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101 vs AKM

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I love the AKM with a pso1. But after dying to a hacker last night I respawned and found a 101 and 2 mags near by. My question is, is the 101 more accurate with less recoil than the AKM with the scope?

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I love the AKM with a pso1. But after dying to a hacker last night I respawned and found a 101 and 2 mags near by. My question is, is the 101 more accurate with less recoil than the AKM with the scope?

The accuracy of the two weapons is just about the same from what I can tell and neither points as well as the M4A1. The cool thing about the 101 is that it can accept the AKM stock and hand guards. As soon as I locate another M4A1 the AKM is going into a ditch now that 5.56 spawns all over the place.   

Edited by Xbow

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The accuracy of the two weapons is just about the same from what I can tell and neither points as well as the M4A1. The cool thing about the 101 is that it can accept the AKM stock and hand guards. As soon as I locate another M4A1 the AKM is going into a ditch now that 5.56 spawns all over the place.   

Untill LMGS pop in than that AKM/SKS/CZ rifle ammo can be put back to good use again lol.


I hope if they put the LMG in crouching and ultimately going prone give the most damage and accuracy to the weapons though.

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At the moment, there is too much of 5.56x45 ammo around. Also way to much stuff at NWA as well.


Anyway I'd take AKM over AK101 any day if I could chose.

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I love the AKM with a pso1. But after dying to a hacker last night I respawned and found a 101 and 2 mags near by. My question is, is the 101 more accurate with less recoil than the AKM with the scope?


AK101 is almost ten times moe accurate than AKM and has much less recoil. I snipe with ak101 from 860 meters. Try doing this with AKM. AKM can't even hit shit passed 500 meters. Pick Ak101, ammo is abundant in heli crashes.


I tested ak101 and AKM with the same, all pristine parts and same distance. Several times. ak101 >>>>>> AKM.


Anyone who says otherwise haven't found ak101 and hasn't tested it and only prefers AKM because of 75 round drum mag because these people are usually bad at DayZ and can't hit shit. Ak101 is even more accurate than m4 (with right parts). Tested it too. PSO-1 scope is slighlty better than ACOG (zooms in better), but I still personally prefer acog and m4.


Don't listen to noobs who say that m4 is more accurate than m4. It is their lack of knowledge of the game talking, not experience.

Edited by MaxRain

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Ammo for AKM is still less pain to get, than going for it to Barracks or tents.

Personally I don't like the drum much, I'd leave that only for RPK.  


Ak101 might be more accurate over long range, AKM packs more punch in close range though.

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Ammo for AKM is still less pain to get, than going for it to Barracks or tents.

Personally I don't like the drum much, I'd leave that only for RPK.  


Ak101 might be more accurate over long range, AKM packs more punch in close range though.

But this is why you conserve ammo and use it wisely. Hence the survival aspect. XD


And use your melee even against glitchy desync infected.

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I found a 101 and an AKM at Balota, along with a couple of mags for each and other bling like the tac rail, bipod, light, scope, etc. I tried them both out and decided that I liked the AKM better. Plus, I ended up finding six mags and two drums. Logistics was easier.

And yes, this was all at Balota on one server.

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AK101 is almost ten times moe accurate than AKM and has much less recoil. I snipe with ak101 from 860 meters. Try doing this with AKM. AKM can't even hit shit passed 500 meters. Pick Ak101, ammo is abundant in heli crashes.


I tested ak101 and AKM with the same, all pristine parts and same distance. Several times. ak101 >>>>>> AKM.


Anyone who says otherwise haven't found ak101 and hasn't tested it and only prefers AKM because of 75 round drum mag because these people are usually bad at DayZ and can't hit shit. Ak101 is even more accurate than m4 (with right parts). Tested it too. PSO-1 scope is slighlty better than ACOG (zooms in better), but I still personally prefer acog and m4.


Don't listen to noobs who say that m4 is more accurate than m4. It is their lack of knowledge of the game talking, not experience.

Please, with the m4 i can hipfire targets at 500 meter!(buttstock mp) want to see you doing this with the ak101 :)

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Don't listen to noobs who say that m4 is more accurate than m4.

Hmm, interesting.

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I prefer AKM over AK101 any day


coupled with Drum mags it makes a great weapon.


the accuracy and kick of the AKM is negligible vs the AK101


Plus the AKM bullets hit harder I believe 

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Please, with the m4 i can hipfire targets at 500 meter!(buttstock mp) want to see you doing this with the ak101 :)


have you tried hipfire with 101? No? Then don't claim otherwise. I don't test hipfire as only noobs playing babycore use it. Ak101 is the most accurate automatic rifle so far. It is on par with a mosin. As expected, people who never tested 101 claim how bad it is, yet they cheer over AKM which is a piece of shit useful only up to 200 meters, just like sks (poor man's AKM).

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I prefer AKM over AK101 any day


coupled with Drum mags it makes a great weapon.


the accuracy and kick of the AKM is negligible vs the AK101


Plus the AKM bullets hit harder I believe 


problem is that you BELIEVE, you don't test. I can believe in gods and fairies, it own't make them real, just like with your claim "akm hits harder so must be better" circular logic. It is a damn automatic rifle, it doesn't matter how "hard" it hits as you won't be shooting just one bullet. But usually I see people with AKM miserably miss zombie at 40 meters, let alone they waste 4-5 shots to kill them. Hits harder my ass. It is all about being accurate. and 5.56 ammo in DayZ is more accurate than 39mm. I don't know why, it is just my experience and personal tests.

Edited by MaxRain

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Sounds like someone is on an e-thug crusade.

Tone it down Mary, all of what you are saying is opinion and impressions as well unless you can show game data numbers to back it up

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have you tried hipfire with 101? No? Then don't claim otherwise. I don't test hipfire as only noobs playing babycore use it. Ak101 is the most accurate automatic rifle so far. It is on par with a mosin. As expected, people who never tested 101 claim how bad it is, yet they cheer over AKM which is a piece of shit useful only up to 200 meters, just like sks (poor man's AKM).


Dude if you tailor fantasies, atleast stay consistent.

In one post you wrote:"AKM can't even hit shit passed 500 meters.".


In this other post you changed your story to "which is a piece of shit useful only up to 200".


I understand you want to be e-badass, but chill down a bit and stop lying so obviously.

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I recommend you watch this guy,compiling trustworthy data is his specialty. ;)

its nice to know im not the only one with that inventory glitch where everything is highlited blue

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problem is that you BELIEVE, you don't test. I can believe in gods and fairies, it own't make them real, just like with your claim "akm hits harder so must be better" circular logic. It is a damn automatic rifle, it doesn't matter how "hard" it hits as you won't be shooting just one bullet. But usually I see people with AKM miserably miss zombie at 40 meters, let alone they waste 4-5 shots to kill them. Hits harder my ass. It is all about being accurate. and 5.56 ammo in DayZ is more accurate than 39mm. I don't know why, it is just my experience and personal tests.



i have tested the Ak101 I had one on several occasions. The hits harder is negligible. Why are you so defeinsive over a gun discussion in what boils down to personal preference.


The caliber bullet is higher

The drum mag means I can reload less often (I am not spraying out 75 rounds all at once but knowing I can dodge into the woods during a fire fight and not have to worry about swapping mags as quickly is nice)

The ammo is more common


All good reasons to prefer it over the Ak101 in my opinion but your argument has merit and I would agree the AKM kicks more than the 101 so when making ranged shots it is better


But for self defense in those "oh shit" moments when you come around a corner and come under fire from 2-3 players I want a 75 round drum mag to provide suppressing fire while I GTFO.


again personal preference not knocking your gun. I have used it plenty myself and even use it as a beater gun when I want to stash my AKM in case I die when heading to a dangerous area. 

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Dude if you tailor fantasies, atleast stay consistent.

In one post you wrote:"AKM can't even hit shit passed 500 meters.".


In this other post you changed your story to "which is a piece of shit useful only up to 200".


I understand you want to be e-badass, but chill down a bit and stop lying so obviously.


do you english even? It is useless past 500, but usually you won't hit shit passed 200 meters, especially if target is moving. Stay butthurt with your AKM. I succesfully snipe with ak101 passed 800 meters.

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i have tested the Ak101 I had one on several occasions. The hits harder is negligible. Why are you so defeinsive over a gun discussion in what boils down to personal preference.


The caliber bullet is higher

The drum mag means I can reload less often (I am not spraying out 75 rounds all at once but knowing I can dodge into the woods during a fire fight and not have to worry about swapping mags as quickly is nice)

The ammo is more common


All good reasons to prefer it over the Ak101 in my opinion but your argument has merit and I would agree the AKM kicks more than the 101 so when making ranged shots it is better


But for self defense in those "oh shit" moments when you come around a corner and come under fire from 2-3 players I want a 75 round drum mag to provide suppressing fire while I GTFO.


again personal preference not knocking your gun. I have used it plenty myself and even use it as a beater gun when I want to stash my AKM in case I die when heading to a dangerous area. 



I never claimed AKM is bad in CQC or in similar situations, like berezino deathmatch. My only problem is with people claiming that ak101 is less accurate than AKM when they haven't even hold ak101 in their hands, let alone tested it. It is on contrary the most accurate weapon after mosin with compensator. Test it, then talk shit about 101. These kids nowdays only care about amounts of ammo (wow 75 rounds, such awesome) when usually in firefights they don't used even half of it because they all die miserably (can't hit shit). I can kill 3 people with 15rnd mag from FNX. Why would I want a rifle with 75 of innacure piece of shits?


"Oh shit situations" usually end up very quickly and the amount of ammo in your mag won't help to avoid death if you are poor shooter. AKM with drum mag is a gun for kids who play one style - spray and pray with abundance of ammo. ak101 is a gun for those who concerned with being accurate and tactical.


Whatever people prefer, I do not care. I'd rather see people with AKM's than 101's, because it will mean I am more safe.

Edited by MaxRain

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I like the AK-101 because I think it looks cooler.



Edited by Katana67
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I never claimed AKM is bad in CQC or in similar situations, like berezino deathmatch. My only problem is with people claiming that ak101 is less accurate than AKM when they haven't even hold ak101 in their hands, let alone tested it. It is on contrary the most accurate weapon after mosin with compensator. Test it, then talk shit about 101. These kids nowdays only care about amounts of ammo (wow 75 rounds, such awesome) when usually in firefights they don't used even half of it because they all die miserably (can't hit shit). I can kill 3 people with 15rnd mag from FNX. Why would I want a rifle with 75 of innacure piece of shits?


"Oh shit situations" usually end up very quickly and the amount of ammo in your mag won't help to avoid death if you are poor shooter. AKM with drum mag is a gun for kids who play one style - spray and pray with abundance of ammo. ak101 is a gun for those who concerned with being accurate and tactical.


Whatever people prefer, I do not care. I'd rather see people with AKM's than 101's, because it will mean I am more safe.



Your mind is obviously made up so what is the point of the thread? 


Why not rename it to "You noobs stop using the AKM and roll AK101"


There are plenty of better videos and discussions floating about which give a more neutral and balanced evaluation of both guns


NVM just realized your not the author of the thread....

Edited by trev186

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have you tried hipfire with 101? No? Then don't claim otherwise. I don't test hipfire as only noobs playing babycore use it. Ak101 is the most accurate automatic rifle so far. It is on par with a mosin. As expected, people who never tested 101 claim how bad it is, yet they cheer over AKM which is a piece of shit useful only up to 200 meters, just like sks (poor man's AKM).

so 1st of all i am not claiming about anything dude, you should really calm down man. i never said you cant do it with the ak101. i just told you that it is possible with the m4. you can spray a target a 300-500 meter and the bulletspray is about 3 meter with hipfire! I did not say i play like this(hipfire) i do love the acog to much, to not use it.

and dont get that aggressive dude its a game

Edited by newguyzombie

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