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Hi, im writing today on behalf of the Brigade of Misfits =BOM= we have a server, which is constantly full. Its at the stage where we cant even get our own members online in order to play. Which financially speaking does not make sense.


We would like to impliment a rule on our server, where we can free up up to 5 slots (kicking players- which i know we shouldnt really do) In order to make room for our members.


We would advertise upon entry to the server, that we would be doing this. And a player's chosen would be simply whoever has been on for the least amount of time (since last server restart)


Not only this, but in the interest of not messing up this players game by kicking him when he was in a bad location. We would give the player a fair warning, allowing him plenty of time to get somewhere secure.


I feel as we are paying for the server we should be able to access it, but at the same time i appreciate its a game for the public.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.


P.S if you have any news regarding upcoming server admin changes, such as slot reservation. Please advise accordingly.




(We WILL NOT impliment this without getting the 'go ahead')

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Don't think you're allowed to do this, at least not with public servers.


Fish up a copy of both (current) rules

Public - http://dayz.com/files/pdf/Server_Hosting_Rules_Public.pdf

Shard - http://dayz.com/files/pdf/Server_Hosting_Rules_Private.pdf

did a quick read and you can do it with a private shard.

Though if you go to a private shard you probably won't have the problem of your server being full, unless people really like your server as I'm pretty sure Shards are on their own like Private Hives in the Mod.

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It states, without just cause. Now what exactly is is "just cause", surely just cause is allowing the people who pay for the server, to actually play it. And we would do it as fairly as possible. BTW, im not arguing with you, just its a very hard choice. Because, its at the stage where its like should we just shut the server down. As were paying for something we cant use.


Damn, its a tough one this. :P


But thanks for your help.

Edited by gripton

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For Public servers you can only kick abusive players/cheaters.  There's no such stipulation for Shards.  You may want to consider shutting down your server or switching over to a shard instead, keep in mind you'll be off of the main hive if you do that.  Though shards do show potential, as from the sounds of it you'll be able to link different shards together to 'share' a hive.  So you could say have 3 shards on the same hive.

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On the public hive you are not allowed to kick players to make room for your buddies.


However, if this is what you want - go ahead and get yourself a private server as soon as they are available (which is going to be pretty soon).

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  On 10/19/2014 at 2:22 AM, BigMike said:

Don't think you're allowed to do this, at least not with public servers.


Fish up a copy of both (current) rules

Public - http://dayz.com/files/pdf/Server_Hosting_Rules_Public.pdf

Shard - http://dayz.com/files/pdf/Server_Hosting_Rules_Private.pdf

did a quick read and you can do it with a private shard.

Though if you go to a private shard you probably won't have the problem of your server being full, unless people really like your server as I'm pretty sure Shards are on their own like Private Hives in the Mod.



  On 10/19/2014 at 2:36 AM, BigMike said:

For Public servers you can only kick abusive players/cheaters.  There's no such stipulation for Shards.  You may want to consider shutting down your server or switching over to a shard instead, keep in mind you'll be off of the main hive if you do that.  Though shards do show potential, as from the sounds of it you'll be able to link different shards together to 'share' a hive.  So you could say have 3 shards on the same hive.


Could not have said it any better myself :beans: .

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This is an interesting Topic.


Would it be okay to restart the server then? With the whole clan (or the people wanting to play) "standing by" and entering the server as soon as it's up? It's not against the rules to restart the server and a 5-Minutes warning would be more than people are used to :)

There are TONS of people just playing solo that will switch servers as soon as they restart.

On the other hand, if it's the matter of a full server with one or two people ready to join, I've personally never experienced waiting periods for longer than a few minutes... 

Edited by TheMightyLC

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A really good question and rather important topic overall.


Sadly I do believe this to be a against the rules. Trouble here is even though your pay for the server you don't actually own it. It's the same with banning or kicking confirmed hackers/scripters.

Admins flatout lack the necessary tools to prevent/police their own servers. Private shards are the only answer at this point. Problem with that is, a clan servers like yours (I dig it btw, good job) and mine thrive on clan members and non clan members alike. Its gotta be connected to a hive. I mean what's the point of having a clan if not to go against other players or better yet other clans.

It actually gives me an idea. Would it be possible for clans to share child shards with other clans? I assume as long as the parent is locked down the others can come and go, but would a server provider make this easy or difficult? I think my clanmates would jump on the opportunity if clans handled their own accounts/payments, but again I dunno if a provider would support that.

Might have to have a chat with you =BOM= folks because that could be rather awesome.

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  On 10/26/2014 at 7:03 AM, HugoStiglitz said:

Would it be possible for clans to share child shards with other clans?

From my under standing of Shards, this seams to be the plan.  As in 3 (or more) shards would be on the same hive.  So say you could have a whitelist PVE Shard, a public PVP shard, and say a 'private' PVP shard for clan battles and such and able to go between the 3 at will.

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  On 10/19/2014 at 1:44 AM, =BOM=Gripton said:


(We WILL NOT impliment this without getting the 'go ahead')

Only question i would have is: from whom you waiting for getting the 'go ahead'?

Do not want to be rude and appreciate your open thread here but as a Server Admin you should know what is allowed and what is not.

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I'm in the process of moving our servers over to private hives, from what I can see there is the ability to create reserved slots. Just getting up to speed with things now so haven't tried it out but thought I'd let you know.

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  On 10/26/2014 at 1:52 PM, theirongiant74 said:

I'm in the process of moving our servers over to private hives, from what I can see there is the ability to create reserved slots. Just getting up to speed with things now so haven't tried it out but thought I'd let you know.

There is the whitelist but reserved slots should not be possible - i could be wrong and there is a ability for reserved slots in BEC - would be much appreciated when you could share further details ;)

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I'm just reading through the comments in the config.cfg file, here's a c&p




# Set the amount of Normal players who can connect. Set it to -1 to disable it. 

# If set to 0 it means only players who are listed in the Admins.xml, (or whatever you call it) will be able to connect to the server.
# Quick Example 1: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins. then set SlotLimit to 45.
# Quick Example 2: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins and 5 slots for friends. then set SlotLimit to 40,
# AND edit your admins.xml. ADD in all your frineds guid and remaining data, put them in group example 100. or whatever you feel likt.
# by using this method you can give some of your friends some access to some commands if you like or none. 
# in general this is works like .Whitelisting X player slots for admins and friends, while leaving the remaining Y slots for public.
SlotLimit = -1
# Set the message people will get when they try to connect and is not whitelisted. Text must be in ascii letters.
SlotLimitKickMsg = The Server has reached its player limit.




Acceptable Usage of DayZ Servers (Also known as the “Do” list)

 You may change the following variables on your server 
o Player count (between 30 and 40)
o Server name (Within certain limitations, which are called out below)
o Camera mode (between 1PP and 1PP/3PP)
o Server time at restart
o Server MOTD (Message of the Day)
o Server Password
o Server Whitelist (Using BEC)
 You may perform the following actions on your server
o Restart server
o Kick players
o Ban players
o Lock/Unlock Server
o View BEC Logs
o Turn the server off
Unacceptable usage of DayZ Servers (Also known as the “Don’t” list)
 You may not change the following variables on your server 
o Player count beyond 40, and below 30.
o Message of the day to include slander, racism, sexism, or any general hate speak.
o Signature Verification (Must always be enabled)
o Server name must not contain any terms or phrases of the themes below
 Server is “not operating properly”
 Hatespeak / Defamation of any person, place, or company
 Impersonating official DayZ servers (Stable OR Experimental)
 Impersonate DayZ Development / Bohemia Interactive
 You may not perform the following actions on your server
o Access RPT Logs (At this time)
o Access/Modify Gameserver data (At this time)
o Install any 3rd party tools, modifications, or applications (aside from BEC – At this time)


I don't see anything referencing reserved slots for what it's worth

Edited by theirongiant74

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  On 10/26/2014 at 2:05 PM, theirongiant74 said:

I'm just reading through the comments in the config.cfg file, here's a c&p




I don't see anything referencing reserved slots for what it's worth

That is indeed interesting - wich Provider is this MultiplayGameServer?

Fragnet does not allow this right now - could you post your whole config.cfg file?

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  On 10/26/2014 at 2:44 PM, theirongiant74 said:

It's just the standard BEC config file, you can download it from here:  http://www.ibattle.org/downloads/

Well then i do not know how you could enable this on a official DayZ Server. Or are you just speculating?

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  On 10/26/2014 at 3:17 PM, theirongiant74 said:

I'm speculating in as far as I haven't tried it, but the option to do it does appear to be available in the bec config.


The multiplay page list slot management on their page as well: http://www.multiplaygameservers.com/game-servers/bec/

That - am afraid - got nothing to do with the config files the Providers are able to open up for the customer.


EDIT: about MPG - they also listed "can openers" in the previous DayZ feature list - they like to catch customers ;)


EDIT: WOW they even have left the "Can openers" inside 0o

Edited by VanValdenburg

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If its a private shard feel free to kick people, if its a public I think your stuck till they add (if they do it) reserved slots.

Edited by Chauz

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  On 10/27/2014 at 5:56 PM, Chauz said:

If its a private shard feel free to kick people, if its a public I think your stuck till they add (if they do it) reserved slots.

Corrected that for you ;P

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  On 10/28/2014 at 12:50 PM, VanValdenburg said:

Corrected that for you ;P

Think you could check some of my previous posts for mistakes??? :P

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  On 10/28/2014 at 1:00 PM, jessebilyk said:

Think you could check some of my previous posts for mistakes??? :P

Only the last post that counts ;P

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  On 10/28/2014 at 12:50 PM, VanValdenburg said:

Corrected that for you ;P


Haha ty, did edit it now myself aswell. Dindt even notice.

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  On 10/26/2014 at 3:20 PM, VanValdenburg said:

That - am afraid - got nothing to do with the config files the Providers are able to open up for the customer.


EDIT: about MPG - they also listed "can openers" in the previous DayZ feature list - they like to catch customers ;)


EDIT: WOW they even have left the "Can openers" inside 0o


I have the ability to edit all the BEC files for my server. Don't see why it wouldn't work, it's just a slightly extended version of what whitelisting does. Been a bit busy with getting things set up and with the patch today it's probably not the best time for testing but once things settle down I'll give it a try and report back.

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  On 10/29/2014 at 1:21 PM, theirongiant74 said:

I have the ability to edit all the BEC files for my server. Don't see why it wouldn't work, it's just a slightly extended version of what whitelisting does. Been a bit busy with getting things set up and with the patch today it's probably not the best time for testing but once things settle down I'll give it a try and report back.

You should not be able to create own commands for example. 

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