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Holy zombie aggro Batman...

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Yesterday I had logged out inside a house near Vybor. Later in the day I logged back in and of course I was in the same house. I crouched down and crept over to the window to peek around a bit before heading out. Right away I spot a zombie about 150 meters away. It was one of those zombies that kinda wander in the same general area instead of just standing still.

Anyway, as I'm scoped in on the zombie I see it aggro on something and start running in my general direction.

I'm thinking a player ran by and was heading toward my house so I sneak over to the door and open it and prepare to fight.

After a couple seconds the zombie rounds the corner and starts coming up the stairs.


Bitch had aggroed on ME while I was crouched inside the house. WTF. :D


I know, cool story bro. Alpher and all that stuff.

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Aiming at them aggros them silly. Don't you know that staring enrages the undead? It's also rude in most societies #respectthedead

Edited by MrMutant

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Maybe the house you were in used to belong to that zombie before he became infected? He's just gone for a walk and suddenly remembered he left his fags in the upstairs room. No wonder he was angry.

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It should be fixed or partially fixed next patch in 0.49. As they are implementing a lot of zombie stuff. Read the weekly status report.

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LOL. It's pretty funny when you scope in at a zombie from 400 meters and they aggro.

I'm actually impressed that they aggro from so far away. I know zombies are just place holders for now but I have to admit, I'm glad they are not too easy.

My favorite part about zombies in the game so far is that when you shoot at someone, even if you miss them, they are distracted from defending themselves from zombies so it makes for some fun to watch moments.

I hope a lot more activities are available with zombies in the complete game. If we can tie them to other zombies, or tie them to unconcious people.......

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when you ragdoll after drinking a canteen (alpha), it aggros every zombie nearby even if they can't see or hear you.  try it.

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take a canteen or water bottle, choose 'drink all', and when you're finished drinking your character ragdolls (falls prone as if dead) to the floor, and sometimes slides across the room headfirst.  happens every single time without fail (so to speak) since the last patch.


you mean this doesn't happen to you?  or do you never drink from canteens?

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I can confirm that I fall prone after drinking all..I never noticed any extra zombie aggro tho

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On the drinking glitch, it doesn't happen if you are crouched or prone.

Zeds have always been strange with their aggro, I used to get it a lot that they would aggro on me even when they weren't in a position to actually see me, just glad doors stop 90% of them now.

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Ah yes, I got it.  Yes, it happened to me today.  I drank all water from a bottle (not a canteen) and my character jumped on the ground.  Could not check if it attracted zombies though.  Although there's no need for that - zombies apparently are able to spot you miles away...

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Nothing is logical in dayz. Especialy zombies. They didnt right well in mod, they dont work right in SA. If they ever fix them, I wonder if Ill ever get user to that.

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