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Smashing A Hacker

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The proper title of the video should be "Making friends with a hacker". Seriously people, stop socialising with these people. Your attention and awe at their "hacker" leetness only feeds them and encourages them.

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only ran into one in my dayz life and I gave him the finger and yelled obscenities at him and died laughing in his face. I don't want to talk to a haxxor or know a haxxor and if I meet one in game I wish cancer upon them and die with a smile and hit respawn.

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The proper title of the video should be "Making friends with a hacker". Seriously people, stop socialising with these people. Your attention and awe at their "hacker" leetness only feeds them and encourages them.

as you saw at the start if i didnt have gun glitch i would have shot him in the face there and then!

and in no way did i make friends with him


anyway thanks for watching

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should've closed your eyes and stuck your fingers in your ears and hoped he just went away. 

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Encountered a few in the mod, but only one in the SA. Full server, a group of 5 (Clan) of us near Rify, only two of or teammates died to him before we finally spot him. Didn't hear much as he had an infinite ammo sporter and was teleporting around. Some of our mates began to panic and wanted to leave the server, but our "leader" was pissed and started shooting at whatever direction he heard sporter shots or thought he seen the hacker.


After a few M4 coupled mags shot in the surrounding woods, nothing. Calm. Silence. I began to trace back towards our leader and another member still alive, and what do you know, a dead fresh spawn with a sporter lying dead in the woods. We took the sporter and shot some fireworks at the sea (somehow his infinite ammo sporter shot tracers too...)  while making a ceremony to dispose of it, properly, in the ocean. Making sure at least this cheater menace had died for the moment.


They are truly a plague in any online game.

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