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About DocFox

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DocFox

    Top 3 Suggestions

    Great suggestions so far. Keep em coming!
  2. DocFox

    Top 3 Suggestions

    Leave your list below: 1.) No chance to abort or leave game when within close-range of zombies or other players 2.) Drinking from clean water sources (lakes, ponds) 3.) Batteries for flashlights / cars
  3. Just throwing this out there, all of us died and we were saddened by the loss of ol' bessy. (our bus) As you can see in the above photos, all of our corpses are littering the ground next to the bus.
  4. If 3rd person goes, I go. Along with countless others.
  5. Zombie behavior is complete and utter garbage now. Zombies see, run, and attack through walls. Instead of releasing new fixes every day, have patience to take the time and get it right.
  6. I am a Doctor, and I support this message. (And all others Moshcore posts)
  7. Poor changes. As a survivor, starting out with a little bit of food and water with a crappy gun was perfectly reasonable. Now, starting with nearly nothing will push many new players away. Also, the new zombie seeing and hearing mechanics need some more tweaking.