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Hello DayZ Community and Staff.

My problem is that i got Banned by BattleEye.


So i bought DayZ 2/3 Days ago and i loved playing it. Wonderfull game and Graphics. Do not think i was cheating on DayZ i never wanted to.

So i had Cheat engine running for Minecraft.exe while i was playing DayZ with my friends. But i had high ping at that moment and i kept disconnecting from the game.

After that i could re join it said. You are Globaly Banned and there stood some numbers like #4564 (That was not my number). Then i was like freaking out why i got banned.

After i while i tried to rejoin and i was in and then got banned again and i could never rejoin again because im globaly banned.



I really like the game and just like playing it with my friends. If i can't get helped here can you give me the Link where they can help me.



-Thanks GetShrektM8

Edited by GetShrektM8

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Simple, and easy way: Get a new copy of the game ^^ (buy it on another steam account)

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Simple, and easy way: Get a new copy of the game ^^ (buy it on another steam account)

Yes that is a way to, but i bought the game 3 Days ago and got banned. Then i wasted $24?

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You'll have to contact battle eye directly, no one on this forum can help you with this issue

Can you give me the link to contact them? I Looked around and didnt saw it.

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Yes that is a way to, but i bought the game 3 Days ago and got banned. Then i wasted $24?

Yea that is true. but its very easy to waste $24 on anything really,,, but hey its your money ^^


I am sure a quick google search would find other who have similar problems and might have found a solution. good luck mate! hope to see you in game soon.. through the scope ^^ jk

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I'd love to be able to see the face of the tech support rep when he/she hears, "So I was running a cheat engine in another game when Battle-Eye detected it and issued me a global ban..."

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Have you ever tought about adding more color to your posts? You could also write all words upper-case to get more attention.

But seriously: Play legit or stay away. Contacting battleeye won't help here cause you used a cheat engine while running dayz. So your ban is perfectly justified.

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You'll have to contact battle eye directly, no one on this forum can help you with this issue


Quick search of 'banned' in this forum will lead to a multitude of threads each telling you who to get in touch with.



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