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Slower zombies, increased numbers.....

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agreed, zombies in days are way too fast!

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I like the idea that more hotly contested areas produce more zombies as the bodies pile up. Mythology-wise' date=' however, shouldn't players be able to make sure that bodies don't rise by applying a healthy dose of fire?


A good extension to my thought, a player who killed another could avoid being the target of a fresh zombie with a grudge by burning it before it rises. But to do that he'd have to have fuel (say a jerry can of petrol or 4 units of wood for a good fire), and he'd have to go out to build the fire and put the body on it. A player who killed through mere happenstance - panic shots, friendly fire etc. - might be able to do that, but the usual sniper hiding at the top of a building shooting anyone who comes by and then disconnects when things get too hot or to find new targets on a different server won't find that so easy to do. Which was my basic idea, make killing other survivors have a penalty that can't be escaped from.

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I've been thinking about suggesting this, glad I did a forum search!

Agree 100% with the slower zombies, sprint control for players, and head-shots only. It'd be good to up the ante and have the zeds do more damage too (make up for their lack of speed). The slow pace of movement would probably eliminate zombies phasing through objects, and would allow players to crawl through gaps in fences as a means of escape.

It'd be good, too, to incorporate the concept of "hordes" or "packs". Then the slow zombies have a chance of walling in a careless player in a city. Also (I'm sure this has been suggested) the zombies should be more interested in bleeding players, corpses, and animals. The most fundamental aspect of zombies is the fact that they're a removal of our higher thinking, so make them more animalistic by attacking the slower, or outright dead targets. After all, we have to eat, so do they (in a way). That would introduce the temptation to wound or outright kill your friends if you're a less scrupulous player, as it provides you a cheap, one bullet distraction from a massive crowd of Zs.

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NO, I want zombies to move at 1000+mph, I want them to be almost in a berserking God-mode state, and I want them to kill you in 1 or 2 hits.

Make them as difficult as possible.

So the game would revolve around being cautious of zombies more than players.

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So the game would revolve around being cautious of zombies more than players.

To me, every piece of zombie apocalypse fiction has centered around the fact that, when our back's against the wall, the unpredictability of man is 100x more deadly than any external threat. Yes, the zombies need to be deadly, but players should be mostly concerned with other players.

Like I said, we have higher thinking. We can plan, set traps, and manipulate; while a zombie is only concerned with an insatiable hunger for living flesh. To me, this mod is only partly about zombies, and more about the elaborate social interactions we have with strangers in a hostile world.

The slow zombies then force us to examine each other more than the grey corpses that we're going to kill regardless of how quickly a unit closes in on us. The monsters are interesting, but flat-out survival is far more engaging imo.

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NO' date=' I want zombies to move at 1000+mph, I want them to be almost in a berserking God-mode state, and I want them to kill you in 1 or 2 hits.

Make them as difficult as possible.

So the game would revolve around being cautious of zombies more than players.


Yes...that would be such a realistic mod that way...

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+1 to this

But u would need a lot more Zombies. Now the Zeds are far to harmless

even with Marathon mode on. Especially the big Cities should packed with Zeds. And make it head shots only. That murder and then burn it thing seems not plausible. I mean there thousand to prevent a corpse from reanimating like put a bullet to the head, wreck its head completly, chain it to a tree, cut of all limbs... .

Just let them spawn everywhere and increase spawning when sombody dies there, when a loud weapon is shot or when there the place is often visited by player ( Zeds could sniff you out, hear ur shots, or Zeds just want devour the corpses).

And u shouldn't be able to run forever of course.

Running Zombies are just not Zombies. And they die only by a bullet to the head. To round it up 28 Days Zombies are no real Zombies.

But I fear, this could possiblie fail, because of Zombies will be even more harmless.

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I would like to suggest that zombies don't sprint. Sorry but I really do hate the idea of a sprinting zombie. It goes against everything I've been brought up to know about the zombie genre. Zombies threat are their numbers' date=' not their speed. As much as I love the movie 28 days later with the "infected" I still don't see them as zombies in the traditional sense, I prefer the classic Romero style of zombie.

Here's what I suggest. Slow zombies so they almost speed walk, at a fast menacing pace but not a sprint as they currently are. Prevent the player from running for long periods and implement a sprint function where the player gets tired quickly and is set back to a slow jog.

Different speed of zombie, depending on their "rottenness". Fresher cadavers would be able to move faster, the more rotten ones would move a little slower. Would be nice to have a little variation.

Increase the numbers of zombies to increase the chance of being overwhelmed. Nothing more exciting than being cornered in a building running out of bullets while more and more dead start lining up at the doors to get in.

Towns with churches also need a big increase with zombies due to them having a graveyard. Big cities like Cherno and Elektro and the airports need a huge increase in dead. It's currently way too easy for people to just hole up in them for very long periods. These places should only be areas you are forced to go in times of medical supply's and the want for better gear.

This would solve a few problems. The first would be it would fix the issue with zombies warping and zig-zagging around unrealistically. The second it would make the map feel a lot bigger due to players not being able to cross the map in 15 minutes by super humanly sprinting from one side of the map to the other. The third is players would have to work more as a team to enter areas of good resources as going in a city alone is a guarantee of getting eaten.

It would be nice to see this tested out to see how it affects gameplay and whether the community as a whole likes it. Just seeing it being tested would be really nice.

Would love to hear your thoughts on it.



I believe there is another arma 2 mod like that called Wasteland or the Undead Mod (I'm not sure which) with slow moving zombies I saw footage of it...it is not nearly as scary as the fast moving zombies in Day Z the speed makes a huge difference in the excitement....

I know the zombies tend to be extemely annoying when you accidently aggro and have to run miles to drop aggro in a house or up a pair of stairs ect. but the speed is integral to the game in my opinion a little slower maybe but if they don't run and you can just mow them down there is little point.


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I would like to suggest that zombies don't sprint. Sorry but I really do hate the idea of a sprinting zombie. It goes against everything I've been brought up to know about the zombie genre. Zombies threat are their numbers' date=' not their speed. As much as I love the movie 28 days later with the "infected" I still don't see them as zombies in the traditional sense, I prefer the classic Romero style of zombie.

Here's what I suggest. Slow zombies so they almost speed walk, at a fast menacing pace but not a sprint as they currently are. Prevent the player from running for long periods and implement a sprint function where the player gets tired quickly and is set back to a slow jog.

Different speed of zombie, depending on their "rottenness". Fresher cadavers would be able to move faster, the more rotten ones would move a little slower. Would be nice to have a little variation.

Increase the numbers of zombies to increase the chance of being overwhelmed. Nothing more exciting than being cornered in a building running out of bullets while more and more dead start lining up at the doors to get in.

Towns with churches also need a big increase with zombies due to them having a graveyard. Big cities like Cherno and Elektro and the airports need a huge increase in dead. It's currently way too easy for people to just hole up in them for very long periods. These places should only be areas you are forced to go in times of medical supply's and the want for better gear.

This would solve a few problems. The first would be it would fix the issue with zombies warping and zig-zagging around unrealistically. The second it would make the map feel a lot bigger due to players not being able to cross the map in 15 minutes by super humanly sprinting from one side of the map to the other. The third is players would have to work more as a team to enter areas of good resources as going in a city alone is a guarantee of getting eaten.

It would be nice to see this tested out to see how it affects gameplay and whether the community as a whole likes it. Just seeing it being tested would be really nice.

Would love to hear your thoughts on it.



I think server settings etc need a button:

Fast zombies:

On [ ]

Off [x]

And adjustable:

Zombies in map:


My opinion. Those zombies are quite annoying. But still awesome mod

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Rocket said that the zombies actually were infected people, not dead people. So it's not like the dead are coming back to life or anything, it's an infection making people crazy.

The fault with Romero's type of zombies is that if the zombies were slow to begin with, people would be able to escape them easily and nobody would become zombies. The zombies would quickly be exterminated by the military at the beginning of the apocalypse and everyone would carry on with their lives.

Faster zombies would make much more sense.

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why ONLY slow and fast ZOMBIES, when we could have variation of fast and slow at same time?

We got crawl zombies, monkey-like running zombies and fast running zombies. Additionally to them, SLOW zombies could be very strong, and break ur leg with 1-2 (or more) hit's and hurt you badly, when Faster/quicker zombies, cause LESS damage, but are more dangerous cause they can surround you and kill you?

What you think about this guys?

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why ONLY slow and fast ZOMBIES' date=' when we could have variation of fast and slow at same time?

We got crawl zombies, monkey-like running zombies and fast running zombies. Additionally to them, SLOW zombies could be very strong, and break ur leg with 1-2 (or more) hit's and hurt you badly, when Faster/quicker zombies, cause LESS damage, but are more dangerous cause they can surround you and kill you?

What you think about this guys?


A nice variation would be really nice. Also to previous posters saying the fast zombies are more exciting, I totally agree. I'm not suggesting they walk at a snails pace. Just not like Olympic athletes.

In their current state they bug out too easily and in my opinion the bugging out spoils the immersion for me. Also you wouldn't be able to just run by them as you would slow down to a trot after sprinting and get tired fast. Their numbers would be a big threat, you could also add some nice fast lunge animations to ramp up the excitement.

This is an alpha and experimentation is what it's all about. It would be nice to test this out and try to find a nice balance.

A variation of this:

This is what I'm talking about. Look past the dude using jets and heavy weapons with unlimited ammo and imagine it within the DayZ survival environment. It would most certainly have to be tweaked, increased zombie speeds and reducing the players ability to just sprint out of danger.

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I like the fast zombies' date=' they just need to be more predictable and slightly easier to outrun.

Although maybe having a few zombies, maybe ones farther along on decomposition, walk fast after you instead of sprinting after you.


I'd go for this on

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Maybe, but I don't think it would work.

I have no problem keeping a good supply of whatever ammo I need.

Even though I think the zombies are kind of glitchy and jerky, I do think their speed is the only thing that make them somewhat dangerous.

Common weapons take them out in 1 shot, giving you more time to fire without the risk of taking damage, would make zombies even more of a non-entity than they are now.

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they should definitely be slow "walkers", require a headshot to down, and increase in quantity, especially in cities.

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I really do hate the zombies being able to sprint faster than the player.... not only is it unrealistic but it's glitchy as hell....

Zombies transitioning between "indoors" and "outdoors" areas act retardedly and will often phase straight through walls, randomly start walking in the open, or decide to sprint through the tent your hiding in and screw you over.

Zombies sprinting outside also causes really stupid anti-zombie tactics to form.... forcing players to lure zombies indoors which causes the zombies to go from being ridiculously OP to harmless in an instant.

Losing zombies is also far too situation-dependent.... standing next to a barn, large house or steep hill? Easy to lose a hoard. Zombies are no threat because they're simple as hell to lose.

Standing in the middle of nowhere with flat ground all around? Have fun sprinting away for the next 10 minutes, because there's literally nothing you can do without a weapon.

I'd rather zombies be more consistent.....

--Lower the max zombie speed to player running speed (why is it not already like that?... No seriously? Are starving, thirsty, rotting, disease-ridden Zombies somehow more healthy than well-nourished Survivors?)

--Have only a few "runners" capable of moving as fast as players

--Have most of them slightly slower than players, with the gremlins (zombies perpetually in ball-form) being slower still.

--Have a few "walkers", with special skins, which have massive hitpoints but are slow as hell - make them take, say, 8 Makarov rounds to the body and have no headshot multiplier (walkers are virtually undead and have little use for a brain)

--Make zombies slightly faster indoors.... gremlins and walkers would still be as slow as ever but normal zombies would move at 140% walking speed and runners would move at 180% walking speed indoors.

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I really do hate the zombies being able to sprint faster than the player.... not only is it unrealistic but it's glitchy as hell....

Zombies transitioning between "indoors" and "outdoors" areas act retardedly and will often phase straight through walls, randomly start walking in the open, or decide to sprint through the tent your hiding in and screw you over.

Zombies sprinting outside also causes really stupid anti-zombie tactics to form.... forcing players to lure zombies indoors which causes the zombies to go from being ridiculously OP to harmless in an instant.

Losing zombies is also far too situation-dependent.... standing next to a barn, large house or steep hill? Easy to lose a hoard. Zombies are no threat because they're simple as hell to lose.

Standing in the middle of nowhere with flat ground all around? Have fun sprinting away for the next 10 minutes, because there's literally nothing you can do without a weapon.

I'd rather zombies be more consistent.....

--Lower the max zombie speed to player running speed (why is it not already like that?... No seriously? Are starving, thirsty, rotting, disease-ridden Zombies somehow more healthy than well-nourished Survivors?)

--Have only a few "runners" capable of moving as fast as players

--Have most of them slightly slower than players, with the gremlins (zombies perpetually in ball-form) being slower still.

--Have a few "walkers", with special skins, which have massive hitpoints but are slow as hell - make them take, say, 8 Makarov rounds to the body and have no headshot multiplier (walkers are virtually undead and have little use for a brain)

--Make zombies slightly faster indoors.... gremlins and walkers would still be as slow as ever but normal zombies would move at 140% walking speed and runners would move at 180% walking speed indoors.

This is near perfect. Other things I would add is player stamina. I hate the fact that players can run a full sprint indefinitely. Players really need to tire after sprinting. This would add a whole new dynamic to the game.

Also in regards to having different strength zombies. It would make sense if military zombies who are wearing body armor and helmets would be harder to kill than your average Joe zombie. Could also add cops in riot gear who are also much tougher to kill.

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Holy shit. A struggle meter would be AWESOME if one manages to catch you, you have no choice but the shoot or hit it in the head or someone else kills it. Until then you're unable to move!! FFFFFFFF. If another zombie gets a hold of you as the other one has you ect ect. The Struggle meter would jump higher than it was before. Finally when its filled, you get dragged to the ground and die.


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I don't feel we need special zombies, they should all be about the same difficulty that they are now. But I do agree with the main point the OP has presented that will fix several issues in DayZ.

Unlimited player sprint. 225km map? Had no idea it was that big, I can run across it in about 30 minutes. Limiting player sprint not only slows the game down for a lot of people, it increases the map size without changing anything on the map. It puts a gigantic value on vehicles, which are now only used as storage centers for helicopter farmers. Walking needs to be the primary means of getting around, not sprinting.

The zombies should be no faster then player run speed. Sprint control allows them to catch up to the player. I'm not saying they need to literally walk everywhere, but the most they should be able to do is jog. If you wanted to stick with the 28 days later theme, make them run at player run speed. I don't understand how some of these zombies/infected run about a mile a minute. This will slow the zombies down a bit, which I believe will make their animations a bit smoother.

The number of zombies present in the game needs to be increased about 100 fold. Packs should roam between the cities and through the forests. The major cities should be swarmed with them. You should not be able to fire a gun in the center of Cherno and just waltz out of town. That should be a death sentence. I am not against PvP whatsoever, but right now the experience is a bit far from authentic. Mainly because it is so easy to get away from the coast and get geared up. That should be extremely difficult, and it's a bit of a joke right now.

Edited by Zipper -82ndAB-
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If they were to keep slow moving zombies then they need to place a stamina system since it would be too easy to get away.

What I'd like to see is for the animations to be fixed, that hyper fast forward zig zag movement is very bad, IMO.

I think it would be very cool if they can get at least on par with the zombies from Dead Island.

Oh and the zombies need to be increased and they need to be wandering out in the forests as well and more roaming herds of zombies.


Edited by jay.pis

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Before anyone suggests slow zombie with a greater number play this mod, http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9207 , It is for Arma and has exactly that slow zombies in a greater number. And these zombies are way more lethal than DayZ ones if they get close to you. And it is still ridiculously easy, you can run rings around the biggest hordes, or shoot a few, run back, shoot a few, repeat. Trust me when I say this would make the only threat to players other players, looting towns would become even easier than it already is. Zombies would become a non entity almost they would be that nonthreatening.

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Also, I've not noticed but zombies should have collision so if they surround you you're f'ed unless you can push your way through.

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Well... to be honest the current zs dont even work as enemies. Sure in a big open field they're hard to take down alone (because of their shitty pathing), but they never spawn on big open fields, so it's never really an issue. When you're near buildings you can easily lose them by cutting some corner, running through a building, stepping onto a sidewalk, walking over anything that's not part of their current terrain. It's so retarded how easily you can out run these zs. I just did a suicide run inside cherno, I had 100 lee rounds and I managed to shoot nearly 100 zs before i killed myself, mind you I was just running around the streets blasting. They're SO buggy, it's almost hilarious. There will be NO single fix to make these zombies work, in my eyes there's only one solution:

New engine. New code. All newer engine can handle what dayz needs without problems and they won't break your legs in the process (pun).

Oh yeah, as for the topic... slow zombies rock! but again, to make them work we'd need to have 100x as many zombies as we do now to make them a threat- and the crappy EGO v8½.1010101b engine just wont handle it.

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If the zombies were walking i would just run around ignoring ALL of them since they would just lose track of me after 1 corner...

In my opinion the zombies should be faster than us/just as fast as us but they would not get winded after running long periods(players should be forced to walk after running for certain amount)

but those are the classic zombies, the shambling, shuffling kinda of jog ones. There have been arguements all over the forums whether these are "infected" people or zombies. But this is Day Z, day zombie. i get your point, please believe me i do. But zombies simply dont run or sprint

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