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Top 3 Suggestions

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1.) No chance to abort or leave game when within close-range of zombies or other players

2.) Drinking from clean water sources (lakes, ponds)

3.) Batteries for flashlights / cars

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This has been done before but i will play along.

1. Molotovs

2. Low humanity requires psychological drugs

3. Machete

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1) headlamp & pistol/flashlight dual wield http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=577

2) Machete - faster than axe but no dual function of cutting wood.

3) EDIT: changed my No3. Radios - rare - normal radios which put your voice on direct as well as secure radio channel. Very rare military radios with throat mics that drastically reduce voice on direct.

My 2c...

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1. More co-op goals / gameplay mechanics to make player interactions more tense / increase paranoia

2. Show how much blood someone's lost by bloodying up their character

3. Extra hard difficulty setting where you need antibiotics within a few hours of being attacked by a zombie or you turn into a zombie (player respawns, creates zombie where they were)

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1.) Get rid of barbwire (even without it being spawn infinite times it's going to be abused)

2.) Fix the server browser refresh from freezing/locking up

3.) Show players who killed other players. Eg. Tweeter was killed by Monkey man

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1. Lower military loot spawns. No military loot in deer stands/fire houses.

2. Roaming packs of zombies.

3. More random events like helicopter crashes.

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1. Holding Flashlight and hand gun at the same time.

2.Teargas & Gasmasks.

3.More random events like helicopter crashes.

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1. New and formidable types of zombie threats.

2. Craftable traps that use grenades, axes, or chemlights/flares.

3. Walkie-talkies / military-radios with general and private chat options or just a bunch of different usable channels.

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1. Show Who killed Who.

2. More game and hostile wildlife. (Deer, Bears, Wolves, Elk, Moose)

3. More Weather interaction. Rain reduces visibility, snow storms. Etc.

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Leave your list below:

1.) Storage in buses

2.) Drinking from clean water sources (lakes' date=' ponds)

3.) Batteries for flashlights / cars


There is storage in buses. Hop into drivers seat, scroll and go to back seat, scroll and press gear. Done.

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1.) Tougher survival (snow storms that can be life-threatening if caught in the wilderness, cooked meat spoils, zombie hordes etc.)

2.) Spread out and randomize high level loot spawns (dead soldiers spawning in houses with gear, military drop crates in the wilderness)

3. Being able to hold a flashlight and a sidearm simultaneously, but with decreased accuracy.

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- More psychology in the mod. Actions have consequences.

- A real zombie threat. More coherent zombie behavior (no zigzag, no pinpointing our location)

- Timer on connections and deconnections. No server hopping ("You've been connecting to different servers too often, wait 1h.") No DC to avoid death (You need to be in a safe place and not being shot at to logout).

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Man so many good ones

-More melee weapons (although I think Rocket said they are adding more so I don't want this to count lol) KATANA!

-Helicopter crashes that you witness and other random events, massive hoards ect.

-Being able to drag a corpse.

-A fix to exploits (when switching servers you respawn on beach, no DC'ing while engaged in combat with zed or PCs).

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Leave your list below:

1.) Storage in buses

2.) Drinking from clean water sources (lakes' date=' ponds)

3.) Batteries for flashlights / cars


You can already store stuff in the Bus, enter it, open the Map, go to Units click the link "Gear".

1.) Remove the feature where Zombies knock you unconscious. Or lower the probability it's way too fucking frequent.

2.) Remove the feature where Zombies knock you unconscious. Or lower the probability it's way too fucking frequent.

3.) Remove the feature where Zombies knock you unconscious. Or lower the probability it's way too fucking frequent.

Or just lower the god damn unconscious timer. 1 - 1½ Minute is just way too much. If you get knocked unconscious in DayZ - you're dead. There's no way to escape.

It is said on the DayZ Wiki that they should only be able to knock you unconscious when below 10 000 Blood, but I've been knocked unconscious at 12 000 Blood, and lost everything I had because of this stupid feature. It's too much.

I'm all up for it sucking when you lose hours of weapon to Players or zombies breaking your leg - you still have a chance to defend yourself. You don't when you get unconscious. Rocket, you might as well make this feature insta-kill instead of knocking the player unconscious, because that's how severe it is!

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-Zombies move at different speeds, there are more of them, you can't outrun them forever and they will grab and overpower you

-Almost all buildings are enterable, and you can barricade them from inside or out

-Increase the time it takes to perform an action, and give us the ability to assist actions by other players to reduce that time

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1: One character per server.

2: Implementation of ACRE style radios via in-game VON.

3: Merge with ACE.

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Splints as alternative to morphine.

Radios for talking to others.

More things in the woods. New wildlife/ zombies in the woods.

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1 ACRE radio's would be a really nice addition, or any kind of radio.

2 More random events would be nice to see. Random enemy AI spawns in a small squad of riflemen to clear out a route or something shooting at survivors and anything it encounters.

3 Ability to turn on/off the power from the power plants in Elecktro and Cherno.

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Turn broken bones into being bitten with a bite icon.Instead of having to crawl you can now walk but not run due to the intense pain.Now the morphine is to be able to counter the pain allowing you to run.Make it so that you need to find antibiotics if the bite gets infected 50/50% chance.

Could leave broken bones but make it arms instead of legs(no two handed weapons allowed) and then have it so you need to build the splint many are asking for.

Stamina system where you can run at higher speed for say a real hour if you consume caffeinated sodas.Plain water and your running speed slows down slightly to where you feel it but its not annoying.;)

Also Rocket,please change the backpack icons to realistic things.You have built such an immersive world that when things do not click it stands out.Instead of carrying around tires,make it a tire repair kit(possible need of a crowbar).Engine parts=carburetor,helicopter rotor=hydraulic lines etc.

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1) Zombies run a little bit slower than survivors

2) More food spawns. I've played for 3 or 4 hours and haven't found any food or water.

3) -Blank-

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1. New map designed specifically for DayZ

2. 1 character per server

3. Radios (broken boats on the beach with radios that cant be picked up)

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