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The Loot Redistribution Project

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It's currently too easy to find what you are looking for so I decided to do something about it. My new thing right now is redistributing loot. I'll toss it this way or that way, hide it in hard to find and unexpected places. I'm calling it the Loot Redistribution Project(LRP). The below video is nothing special, just an example of what I am doing. If you're a vet and you too believe it's too easy to find what your looking for based on loot being in predictable places, please help out and spread that shit around. Let's make it so people have to play with their eyes open and think a little bit more as they traverse the game world.


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Beans beans beans for you my friend!  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:


I shall do the same.  Game is too easy at the moment.

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I usually grab decent guns and toss them in a bush or something (if I already have one).

Well, you can do that, but I prefer to use them as bait

Edited by Bigbadchuck

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This is very cool! A neat idea to take loot distribution into your own hands.


I do think there's something to be said for broadening the distribution of loot (especially mid-range loot). Which I think we're already seeing with things like the rusty UAZ and truck crashes spawning some kind of remarkable ammunition/weapons.


But yeah, alongside that, I think high-value locations should always be one's best bet. My suggestion for varying the loot would include things being done already (like the UAZ/truck spawns and helicopter crashes). Likewise, it would include a more distinctly tiered loot system (i.e. Common, Uncommon [Police], Uncommon [Military], Rare, Regulated).


Plus, I would do two things in terms of the actual distribution of loot in residential areas. 


1. Bias the loot overall, inland (in addition to making cities more dangerous via decent zombies)


2. Severely limit the rate of food/drink spawns in all buildings, to make foraging/horticulture/hunting actually useful

Edited by Katana67
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I do believe the current stable includes more types of ammo in civilian locations, which I think is good.


Some people are gun enthusiasts, some love hunting by bow, some people collect knives, others hoard food.


Make stuff sparse in general but finding caches and stashes should be a thing too.

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I do believe the current stable includes more types of ammo in civilian locations, which I think is good.


Some people are gun enthusiasts, some love hunting by bow, some people collect knives, others hoard food.


Make stuff sparse in general but finding caches and stashes should be a thing too.


Yes, caches. It's an idea I've had for a while now. Wouldn't it be cool if by some random chance that say, something like a train car or shipping container would contain a crap load of 1 type of item. From there it would be up to the players to try and defend it or ration it out? Something like that.

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With all those servers out there what were the chances that I would of ended up doing this on the same server and same towns as another one of you??? LOL. I tried not to disturb most of your work, but did make some re-redistributions. =P


I also decided to start leaving notes that say that the town has been hit by the LRP.

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