".


I really can't wait for jamming to be implemented

You are correct, it is a vary old gun and really would not be the most ideal sniper rifle. I saw one in a shop recently, they really are crusty old rifles lol In the real world its still used in conflicts. In fact afgan rebels are known to use them. But of cource like many things in dayz, its sort of a warped version of reality. I sometimes take realism with a grain of salt in day z otherwise I would drive my self nuts. I'm finding more and more its not as realistic as I once thought.


As far as the CR527 goes, they are working on a hunting scope for it. Also there is the SVD, they mentioned maybe added down the road. I hope to see the same paint job and the burlap rap as there is for the mosin.....The SVD will be my new fav gun...


For now the mosin is the long range sniper rifle in the game. Thats what we have thats it. So I think it should remain with the LRS til atleast til theres a long range replacement. Or adding a rail system to mount the scope on would also make it more realistic.

Edited by CJFlint

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Eh.. again.. people claiming that bugs are feature and developers really intended to make "holding breath" only a blink of a moment.... When these newbies will learn? I guess zombies going through walls, hackers, being able to glitch into ATC building after 10 months is also how it is supposed to be in a game too.

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This thread has become derailed.


The OP was asking for sniper help - not some arguement about if a mosin is a sniper rifle at all.

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The cz527 fires the m43 round, it's not a long distance round. At all. some mn 91/30s are accurate, due to chance, claimed to be snipers. Finnish ones are more accurate.



Closest to a sniper rifle in the game is the blaze.

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"hold breath" works, but the effect is not as fanatic as it used to be.

Personally, i think the way it is now is near perfect. It actuality makes it a bit difficult to hit targets at over 400m. I guess it's be nice if the crosshair stopped DEAD, but only for a literal second or so. Without the bipod, that is.

Sniping at vast distances should not яs easy as it was before .49.

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