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Do you miss the old North East Airfield?

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I didn't partake in the deathmatch up there, but I got bored of the place just after watching all those "Killing bandits at NEAF" videos posted in the gallery with the same predictable content.

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No I don't miss the old NEAF but I do wish they would have atleast put in one hanger atleast because it is an airfield.

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Yes and no. I don't like Military bases in the game but I am also against spreading the spawns and map out when there aren't many zombies to fill up the map in the first place.


Do you often see plane wrecks when you visit the airport? 

wat. It is the zombie apoc, it isn't supposed to be a leisurely Sunday afternoon. Although like mentioned above, sometimes it sure seems like it.

Edited by MagneticToast

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Do you often see plane wrecks when you visit the airport? 


Do you often see a zombie invasion when you are onboard a commercial airliner?

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Completely different problem altogether.


I would remove balota turn it into a civilian airport no mil gear, remove green mountain military gear, remove the vybor base and then put in a small military and I mean small like 2 tents in Stary sobor or novy sobor the halfway point between nwaf and the coast.

No that is stupid also. I live in a suburb of about 200,000 population, and we have tons, and I mean tons military bases, like a good 3 or 4 huge ones. Balota needs to be kept. If you put only military gear at NW then you direct everyone to that location, and it will just become one big firefight. Remember the days of spawning in Balota? remember how there used to be like 8 or 10 guys their at once all fighting? Well you can double that if NW is the only good military base. And what you are completely forgetting is that this is a Zombie Apocalypse *Gasp.* And the whole story revolves around a big military intervention in Chernaurus. Open your eyes, there a tanks and military vehicles everywhere! And Balota is never being taken out as it is a direct tie to the Green Mountain conspiracy. They leave trails of military effort from Balota all the way to NW, there is a reason there are military bases on that side of the map. These tent cities were set up by the military for a strong-point to hold up against Zed. Say what you want, but the devs aren't going to change the whole story just because a few people want nothing but a pistol and Mosin the whole time.

Edited by InsaneRuffles

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No that is stupid also. I live in a suburb of about 200,000 population, and we have tons, and I mean tons military bases, like a good 3 or 4 huge ones. Balota needs to be kept. If you put only military gear at NW then you direct everyone to that location, and it will just become one big firefight. Remember the days of spawning in Balota? remember how there used to be like 8 or 10 guys their at once all fighting? Well you can double that if NW is the only good military base. And what you are completely forgetting is that this is a Zombie Apocalypse *Gasp.* And the whole story revolves around a big military intervention in Chernaurus. Open your eyes, there a tanks and military vehicles everywhere! And Balota is never being taken out as it is a direct tie to the Green Mountain conspiracy. They leave trails of military effort from Balota all the way to NW, there is a reason there are military bases on that side of the map. These tent cities were set up by the military for a strong-point to hold up against Zed. Say what you want, but the devs aren't going to change the whole story just because a few people want nothing but a pistol and Mosin the whole time.



You live in Chenarus or a Eastern European nation ?

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Nope, love the new looks...

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No that is stupid also. I live in a suburb of about 200,000 population, and we have tons, and I mean tons military bases, like a good 3 or 4 huge ones.


Where the hell do you live that you have 3 to 4 LARGE millitary installations in a suburb? DC? Switzerland? Afghanistan?

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Where the hell do you live that you have 3 to 4 LARGE millitary installations in a suburb? DC? Switzerland? Afghanistan?


He probably lives in an military town.


Heck in just about most of the world military bases are super rare and usually isolated far from civilian areas.


The fact that there are so many military camps in a map as small as chenarus is pretty insane.

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For me it felt to bland. It was big but not enough buildings. I like it a lot more now.

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I think both airfields could be dramatically improved if the runways were littered with destroyed vehicles, aircraft, and debris. Would provide some cover for players attempting to move in for loot, and add more variety to firefights that occur there. So much of the airfield is wasted with wide-open flat space

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Yes, I do miss old NEAF. This is mainly because it offered sort of unofficial PVP zone, where one could go for action. Of course there are still Balota & NWAF left, but they just aren't NEAF.


The good thing about having these known "danger zones" is, that people can play the game they want. If you aren't looking for PVP action, you avoid airfields. If these hotspots are removed, the end-result is increase in KoS mentality throughout the map. I see this as a negative thing for the community, since there are also those who aren't interested of PVP. I am not willing to shoot some survivor who is just looking for materials to make a campfire, therefore I would like to see old NEAF restored or new similar area created further from spawns. (Though personally I didn't see a problem with old NEAF being so close to spawns. The high rewards were counterbalanced by the dangers of the area).

Edited by Law Guy

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You aren't honestly complaining about airfields being too open and flat, are you?

No, I'm complaining about the air fields being 'prime real estate' in terms of loot, which make them the natural focal point for squads and high-end players.


I would rather that the loot-rich areas were varied, interesting cities like Novo or complicated military bases with fun layouts, rather than airfields.

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Where the hell do you live that you have 3 to 4 LARGE millitary installations in a suburb? DC? Switzerland? Afghanistan?

Ever been to Oahu?  A little bigger than Cherno but we have it all here, Pearl Harbor, Hickam AFB, Schofield Barracks/Wheeler AAF and K-bay for the jarheads.  We used to have more, look at the old Barbers Point, Ewa MCAS and Bellows Field too

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Yes, I do miss old NEAF. This is mainly because it offered sort of unofficial PVP zone, where one could go for action. Of course there are still Balota & NWAF left, but they just aren't NEAF.


The good thing about having these known "danger zones" is, that people can play the game they want. If you aren't looking for PVP action, you avoid airfields. If these hotspots are removed, the end-result is increase in KoS mentality throughout the map. I see this as a negative thing for the community, since there are also those who aren't interested of PVP. I am not willing to shoot some survivor who is just looking for materials to make a campfire, therefore I would like to see old NEAF restored or new similar area created further from spawns. (Though personally I didn't see a problem with old NEAF being so close to spawns. The high rewards were counterbalanced by the dangers of the area).

I must be the only guy who agrees with you. If people hated the old NEAF, why did everyone go? And if you didn't, why complain, as they are people you didn't want to play with anyway?


Here is what changed for me:


I used to spawn, hit NEAF and Polana piano houses, and if I wasn't geared enough, server hop a couple times until I had enough. Then I would hang around NEAF and PVP.


Now, I spawn, hit the North road and run to NWAF. I loot there and secret military base. I server hop until I have enough. Then I run back to Berez to PVP.


What has changed except I have to run more? If you don't wanna PVP, keep hiding in the woods. If you wanna PVP, we need a couple real heavy zones to keep people engaged. Elektro used to do it for me, then it was NEAF, now it's Berez, but not as good due to player dispersion with new loot dynamic. I am bored with hunting deer and zombies. People are the only challenge. Give us 60 person servers with good reliability, and it will be perfect. That is enough to ensure I find me PVP zones without too much idle time.

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