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M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:51 PM, Briljin said:

Edit - You had way better luck than me.  It took me over 15 crash sites to find an M4.  I had tons of ammo and pristine parts for it by the time I finally found one.

Its took me at least 46 :( this is why I want them back

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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:54 PM, WuBzAtYoUrDoOrStEpZ said:




I'm in the fucking R.A.F


Oh really? Then show a bit of respect for your force and dont look like a total dunce.

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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:54 PM, WuBzAtYoUrDoOrStEpZ said:




I'm in the fucking R.A.F


england still has an air force?

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I think eventually it maybe should be a rare barracks spawn, but for now, I'm fine with it being a helicopter only spawn for the purposes of testing out helicopter spawns.


But, just as a general rule, I don't consider any assault rifle to be worthy of being all that high-end. Said it in the past, but they're inherently middle-of-the-road intermediate jack-of-all-trades weapons. They are mid-range by definition.


Don't care if it's "western" or not, if it isn't any better than an AK-101 or AKM, then you won't see me crawling across the map (i.e. player mobility, which is a major emphasis of a loot hierarchy in DayZ) just to get a weapon that's merely on par with everything else. Rare weapons have to be better in some way, in my opinion, than their uncommon/common counterparts. The M4A1 really isn't in my opinion, currently. The AK pattern weapons are nearly as modular, to the point of rendering the M4A1's modularity irrelevant. Assault rifles cannot be this way, if some are spawning in military bases whilst others are regulated and/or dynamically spawning at helicopters.


The M4A1 isn't really all that "western" anyhow, considering (the case that I've made a thousand times now) how many post-Soviet countries use, purchase, and produce AR-15 platform weapons now.


What I categorically resent, though, is the poisoning of the M4A1 with the notion of it being only a hacker's weapon. Which is silly, and people who dismiss it as such are pretty much the most illogical human beings on the face of the earth.

Edited by Katana67
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  On 9/8/2014 at 9:09 PM, LootandLive said:

Oh really? Then show a bit of respect for your force and dont look like a total dunce.

I do there are a lot of military bronys out there

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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:54 PM, WuBzAtYoUrDoOrStEpZ said:




I'm in the fucking R.A.F


When reading R.A.F, I always think about the "Rote Armee Fraktion", which has been a terroristic group in the seventies. I also think that the M4A1 should not spawn so often and as far as I know, blue helmets carry the weapons which are provided by their own country. 

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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:54 PM, WuBzAtYoUrDoOrStEpZ said:




I'm in the fucking R.A.F



That's what he said:


sheltered, with no firearms experience, and no serious military knowledge


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I for one cannot understand the M4 obsession...could somebody explain this extremely plain platform and caliber to me?

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  On 9/8/2014 at 5:18 PM, gibonez said:

No the m4a1 should remain a helicopter spawn.


The m4 is the defacto special forces weapon in the world no other weapon system is anywhere near as versatile and modular as it.


All things considered the m4 should be the one of the premier weapon systems in the game due to how versatile it is and how it can not only adapt but rule over any role.


When the damage values get adjusted and every single weapon gets a damage boost the m4 will be that versatile, until that moment, any 7.62x51/54 battle rifle will be more versatile in DayZ (like M14 if they ever get added into the game). I hope there is a point where I don't need to score +5 hits to a survivor's chest without killing them, even with a .22

Edited by DerrocK

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  On 9/8/2014 at 8:55 PM, WuBzAtYoUrDoOrStEpZ said:

Its took me at least 46 :( this is why I want them back

You are in the R.A.F. and you use a My Little Pony avatar? If a U.S. Air Force member had a My Little Pony avatar he wouldn't stop hearing shit from the guys about it for life. I don't get the my little pony thing that is going on with people these days. What is that all about?

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  On 9/8/2014 at 4:30 PM, WuBzAtYoUrDoOrStEpZ said:

Ok now M4A1 is very hard to find because it can only be found in heli crash site's but I think you should be able to find it in General Military because the UN use's the M4A1 and what we have seen the UN was in Chernarus so they would have M4A1's  so if a Dev is seeing this please ad it back I loved the M4A1


Get an AK .. M4A is a potato-gun for pre-teen girls and boys and sad tacticool fetishists

AKM => adult gun

find  em all over the mil places, use the iron sights, play with the big people














xx pilgrim

Edited by pilgrim
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  On 9/9/2014 at 11:08 AM, alphadogmeat said:

That's what he said:

Damn son, on point!

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  On 9/9/2014 at 2:54 PM, hothtimeblues said:

You are in the R.A.F. and you use a My Little Pony avatar? If a U.S. Air Force member had a My Little Pony avatar he wouldn't stop hearing shit from the guys about it for life.

Oh man, you dont know the fucking half of it. Then again, Ive yet to meet anyone in the US Armed Forces that has an attachment to that show.

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  On 9/9/2014 at 10:41 AM, WuBzAtYoUrDoOrStEpZ said:

I do there are a lot of military bronys out there

I meant learn about world armaments. For instance, you never know when It could be important to know that there is about 1 gun for every american in the US. Or that for about 20 bucks USD you can get an AK at certain spots in rural Africa. Or that not every country has M4a1s "because".

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  On 9/9/2014 at 2:54 PM, hothtimeblues said:

You are in the R.A.F. and you use a My Little Pony avatar? If a U.S. Air Force member had a My Little Pony avatar he wouldn't stop hearing shit from the guys about it for life. I don't get the my little pony thing that is going on with people these days. What is that all about?


Well I once knew a Californian Hells Angel who had a Betty Boop tattoo, but it wasn't something you'd want to make a comment about




Edited by pilgrim
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Im interested to see how common the M4's are going to be after the wipe.



& my dad has a Betty Boop tattoo, right under his well earned "Born to Raise Hell" Tattoo he got in Saigon. Gotta say they gave some damn fine ink back then. Take some1 out of the jungle for some down time & all sorts of fun happens.

Edited by Silence4all
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  On 9/9/2014 at 11:18 AM, Trizzo said:

I for one cannot understand the M4 obsession...could somebody explain this extremely plain platform and caliber to me?


IRL, the M4 is a very versatile weapon platform. You can attach literally anything you want onto it, including barrels in different caliber sizes (.50 Beowulf comes to mind) with only a few minutes of work and little more than a screwdriver. Also, unlike DayZ, the M4 is pretty accurate, so long as it is properly maintained. Finally, 5.56mm is FAR lighter than 7.62mm, allowing a soldier to carry far more ammunition, and therefore be less dependent on base supply, than an AK-platform armed soldier.


IRL, the M4 is:

  • Reliable, so long as maintenance is regularly done (this is the same for every firearm, including the much-lauded AK. I guarantee if you don't clean your AK, it will jam)
  • Accurate, more so than the AK, which was designed for mass-automatic fire.
  • Modular, capable of being equipped for urban breach-and-clear one day, then for long range Designated Marksman fire the next. Switch out the barrels, switch out the optics, add a bipod, and you are set.
  • Lightweight. IRL, heavy things are bad. Day Z doesn't have a weight system, so you can't tell the difference between the M4's 7.5lbs loaded and the AKM's 9.something pounds
  • "Better" ammunition. 5.56x45mm NATO is half the weight of 7.62x51mm NATO (I am assuming 7.62x39mmR is at least closer to 7.62mmNATO than 5.56mmNATO), with reduced recoil,reduced muzzle flash, better plate penetration, flatter bullet trajectory, etc.


IRL, the M4 platform is the objectively "better" rifle, with many countries around the world either using it straight, or one of their own derivatives. Note, this includes many former Warsaw Pact countries.

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  On 9/9/2014 at 3:12 PM, pilgrim said:

Get an AK .. M4A is a potato-gun for pre-teen girls and boys and sad tacticool fetishists

AKM => adult gun

find em all over the mil places, use the iron sights, play with the big people





LOL, oh my god that is too funny. Can I buy that skin for the gun on Counter Strike? But seriously, I guess I'm too old to understand but where did this unicorn/my little pony thing get cool with guys?

xx pilgrim

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Actually, after seeing that special Lady Valor about the kick ass Seal that became a cross dresser, I have mad respect for the guy and take back my comment about My Little Pony avatars for men. I am actually a very progressive person and have no problem with peoples personal choices.

I just want to know where did the unicorn/my little pony characters get popular? Like is it a new cartoon that boys and girls grow up on? I'm 37 years old so I'm too old to know about all the cool stuff I guess.

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  On 9/9/2014 at 3:12 PM, pilgrim said:

Get an AK .. M4A is a potato-gun for pre-teen girls and boys and sad tacticool fetishists

AKM => adult gun

find  em all over the mil places, use the iron sights, play with the big people














xx pilgrim


lol nice try ridiculisng the M4 with that photo, that sight alone makes the M4 better though.

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Before the post gets buried maybe some people will see it.


Remember how the only way to get an AS50 in the mod was a helicopter crash site? And even then it was pretty rare to see one at a site?

When they first came out with the mod you'd never see one. Ever. It was a myth. But there's always some being added to the pool. As time goes on, more people are picking them up and when someone dies, their killer (unless they already had an AS50) took it and kept it in the weapon pool. After a while, you'd have one on every server.

It'll get the same way with the M4 and whatever else is a helicopter crash site weapon over time.

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  On 9/9/2014 at 6:01 PM, Heav said:

Before the post gets buried maybe some people will see it.


Remember how the only way to get an AS50 in the mod was a helicopter crash site? And even then it was pretty rare to see one at a site?

When they first came out with the mod you'd never see one. Ever. It was a myth. But there's always some being added to the pool. As time goes on, more people are picking them up and when someone dies, their killer (unless they already had an AS50) took it and kept it in the weapon pool. After a while, you'd have one on every server.

It'll get the same way with the M4 and whatever else is a helicopter crash site weapon over time.

Not necessarily, simply because the M4A1 isn't so advantageous over the AKM and AK101 that people pick it up. The AS50 was a "god-tier" sniper rifle in the mod and was long sought after, but the M4A1, while good, isn't super special. You'd be better off in most instances trying to get and upgrade an AKM.


It's really more of the Mod's FN FAL in that respect. The FAL was a good weapon, but you rarely ever saw it because it only spawned at crashsites (Along with the mags) and it was one of the rarest guns there. It was good, but the DMR/M14 Aim were much more common and ammunition was everywhere. Not that the FAL was at all a bad weapon, it's just that other, more common variations existed.


I'd like to think that the M4A1 is only at crashsites now so they can test them out without loot centralization, because right now M4s and FNX-45s are some of the best weapons, but they'll be fairly quickly replaced by battle rifles, sniper rifles, and other heavier platforms.

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Many people I killed used a M4A1 with all the shit like a green Buttstock or useless Silencer.

Personally I am using the AK101 everytime because of the epic shooting sound and the PSO-1 scrope for range which is better than ACOG.

Edited by Jack the Ripper

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  On 9/8/2014 at 5:26 PM, WuBzAtYoUrDoOrStEpZ said:




Czech Republic Army and Special forces use the M4A1



But this isn't the Czech Republic. I could explain the rather obvious differences, but I doubt you'd get the point.

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  On 9/8/2014 at 5:01 PM, Khanarac said:

Aren't the bluehelmets unarmed? Also its hard to find because every hacker on the server uses his magnetic loot tool to instantly loot crashsites right after restart.


They are armed with anything and everything a standard military force carries from their country of origin ( very few European or US units are used for UN sanctioned missions these days) ....they just can't use it until its absolute self defence, even then it has to go up through the UN chain of command and all the way back down again.


So glad I never had to wear that stupid blue helmet.......

Edited by Legio23

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