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Here is the information I gathered about the CR527 from the in-game files

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I am currently going through the data for the CR527 and will be posting information I find below.


In-game description: The CR527 carbine is a bolt-action, magazine-fed, light weight, intermediate range ‘brush gun' chambered for the popular 5.56x45mm cartridge.";


Sound: Currently using sounds for the mosin


Accuracy: Dispersion is .0025 compared to the mosins dispersion which is also at .0025 giving these guns pretty much the same accuracy


Caliber: This gun will be using 5.56x45 bullets EDIT: Gun Caliber is changing from 5.56x45 to 7.62x39


Camos: This gun offers Default Camo (See in Texture), Black, Green, and Camo


Magazine: This gun will hold Five rounds at maximum


Attatchments: Currently in files, Bipod. Can not confirm which scopes yet.


Damage: Same as M4 from what I can tell, but might be wrong. EDIT: Possible damage model replicate to SKS and AKM


Recoil: Exactly the same as the Mosin from what I can tell.


Texture: Thanks to gibonez for the picture,




Overview: This sniper looks to be a copy and past of the Mosin with changes to its skin, damage, and caliber. I will update this thread when I find more information. Still digging through the files and if I can I will add a screenshot of the texture for the gun later.


Please note this gun is still a work in progress and is no where finished yet many changes can be expected when it's released from the stats I have given.

Edited by LeeFriendField
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 This sniper looks to be a copy and past of the Mosin with changes to its skin, damage, and caliber. 

what else is there to change ??

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  On 6/30/2014 at 10:56 PM, melfist said:

 This sniper looks to be a copy and past of the Mosin with changes to its skin, damage, and caliber. 

what else is there to change ??


Get your eyes checked.


Nothing aside from the accuracy is like the mosin.

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  On 6/30/2014 at 10:59 PM, gibonez said:

Get your eyes checked.


Nothing aside from the accuracy is like the mosin.

i see that ...so what else is there to change ? OP says its copy and paste not myself

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Im going to guess that this starts the 5.56 spawning outside of the heli-crash sites.. which will make finding the M4 a little more worthwhile. 


It could spawn at hunter loot sites or even possibly the crash sites themselves if they get lazy about the ammo issue.. either way, Im looking forward to something other than the Mosin for long range engagements. 

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I hope this will be a deer-stand spawn, it would finaly be more interesting searching inland trough woods for a good rifle, or even just stumble upon it on luck, until you find something better.

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Hopefully this'll give them a chance to add in the hunting scope that's on file.

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Are you sure it is called a CR 527 and not CZ 527 and why would it use NATO 5.56 rounds?

The BI devs should at least introduce a .223 Remington that can be used in both the M4 and the 527 and found in civilian areas.

Edited by TiggyPooh

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  On 7/1/2014 at 12:53 AM, TiggyPooh said:

Are you sure it is called a CR 527 and not CZ 527 and why would it use NATO 5.56 rounds?

The BI devs should at least introduce a .223 Remington that can be used in both the M4 and the 527 and found in civilian areas.


They are using same calibers for a specific reason and it cant simply be the artwork needed to make new ammo.. 


Im guessing its a programming issue, that each time they want to make a new caliber, they essentially have to write up an entirely new weapon. Them doing things they way they have been, its a short cut to get things added in. They take the entire barrel section of an M4, change the code for dispersion, possibly damage and range and then add it to any rifle skin they wish. Complete it with the reload animation and voila, new weapon added in. Much easier than from the ground up each time for each new caliber weapon. 

Edited by lrish

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  On 7/1/2014 at 1:01 AM, lrish said:

They are using same calibers for a specific reason and it cant simply be the artwork needed to make new ammo.. 


Im guessing its a programming issue, that each time they want to make a new caliber, they essentially have to write up an entirely new weapon. Them doing things they way they have been, its a short cut to get things added in. They take the entire barrel section of an M4, change the code for dispersion, possibly damage and range and then add it to any rifle skin they wish. Complete it with the reload animation and voila, new weapon added in. Much easier than from the ground up each time for each new caliber weapon. 


Just saying it would be nice to have the .223 ammo lying around in civilian areas for this hunting rifle.

Similar to the Brown Bear 7.62 ammo they could make a nice Wolf .223 ammo box



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For those to do not understand what I am talking about here is the comparison of the original real 7.62 Brown Bear ammo from what I thought the DayZ Calm Bear ammo is inspired from.






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  On 7/1/2014 at 12:53 AM, TiggyPooh said:

Are you sure it is called a CR 527 and not CZ 527 and why would it use NATO 5.56 rounds?

The BI devs should at least introduce a .223 Remington that can be used in both the M4 and the 527 and found in civilian areas.


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  On 7/1/2014 at 12:53 AM, TiggyPooh said:

Are you sure it is called a CR 527 and not CZ 527 and why would it use NATO 5.56 rounds?

The BI devs should at least introduce a .223 Remington that can be used in both the M4 and the 527 and found in civilian areas.

Pretty sure, because the CZ-75 in game is called the CR75, and they're both made by the same company in real life, so I don't see why not.

They wouldn't call it the CZ-527 even if it wasn't going to be the CR527, though, because CZ owns the right to the name of the CZ-527.

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  On 7/1/2014 at 1:25 AM, LeeFriendField said:


That does say cz527, not cr527.


  On 7/1/2014 at 1:32 AM, Chaingunfighter said:

Pretty sure, because the CZ-75 in game is called the CR75, and they're both made by the same company in real life, so I don't see why not.

They wouldn't call it the CZ-527 even if it wasn't going to be the CR527, though, because CZ owns the right to the name of the CZ-527.


I hope they continue putting the real-world CZ weapons into the fictional CR lore item. Just a neat way of incorporating stuff into the lore of Chernarus.

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  On 7/1/2014 at 1:43 AM, Katana67 said:

That does say cz527, not cr527.


The files also say Ruger1022 and CZ75, but it's gonna be a CR527 in the game.

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  On 7/1/2014 at 1:32 AM, Chaingunfighter said:

Pretty sure, because the CZ-75 in game is called the CR75, and they're both made by the same company in real life, so I don't see why not.

They wouldn't call it the CZ-527 even if it wasn't going to be the CR527, though, because CZ owns the right to the name of the CZ-527.


Yeah, giving it a slightly different name to avoid trademarks is understandable.

As I pointed out, it would be nice to have the Wolf ammo, they could call it Wolfe, Volk, or something like that.  

For those that don't know to much about calibers, both the .223 and 5.56x45 have more or less the same dimensions (some small differences) and in most cases can be used in weapons chambered for either caliber. It is noted that the NATO 5.56 can cause high stress and even damage to .223 chambered rifles due to the higher pressures they use.

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Back on topic, the advantages compared to the Mosin should be:


1 Lighter than the Mosin

2 Shorter than the Mosin - Less visible when holding in hands and slung on the back

3 Less sway

4 more accurate

5 quieter 

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  On 7/1/2014 at 1:51 AM, Gews said:

The files also say Ruger1022 and CZ75, but it's gonna be a CR527 in the game.


I don't doubt it, just saying, the evidence that was apparently used to demonstrate to the contrary... actually said "cz527".

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3d model of it.


Love the communities support of civilian firearms. They were indeed pissed and freaking out over the flashbangs earlier.

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  On 7/1/2014 at 4:25 AM, gibonez said:




3d model of it.


Love the communities support of civilian firearms. They were indeed pissed and freaking out over the flashbangs earlier.

Thanks for the model


I can imagine flashbangs being found in police stations for riots. Kind of a cool introduction. 

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A bolt-action 5 round M4?

This gun sure is going to be good :V my friends have hit dudes 7 times or so with the M4 when geared up at least to down someone so it'll on average, take about 2~3 reloads for the regular player to nail someone.

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same damage as M4 :rolleyes:


than, who will use this instead of the mosin? :rolleyes:

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  On 6/30/2014 at 10:32 PM, LeeFriendField said:



Overview: This sniper looks to be a copy and past of the Mosin with changes to its skin, damage, and caliber. I will update this thread when I find more information. Still digging through the files and if I can I will add a screenshot of the texture for the gun later.


 Its almost like...the rifle is a work in progress and isn't ready to be released to experimental yet  :)


Caliber is changing. Art was told to make this in 5.56mm by design, but that was before design moved all 5.56 to crashsites so we decided this week to rebarrel the 527 in 7.62x39 and might later add a full-length 527 varmint in 5.56 sometime in the future.  


Sounds are being made atm, along with new reload animations. 

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  On 7/1/2014 at 12:03 PM, Scubaman3D said:

Its almost like...the rifle is a work in progress and isn't ready to be released to experimental yet :)

Caliber is changing. Art was told to make this in 5.56mm by design, but that was before design moved all 5.56 to crashsites so we decided this week to rebarrel the 527 in 7.62x39 and might later add a full-length 527 varmint in 5.56 sometime in the future.

Sounds are being made atm, along with new reload animations.


The more bolt guns the merrier.

Are there going to be visual differences on them to differentiate the calibers? Such as a synthetic stock and stainless steel barrel or will they look the same?

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