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The highs and lows of playing a Medic

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Hello DaZ fans!


As requested by WOBO followers, the medic playstyle(things get emotional).


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Nice video, made me smile at some points. But I think you got the role of a medic wrong. As a medic, you usually help the people in need for help and thus be rather careful with your life especially when you meet people that obviously don't need your help. A dead medic never arrives at his patient. You on the other hand, chased people to rub them your help into their faces. :)


But in the end, you explained your mindset for this character in the beginning of the video and you adhered to that plan so dont take this as personal criticism.

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Nice video, made me smile at some points. But I think you got the role of a medic wrong. As a medic, you usually help the people in need for help and thus be rather careful with your life especially when you meet people that obviously don't need your help. A dead medic never arrives at his patient. You on the other hand, chased people to rub them your help into their faces. :)


But in the end, you explained your mindset for this character in the beginning of the video and you adhered to that plan so dont take this as personal criticism.

I wasn't really sure how to play a medic before I started, so that didn't help :p I guess there are various forms of medics; ones that will try to help everyone, ones that help only the needy, etc. What I think it all boils down to, is how much you're willing to sacrifice in order to help someone. In this playstyle... I was obviously ripe for slaughter :D

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Hello DaZ fans!


As requested by WOBO followers, the medic playstyle(things get emotional).



That really touched me. I can't help but feel very cynical after two people attempted to kill you with no provocation, but that's kind of guaranteed in the game. There is nothing stopping them, and they have little to gain and everything to lose if they risk trusting you. But still, there are people out there willing to risk everything just to help someone. And that itself warrants respect.


Anyways, I enjoy your play style vids. And all of your content in general. Very informative and fresh, something I can enjoy for once. Keep up the good work ;)

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I think you would have a lot better time if you played a medic the way a real person would actually act - carefully. The way the RRF does.


Being a naive dogooder who runs into people's faces in the apocalypse is only gonna go down one road, and I don't imagine it's any fun.

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The entire medicconcept fails imo. Everyone with a rag is a medic in dayz. Hence, you'll never be needed and thus shot. There are some rare occasions when people with yell for help with broken bones. Esp those who have no idea how to make a splint or are in a building in a town that has alot of gunfire outside....


-I just heard you say exactly that in the vid :)


-Also...seriously get atleast a medic jacket, you look like a prick xD Red Tracksuit pants and flatcap, seriously? :D


-"krass alter, der gibt uns das einfach" Theyve been kinda shocked you just gave morphine and epi to em xD

Edited by Khanarac

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Nice video but I would have liked to see some real medic clothes and more emphasis on helping people in person rather than giving them supplies.

Still good job of doing this even though you had a bad start. I also like the added effort on editing compared to the HOBO video.

Though my favorite moment was when that prick in Svet got killed right after he drew his weapon on you. :D

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Nice video man but I think if you explained yourself to the people you met you might have not been shot at so many times.

You know say something like..


"Hi, I'm a medic, do you need any supplies, like food, drink, first aid?"

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The entire medicconcept fails imo. Everyone with a rag is a medic in dayz. Hence, you'll never be needed and thus shot. 


Its not about being needed, its about playing the game differently. Also later on when the medic stuff becomes useful (coal tabs fe) medic playstyle will become more viable, still gonna get shot in the face most of the time though.

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Good video :) I look forward to the future play styles you create. I hope you'll be doing some sort of priest/monk play style in the future. I also look forward to seeing you do some sort of bandit/murderer/villain play style as I know it will be against your nature, and thus challenging.

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