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I have been banned for no reason

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Hi, I was playing normally when i logged out and in again, i was banned, and when i mailed Battleeye they said haven't replied for a week now, and someone told me i had to post it on dayz websites, so can anyone help?  :blush:




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There is a reason for 'everything'..


even breathing.

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Hi, I was playing normally when i logged out and in again, i was banned, and when i mailed Battleeye they said haven't replied for a week now, and someone told me i had to post it on dayz websites, so can anyone help?  :blush:



Nope Please use the search function as NO ONE HERE CAN HELP YOU

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There is a reason for 'everything'..


even breathing.

You mean to tell me that thing like justin bieber, alcohol free beer and hybrid cars happen for a reason ?

Edited by General Zod

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You will need to contact BattlEye, as neither the Forum Team nor the DayZ Staff can help you with your issue, for neither we nor they issue Global Bans.

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