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Reason why People See so Many Hackers.

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Our group had not seen a hacker for about 100 hours of game play, and , for 4 consecutive days, we logged into a full population, 40/40 regular server around svet/bereazino, and during each day we came across 1 hacker, so here is my advise to you guys as of now:


If you're scared of losing your nice gear on regular, or rather, "third person", yet want to fight, go on a full, 30/30 server if playing on regular, for hardcore you do not have to be as scared because hackers do not play on hardcore as much from our experience, even in bereazino and svet. 


Just wanted to make it clear for anyone who does not want to lose their gear,


-Not important ,but defending myself from sounding like one of those squeakers who thinks them dieing means they got killed by a hacker


(I never usually call anyone a hacker, and not really tempted to join the finger at anyone saying they are a hacker, its just in those days we had teleporting, explosion spamming hackers,hackers that killed our whole group within seconds of each other from 500 meters apart with the same symptoms (broken leg then head shot, all 5 guys said they died the same way) 

Edited by over9000nukez

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I can confirm this, Playing hardcore reduces the chance of encountering hackers.


Never seen one or suspected one for it (on hardcore atleast).

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I have over 200 hours still havent seen one. Played on empty and full servers 3rd person. Maybe because i keep away from airfields and hot spots. Lets face it, they enquire hacks to kill players easier, so the chances they will be in the wilderness or lesser populated servers are smaller.

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it was way harder about 2 weeks ago, there was a hacker on nearly every 40 Pop server. i ve met them every day. at the moment i meet 1 hacker per week. and im only playing on high pop in berezino.

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I must confess to have never come across a hacker since SA came out.  I do play 1st only so that, and good luck, may have something to do with it.


I'll probably come across a hacker now tonight, won't i?

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Losing my gear doesn't concern me, it's just super annoying to fight/deal with them.

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I don't know what defines a hacker I don't think I've ever met one. Used to think I did though, when people suddenly showed up from out of nowhere and started shooting me in Third Person and I didn't even see them coming.


After playing around with the FOV slider while next to a wall one day, I realised how ridiculously easy it is to wall hack in Third Person.


Never got ambushed in First Person for exactly that reason.

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I don't know what defines a hacker


"Hacker" is a flattering term which these suckers don't deserve.  I suggest "exploiters" instead.


They're players that exploit game glitches to obtain innatural advantages such as infinite ammo, invisibility, see through walls, block players from attacking, etc.

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"because hackers do not play on hardcore as much from our experience"


It was true at the beginning. Now I constantly spot hackers in hardcore servers too. And it is nothing new OP. Seems like you bought the game yesterday and just found out.

Edited by MaxRain

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"Hacker" is a flattering term which these suckers don't deserve.  I suggest "exploiters" instead.


They're players that exploit game glitches to obtain innatural advantages such as infinite ammo, invisibility, see through walls, block players from attacking, etc.




Teleporting/speed hack is not a game glitch, it's a hack.


Infinite ammo is not a game glitch, it's a hack.


ESP is not a game glitch, it's a hack.


A hack = A 3rd party program either purchased from a hack site, programmed by ones-self, or shared amongst a group of friends or within a community which alters/changes the mechanics for the player using them, to gain an advantage or otherwise manipulate the mechanics of the game.



And don't kid yourselves... Hackers go everywhere. They go to the middle of nowhere to kill you if you think you're safe. They go to hardcore servers. They go to low-pop servers. There was a teleporting hacker on a server with 5 population the other day.


Yes, they GENERALLY go to high pop servers and GENERALLY  hang around high population areas...but not always.

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"Hacker" is a flattering term which these suckers don't deserve. I suggest "exploiters" instead.

They're players that exploit game glitches to obtain innatural advantages such as infinite ammo, invisibility, see through walls, block players from attacking, etc.

Ummmm, the people hacking in Dayz are using professionally created hacks that they pay money for. So it's not an exploit. Exploits are like duping gear in the game. The speed hack/teleporters and the hacked magazines were created by scumbag professional hackers who then sell the hacks to make money.

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well. i had a guy stuck in a wall. shooting people on ladders. the other day. 

ive had people that rubber band. 

ive seen guys that when i shoot them, the shot that kills them teleports them to a new location. just beside or sideways etc.


tbh. in the last week i havent seen many hackers.

was like mostly 0.46 and 47 was a few. even on larger servers.  

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in 500+ hours I have seen one person that I could say without a doubt was hacking. high/low pop, third/first person view servers.. only one

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Okay, calling them game bugs instead of glitches would be more appropriate.  They're holes in the code that allow hackers to create/code an exploit for them.

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"because hackers do not play on hardcore as much from our experience"


It was true at the beginning. Now I constantly spot hackers in hardcore servers too. And it is nothing new OP. Seems like you bought the game yesterday and just found out.

Thats because "hardcore" suggests harder gameplay and hackers like to play easymode. Why should you use hacks otherwise? Maybe - as they apparently enjoy their hacks - they also enjoy wall peeking. I doubt they appreciate the added immersion and tactical options first person servers provide.


In the end any hack/glitch/abusable bug comes from holes in the code that can be fixed but this is not easy and takes some time. Banning the offenders also helps a lot - you don't want to keep those people playing the game even with the paricular issue fixed. A project of this size is very unlikely to ever be 100% hack proof.

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Yesterday I went back to Third Person for a while, after playing First Person for the last few weeks. The three servers I played in, within a one hour time span, I encountered hackers between svetlo and berezhino. I have to agree, playing on "hardcore" or first person servers greatly reduces encounters. Not a single hacker encounter within 3 weeks.

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I ran into my first teleporter in CP a week or so ago, he was chasing a few people across that field between CP and Novo. It looked just like the many youtube videos where people have documented their experiences, and from the number of shots the guy had taken I'm assuming he had an unlimited ammo glitched mag as well. I immediately logged and went to another server, wasn't going to deal with it. Also maybe a week or so ago on another occasion I was headed towards Novo again and I heard rythmic shots, as if someone was doing it to a drum beat - definitely M4 rounds. After hearing about the 200th shot it was obvious he must have an unlimited glitched mag so I turned right around and headed back south again. I cannot WAIT until the greatly hyped ".49 global wipe" that is anticipated to rid the world of duped item stashes and glitched mags of unlimited ammo.

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Our experience is similar:


1. Full Pop Servers will get you the chance to meet a hacker.


2. 1st Person brings less chance of meeting hackers


3. You will rarely see a hacker if you are NOT in these places: Berezino, Svetlo, Novo, NWAF, Balota


4. Even if you play on full pop, in Berezino and Svetlo and only on 3rd person servers.. your chances are still fairly slim of seeing hackers. Its not like they are running around everywhere.


We have met a total of about 4 in well over a month of daily full pop visits.. but this was all on 1st person servers.


So you have your information, use it wisely! 

Edited by lrish
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Yes, hackers most definitely favor regular mode.

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