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HeroAtDay BanditAtNight

I'm a hero in dayz SA! Ask me anything!

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What's the total number of factory buildings in Chernarus+? Got it? :P

Edited by Zyryanoff

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I find wierd people who likes to be heroes, because in order to do so you need an antagonist, and if you like to be a hero then you somehow like your antagonist and are willing to keep his existence. Maybe you help people so they can be bandits and you can justify your actions.


Such seems to be life in Chernarus, how do you deal with these deep moral and philosofical questions? Since I'm moslty a bandit/lone wolf it is just survival of the fittest, things seems to be simpler. Why are you a hero?

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Better to be feared than loved. Meaning; better to be a bandit than being a hero.

Children running from you.... or having Adriana Lima curled up next to you only wearing heels... I will take being loved.

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When did you think that, in a thread like this, you wouldn't get nothing but troll questions?




Side note, pointless topic is pointless.

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Well, you did say I could ask you anything....


How many planets are estimated in the universe and at what size do you think the universe is if not infinite? How is the universe formed and how could this cause our life and other life inside our universe giving not just our planet but many other possible planets food and or water to sustain life? At what point may human life and or alien life be unsustainable from the universe or if possible any other universes containing ingredients for any intelligent or even single-celled organisms of life to occur at a very sustainable and long rate of time assuming that there are no nuclear explosions or burning due to rays from other suns or even our sun if it can stretch as far as interpreted in this question and or any other causes destroying possible life of which containing said creatures?

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I find wierd people who likes to be heroes, because in order to do so you need an antagonist, and if you like to be a hero then you somehow like your antagonist and are willing to keep his existence. Maybe you help people so they can be bandits and you can justify your actions.


Such seems to be life in Chernarus, how do you deal with these deep moral and philosofical questions? Since I'm moslty a bandit/lone wolf it is just survival of the fittest, things seems to be simpler. Why are you a hero?


Good question, I like this one! :)


To answer your question as why am I a hero, here's why:


Dayz is the couple of survival games that are somewhat realistic, unlike other zombie games out there such as COD zombies, or left 4 dead, you don't just kill zombies, you need to drink, eat, hunt, find gear, etc... 

This leads to the human nature of cooperation, we as humans aren't creatures that are made DEDICATED to survive by ourselves unlike tigers. 

In such life of Chernarus, YES your prime objective is to survive, BUT at the same time it is to keep our humanity in shape to restore society and not an anarchy that is in dayz. Although we won't be restoring a society in this game, it is still a citizen's objective to pave way back to a civilised place.


If tomorrow, a zombie apocalypse, would you kill on sight for gear or fun?

There's no respawn button in real life as to dayz. When you die, you die. Although this is indeed a game, I still would like to perseveres my nature as civilised human.


For your second question, why to I help people and I could /could not justify my actions. Here's why:

Even if i don't know will the player kill me or help me, I still would like to help him/her. This is because if indeed I helped him and he did become a bandit, I at least tried to restore society by helping us survive. If he did not become a bandit, he would maybe my new BFF and a moral person in days.

However, if I killed him and didn't help him at all. 

He could never become a citizen that would restore society back to order, even if he did want to.

If I did not help him, and he would become a bandit, i lose nothing.

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Well, you did say I could ask you anything....


How many planets are estimated in the universe and at what size do you think the universe is if not infinite? How is the universe formed and how could this cause our life and other life inside our universe giving not just our planet but many other possible planets food and or water to sustain life? At what point may human life and or alien life be unsustainable from the universe or if possible any other universes containing ingredients for any intelligent or even single-celled organisms of life to occur at a very sustainable and long rate of time assuming that there are no nuclear explosions or burning due to rays from other suns or even our sun if it can stretch as far as interpreted in this question and or any other causes destroying possible life of which containing said creatures?

How many planets are estimated in the universe and at what size do you think the universe is if not infinite?

It is expanding.


How is the universe formed and how could this cause our life and other life inside our universe giving not just our planet but many other possible planets food and or water to sustain life?

We have a moon which was lucky crashed with earth and the other planet. We are in the goldilocks zone that liquid water could exist. by the way also liquid water came to earth from astroids.


At what point may human life and or alien life be unsustainable from the universe

When all the energy in all the stars burn out, and galaxies go dark. 

No energy, no life.

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Good question, I like this one! :)


To answer your question as why am I a hero, here's why:


Dayz is the couple of survival games that are somewhat realistic, unlike other zombie games out there such as COD zombies, or left 4 dead, you don't just kill zombies, you need to drink, eat, hunt, find gear, etc... 

This leads to the human nature of cooperation, we as humans aren't creatures that are made DEDICATED to survive by ourselves unlike tigers. 

In such life of Chernarus, YES your prime objective is to survive, BUT at the same time it is to keep our humanity in shape to restore society and not an anarchy that is in dayz. Although we won't be restoring a society in this game, it is still a citizen's objective to pave way back to a civilised place.


If tomorrow, a zombie apocalypse, would you kill on sight for gear or fun?

There's no respawn button in real life as to dayz. When you die, you die. Although this is indeed a game, I still would like to perseveres my nature as civilised human.


For your second question, why to I help people and I could /could not justify my actions. Here's why:

Even if i don't know will the player kill me or help me, I still would like to help him/her. This is because if indeed I helped him and he did become a bandit, I at least tried to restore society by helping us survive. If he did not become a bandit, he would maybe my new BFF and a moral person in days.

However, if I killed him and didn't help him at all. 

He could never become a citizen that would restore society back to order, even if he did want to.

If I did not help him, and he would become a bandit, i lose nothing.


Very nice and respectable sir! I think more on the moment you see, dayz is the complete chaos situation and that makes people do crazy things. I like the possibility to be this agent of fear in a chaotic situation, its a big responsibility you know lol. I think that is somehow good for a civilization too, because fear might get people more united, and zombies by themselfs are not really a danger right, they are predictable (unless they are in big groups or you meet them at disadvantageous environments)!

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Very nice and respectable sir! I think more on the moment you see, dayz is the complete chaos situation and that makes people do crazy things. I like the possibility to be this agent of fear in a chaotic situation, its a big responsibility you know lol. I think that is somehow good for a civilization too, because fear might get people more united, and zombies by themselfs are not really a danger right, they are predictable (unless they are in big groups or you meet them at disadvantageous environments)!


Thank you.

Add this:

If dayz had a class system. This means skills that a player has and others don't , i.e. medic knows how to fix a broken bone. mechanic that can fix things. This would led to more cooperation IRL.

Also more zombies would lead to cooperation as one man can't defeat a horde. thus survival.

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Thank you.

Add this:

If dayz had a class system. This means skills that a player has and others don't , i.e. medic knows how to fix a broken bone. mechanic that can fix things. This would led to more cooperation IRL.

Also more zombies would lead to cooperation as one man can't defeat a horde. thus survival.

True that man, a class system and a harsher land would do miracles for this game. I would like the added challange in lone wolfing, as it is now its pretty easy and in fact I never find the necessity of cooperating, unless the other person have a way to easily kill me, then I'm all friendly lol.

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how fast could two swallows carrying a coconut, gripping it by the husk, get from dolina to balota, and how many times would their coconut be ruined by zombies en route?

Edited by Red_Ensign

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Where to find food? I'm new and born near some village. all the houses were robbed and nothing left. Then I run for 10 minutes and see nothing but wild field. And starve to death.

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As a hero, which towns do find best for a) helping people, b) surviving while avoiding bandits? 

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As a hero, which towns do find best for a) helping people, B) surviving while avoiding bandits? 


The city that is north east dock coast. 

Ive meet a lot of friendly players there, but also a lot of unfriendly from either berazion or novo....


Its a good city to avoid sniping bandits as this town doesnt have many tall spots expect the school and industrial building.

Not a lot of "good" loot though.

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I forgot that an a and a bracket turn into a sunglass smiley. 


Interesting.  How are you doing as a hero?  Do you find many friendly players?  

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I have questions!


#1. What server are you on?


#2. What is your exact location?


#3. What weapons do you have?


I'm asking because... umm... I'm just curious about where heroes like to hang out and what weapons they use!



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I have questions!

#1. What server are you on?

#2. What is your exact location?

#3. What weapons do you have?

I'm asking because... umm... I'm just curious about where heroes like to hang out and what weapons they use!


1. No idea, I choose the one with the lowest ping.

2. I don't have an exact location as I don't like camping in a specific location. However I would tell you that I avoid big cities such as cherno, eletro, novo, and berezino. Those places are too hot for my taste. I hang out in the woods the most.

3. Akm ATM. With 4 pistols.

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I forgot that an a and a bracket turn into a sunglass smiley. 


Interesting.  How are you doing as a hero?  Do you find many friendly players?

I'm doing fine, I don't run around with my gun out to express that I'm friendly. Trying to find the mp5k though...

I mostly find that medium gear player is the most friendly as they already have something, as sometimes freshspawn would try to kill you for your military gear...

I mostly find those with a mosin is not friendly as they only want to snipe players...

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