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About seriousman

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. But zombies run through walls, so what's the problem? xD
  2. seriousman

    Reduce DMR spawnrate and/or reduce rate of fire.

    If you know where it spawns it's almost feels like a 25% chance :P Guns in general are too common in this game. I usually have everything I need within 20 minutes of reaching any of the major cities. I'd like to see guns and ammo becoming super rare... and not piles upon piles scattered all over the map.
  3. seriousman

    to all cheaters/hackers/lamers

    I understand perfectly well why some people want to mess around with game code. These people dont want to see the world burn, they just wanna laugh at the different completely unnatural things they can conjure up with cheats. Sure some abuse cheats completely, but there's absolutely nothing to be done about it; any good cheater knows how to hide his ass and some never cared about hiding. Sure we might remove some cheaters here and there, but they will never disappear altogether. You achieve a certain joy from breaking something that's not supposed to be broken in software like games. I used to do a lot of cheating in different games when I was younger, I usually did it in games I had already played to death and just wanted to exploit as much as I could before being banished. Don't like it? Too bad.
  4. seriousman

    Server Difficulty and Player Behavior Question.

    I've played roughly 80+ hours on mixed servers and I have yet to find even one guy who wants to cooperate with me :( So no, my conclusion is that everyone is doing the "Shoot on Sight"-strategy and server difficulty has nothing to do with anything.
  5. seriousman

    More music

  6. seriousman

    Too many 'Dodgy' players around?

    Did you "save" the vehicles :)? If yes then some players must've seen you and followed you :( It's actually pretty easy to find a vehicle as long as you know the general direction it was driving. That or it's a bug, plenty of those around ;)
  7. seriousman

    Decrease enfield damage.

    Have you ever done any Real programming? You fix bugs all the time. And no, they're not only fixing "game breaking bugs" they're fixing little things as well.... all the time and yes, a shit load of it doesn't make it onto the patch notes. I have no idea where you guys are getting this from, but the development process is never set in stone as Alpha = Impliment or Beta = Fix. Very few developers will continue to beta if their alpha is completely* buggy and unbalanced. And only the most retarded developers would say "Lol, are you crazy? we can't add this.. we should've done that in alpha". *missed that one ;)
  8. seriousman

    Decrease enfield damage.

    This gun is mostly the first gun I find. There's ammo all over the place and it one hits everything. OP? No, no.
  9. seriousman

    Decrease enfield damage.

    You're so full of it. Let me just c/p straight out of the hotfix patch notes: Changelog: * [FIXED] Ghillie and skin removal on login ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/36666 ) * [FIXED] Arma X stuck on loading screen ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/36647 ) * [FIXED] AKS_74_kobra classname incorrectly named ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/36680 ) * [NEW] Server side performance tweaks and improvments * [FIXED] Infected detect players from too far away (reduced by about 20%) * [FIXED] Disconnect updates not being correctly applied (caused inventory issues) * [FIXED] Bear traps not appearing for spawn (low spawn) Now stop being a douche.
  10. Lecture?? You haven't been to too many lectures in your life I take it. Anyway... Let the madness continue :facepalm:
  11. You're so absolutely right. I've been a part of many, many game/hobby communities and dayz is up there with the most retarded ones. Almost everybody is hostile. Almost everybody don't give a fuck. Almost everybody are unable to start a simple debate. Almost everybody has a complete lack of manners. (Manners, lol. This is the internet, real people don't come here) The majority of threads on this forum go something like: P1: Hey guys, I'm having this issue with the game. P2 & P3 & P4 & P5 & P6: Go fuck yourself you motherfucking retard. P7: Use the god damn search function you imbecile. P8: Don't come here making threads about things that We already know everything about. P9: Mod please close this thread, it's hurting my ego. Ants on the internet, building your little hive. The majority of you need a big ass whooping with the karma stick.
  12. seriousman

    How many murders do you have?

    I'm the guy who sprints around the streets of Cherno screaming "FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN ASSHOLE!!" to all the snipers. Obviously my murder isn't too high. Think I'm around 30 in total, including bandits.
  13. seriousman

    Servers pitch black

    There's definetely a bug (Hurr durr) when it comes to darkness in this game. I was playing with a friend of mine, who had brought his computer over, I had heard him complaining about the darkness before and I just told him that it's meant to be like that. When I finally saw the game I realized he wasn't kidding. We were standing at the exact same spot and I could easily make out the horizon, the trees, the roads and the buildings etc. His game was just a gradient black all over (Pitch black). only thing you could make out was the tree tops on the horizon. We tried changing his settings around, but it didn't help. So yeah. Darkness is fucked up. If this game is all about the realism (lol) then the darkness (when it works) is way too dark. I personally don't give a shit. But I completely understand why some people are having issues with this.
  14. seriousman

    Setting up a camp

    I prefer to put my camps somewhere buggy as hell. Preferably all over the place.