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Will DayZ reach Beta or at least have the most wanted features in by the end of this year / beginning of next year.

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This is not server hopping - it's playing on different servers, and it's entirely different.

If you need to play on 6 servers in order to find a part for the XY vehicle...well, it's fine. If you loot the Pavlovo military base in server #1, then log off and join server #2 and loot the base again, then log off and join server #3 and loot the base again and so on...that's server hopping. And that's what a timer could prevent.

If you have to hop from server to server to find a part, that is still hopping.  No matter how you slice it, Mr. Hall is promoting server hopping.  Looting a military base, city, small town, it doesn't matter, the second you switch servers because you didn't find what you are looking for is hopping.

Edited by Caboose187

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Yeh, but they arent CEO's or a publisher company, pushing development.

If you havent noticed, Bohemia listens very little to people who complain about lack of updates hehe.

...and they DO listen to people who have genuinely good ideas and take the time to explain them thoroughly. They've done a great job of that.

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If you have to hop from server to server to find a part, that is still hopping.  No matter how you slice it, Mr. Hall is promoting server hopping.  Looting a military base, city, small town, it doesn't matter, the second you switch servers because you didn't find what you are looking for is hopping.



Switching servers for any reason really is server hopping to some degree.  Some reasons more acceptable then others.


Timers won't prevent hopping, nothing really will outside of 1 char per server.  Even then it will still happen.


The key isn't to stop hopping directly... its to make it less desirable to do so.


Some ideas


  • Respawning loot (already have), I would think in 2-4 hours loot should respawn.  Long enough to deter camping but short enough to do a long looping loot run (say that 5 times fast).
  • Loot spawn rates/types adjusted for population.  Prevent empty server looters by making loot almost worthless on empty servers. (or PvE based loot).
  • Home servers... Maybe have a home server system where you can have 1 home server and certain type of loot can only be picked up on home servers.

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...and they DO listen to people who have genuinely good ideas and take the time to explain them thoroughly. They've done a great job of that.


If you had read the last of my post, i said exactly that mate :)

Im just pointing out that complaining about lack of content, is something they dont really care about.

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I came here to dayz forums firstly posting this discussion http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/200242-q3-starts-on-july-q2-development-balance/#entry2014657 As you can see, we had some nice opinions, but some of them were simply to attack my thread. Well, Q3 ended yesterday and I want to read your thoughts about Q3 developement in a serious way.


Based in the roadmap again (the only on we can get a basis right now), I guess the balance it's not fine again.


-One of the features I had a great expectation was multithreading, the possibility to get more players and zombies per server, most of you knows the nice experiences we can get in experimental 100 player servers, I was aiming for that but well, it's not done, moving on.

-We can see that advanced animals are not implemented yet, we got leaked models ATM of hostile animals but not companion ones.

-Zombie behavior, I didn't see any noticeable change since Q2 and definitely stealth is not here

-Central loot economy, implemented in it's first stage, with some bugs and glitches.

-Barricading, mentioned but not implemented yet.

-Vehicles, same as barricading, but personally the lack of them doesn't make me feel sick.

-Modding support, since the end of Q2 I never expected this to be finished, I think the core engine needs more than they have right now, even if they could reach the goals of the roadmap entirely.

-Player statistics, I think this don't provide something gamebreaking so it doesn't matter if is implemented in game or not (personal opinion, you know)

-Horticulture, something expected in 0.49 but has never come, we can see leaked models atm.


So, just like Q2, 1 feature accomplished for Q3 (central loot). I always thought that Q2 features might delay Q3 features, and that's what just happened, a lot of resources and energy to make persistence work, and weather effects tweaks, in fact in most of cases they were the most discussed issues in status reports.

On the other hand, the status reports, nice way to keep people updated.

As you can see I am based on current roadmap, we can see that things like enfusion engine are not mentioned and maybe other unknown features being worked on, but with the info I had, can say that they are still far from their goal to reach beta, even they still aiming fot it.

Do you think they will bring beta to us at the end of the year?


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I could see beta being delayed for a month or two. I don't see barricading or corrected zombie behavior happening any time soon. 

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Something to remember is that when they started they had no idea on a budget, a rough idea yes, maybe they planned for 500,000 sales in a best case. When it took off the way it did they suddenly have the funds to do much more. That naturally pushes everything back as they are allocated, then the logistics of it need sorting out.


We have had more than one feature this quarter I think though...


Navmesh...that was this quarter right?

Temperature system

Was the wet system this quarter aswell?


Basically when they changed everything at the beginning with the new (maybe unexpected) funds it put a certain delay on everything as a whole. imo that roadmap is a bit obsolete, and anything mentioned on it should be pushed a quarter back to whats written on the list :) 

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No plan ever survives contact with the enemy. We are a formidable enemy.

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Something to remember is that when they started they had no idea on a budget, a rough idea yes, maybe they planned for 500,000 sales in a best case. When it took off the way it did they suddenly have the funds to do much more. That naturally pushes everything back as they are allocated, then the logistics of it need sorting out.


We have had more than one feature this quarter I think though...


Navmesh...that was this quarter right?

Temperature system

Was the wet system this quarter aswell?


Basically when they changed everything at the beginning with the new (maybe unexpected) funds it put a certain delay on everything as a whole. imo that roadmap is a bit obsolete, and anything mentioned on it should be pushed a quarter back to whats written on the list :)

mmm I guess before Dean made his conference showing the roadmap at rezzed, dayz sold 2million copies, or almost 2million

Navmesh it was a feature of Q2, advanced weather effects as well.

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Simple answer? No.

Do I mind the beta delay? No.

Development is progressing. Gameplay is permanently changing.

I still have fun playing DayZ.

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mmm I guess before Dean made his conference showing the roadmap at rezzed, dayz sold 2million copies, or almost 2million

Navmesh it was a feature of Q2, advanced weather effects as well.


That's true, I was thinking the original roadmap. That rezzed one maybe shoulda factored in the extra cash. The original plan was a year alpha, a year beta, now im reading "3 year dev cycle" a lot. Maybe they rearranged things to give more time on core features.


Im hungry for new features, especially when I can have some of the features (like vehicles) in the mod already. But I don't want a quickly remade mod system. I want a from the ground up, vastly refined version. Like the temp system we have now, compare that to the mods system and its like a horse drawn cart vs a combustion engine :) 

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I'm anxious for a beta but if it didn't come out for a year I wouldn't really care. Think about how great it is to actually be taking part in the development of this game in such early stages. The scope of what you can do in this game is insanely broad and every time there is a small improvement it makes a huge difference in the gameplay and it keeps it interesting for all who are taking part. I don't see a problem in taking those roadmaps and not worrying about them any more. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

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