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DayZ- Zombie hunt a Cow

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Hi my friends,

here is a short part of a Video, where you can see, how a Zombie try´s to killing a cow.



Have fun...

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I don't see no reason why they couldn't, provided they do enough melee attacks.  Unless you need a weapon to do enough cow-damage.

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I saw a zombie chase a chicken once - THAT was hilarious. XD  and a couple of times I've even seen zombies beat on other zombies.

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I watched a zed kill two cows near the orchard at berezino yesterday morning, it chased a third cow almost to the construction site before I shot it (the zed that is - cows are scarce, zeds not so much).

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I saw a zombie chase a deer, it couldn't catch it!!


I followed them for 10 minutes before i got bored.

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Funny vid.  


FYI, you need a knife to get meat off of animals you kill.

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