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What's your personal alignment?

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According to Dungeons and Dragons, each player has an alignment.


What's yours?

I consider myself Lawful Neutral:

"Lawful Neutral is called the "Judge" or "Disciplined" alignment. A Lawful Neutral character typically believes strongly in Lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules and tradition, and often follows a personal code. A Lawful Neutral society would typically enforce strict laws to maintain social order, and place a high value on traditions and historical precedent. Examples of Lawful Neutral characters might include a soldier who always follows orders, a judge or enforcer that adheres mercilessly to the word of the law, and a disciplined monk."

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Chaotic Neutral, depending on the situation I'm just as likely to shoot you as to help you.

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Heh Im glad people are chiming in! DnD usually has a real stigma attached to it. I think the alignment chart is exceptionally relevant to this game..

I'd like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but dont go waving guns around me. I get jumpy..

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Chaotic Good

Chaotic Good is known as the "Beatific," "Rebel," or "Cynic" alignment. A Chaotic Good character favors change for a greater good, disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way of social improvement, and places a high value on personal freedom, not only for oneself, but for others as well. They always intend to do the right thing, but their methods are generally disorganized and often out of alignment with the rest of society. They may create conflict in a team if they feel they are being pushed around, and often view extensive organization and planning as pointless, preferring to improvise.

That's me!

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I'd have to say Chaotic good, but with a strong tendency towards neutral. If I recall correctly, I think that only unthinking creatures can be true chaotic neutrals.

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Chaotic Neutral im as likely to shoot you as to help you depends what mood im in.

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I'm not quite sure, I know I'm friendly and I will kill/grief those who find it fun killing everyone they see.

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Chaotic Good

If I shoot a bandit, I only hope that they fall unconscious first before they die. That way I can come up to their body, put my nuts in their face, take out my axe, and chop em to pieces.

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Chaotic Neutral.

Depending on how I meet you, I may help you or shoot you. For example, if we are a fair distance apart, you will die. But if I direct com you from behind with a gun an inch from your head, I may be inclined to help considering I have the advantage.

Also if you are unarmed, I will give you a hatchet if I have one.

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I posted a similar thread asking people this question. I am personally Lawful Good but here are some intresting statistics I found when people answered my thread.

"So far this is what the gaming population looks like this

33% evil about half (19% are lawful and chaotic evil)

19% good( important to note that no goods have been chosen above neutral good)

42% various forms of neutral excluding the goods/ evils

75% of players identify themselves as some sort of neutral all kinds

From what this very small group tells me about 42% are true survivors, 33% of guys are the wolves eating the sheep, and 19% of the guys will help people for no reason but 0% will hunt bandits. From what this tells me nobody wants to fight evil they just don't want to cause it. So just like in reality a true appocolypse is a bandit's paradise... this reflects pretty poorly on humanity however... thoughts?" (Robert-_-Frost) here is a link to my topic if you want to see what people had to say for it there... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/69157-what-is-your-characters-dd-alignment/page__hl__+what%20+is%20+your%20+character%27s%20+d__st__20

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True Neutral. Not good and not bad ether. You're ether in my way or you're not. If you're not in my way, I'm not going to waste ammo on you.

Edited by PoisonedAl

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In .7.4 I was chaotic neutral. Now I'm closer to a chaotic good. If I see a hero/survivor skin on you, you'll get a free pass, maybe even some supplies. I'm still lookin out for No. 1 though.

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