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Why I kill other players (outsided of defense/necesity):

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You should get a girlfriend.


Also you kill in DayZ becouse you are not punished for it in any form (like for exemple bandit skin like in DayZ mod )

What a horrible punishment. It certainly kept me from killing people in DayZero.


...or didn't I get your sarcasm?

Edited by Khanarac

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Just because we're here for one purpose, doesn't mean we have to fulfill that purpose or enjoy doing it.

And I honestly hope I die long before I end up in a retirement home, slowly rotting away with nothing to look forward to but death.

Yeah, making babies is such an AWFUL process.

I'm not arguing philosophy here, I merely stated a fact: every biological entity on the planet is here solely to see their species thrive.

Somewhere along the way we figured out that we can reproduce and have fun doing other things simultaneously. That's great, but as someone who has children, I can assure you there's no better feeling. No roller coaster, motorcycle, or any other adrenaline rush can take its place.

There's a reason that depression is so rampant in those who either choose not to, or are unable to have children.

Edited by Grimey Rick

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I think its going to be much more interesting to "hunt" if they ever come through with blood trails and footprints like they spoke of before.

As far as why as the OP stated? You just never know. I will let them be the first to show they dont plan to do me any harm if they see me first and make their intentions known. Outside of that, it will always be 50/50 on what could happen... What I have, whos nearby, what they have, whats been happening in the area, so on and so on... Theres alot of factors...

All I know is... if i get a can opener... no one lives... =p

Edited by cels

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Somewhere along the way we figured out that we can reproduce and have fun doing other things simultaneously. That's great, but as someone who has children, I can assure you there's no better feeling. No roller coaster, motorcycle, or any other adrenaline rush can take its place.


You make it seem like having children is some sort of universal pleasure. I can assure you (from experience) that it's not. While the majority might enjoy it, I can safely say that I will never again let any child into my life for an extended amount of time. Not being able to fully enjoy what I loved doing most (partying all night, going on road trips for weeks with friends, traveling to other countries) was an extremely depressing experience for me.

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You make it seem like having children is some sort of universal pleasure. I can assure you (from experience) that it's not. While the majority might enjoy it, I can safely say that I will never again let any child into my life for an extended amount of time. Not being able to fully enjoy what I loved doing most (partying all night, going on road trips for weeks with friends, traveling to other countries) was an extremely depressing experience for me.

Wow, that's the biggest asshole comment I've ever heard from someone about their children. Obviously you're not old enough to be blessed with a child if you're still this focused on partying. Road trips and traveling are much more rewarding with your children. Your kids will be there for you for the rest of your life, the skanks at the parties won't.

If this isn't a troll post, it sounds like it's time for you to grow up.

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Well today I was hunting fully geared guy in some forgotten part of the map, while having mediocre gear myself. 

It was exciting as hell. Shame that my pray proved to be stupid and alt tabbed in the open to probably check the map as he stopped in front of a city name sign. Easy, clean head shot kill. 

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Wow, that's the biggest asshole comment I've ever heard from someone about their children. Obviously you're not old enough to be blessed with a child if you're still this focused on partying. Road trips and traveling are much more rewarding with your children. Your kids will be there for you for the rest of your life, the skanks at the parties won't.

If this isn't a troll post, it sounds like it's time for you to grow up.


Making harsh judgements and assumptions and calling me a troll for pretty much no reason? I think you're the one who should grow up. Not everyone shares the same values as you. Deal with it.

Edited by Aanex

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Making harsh judgements and assumptions and calling me a troll for pretty much no reason? I think you're the one who should grow up. Not everyone shares the same values as you. Deal with it.

No reason?

Anyone who has kids and is depressed and bitter that they can't "party" like they used to has their values ass-backwards. As for me growing up, my life is in perfect order; my wife and kids have everything they need and are my top priority. What about you? Did you miss that "totes gnarly" rave because you had to stay home and watch your kid(s), Mr. Hipster?

With people like you running around crying woe is me, it's no wonder society is fucked. Again, grow up.

P.S: You felt the need to comment on my posts, not the other way around. Don't get butt-hurt when you hear something you don't like. I could give two shits about your childish lifestyle, I just can't help but empathize with your kid(s).

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No reason?

Anyone who has kids and is depressed and bitter that they can't "party" like they used to has their values ass-backwards. As for me growing up, my life is in perfect order; my wife and kids have everything they need and are my top priority. What about you? Did you miss that "totes gnarly" rave because you had to stay home and watch your kid(s), Mr. Hipster?

With people like you running around crying woe is me, it's no wonder society is fucked. Again, grow up.

P.S: You felt the need to comment on my posts, not the other way around. Don't get butt-hurt when you hear something you don't like. I could give two shits about your childish lifestyle, I just can't help but empathize with your kid(s).


Yay, more of your close-minded, judgmental  BS.


Once again, YOU are the one that needs to grow up. And it seems to me like you're the one getting butt-hurt and throwing around the insults just because someone shares different views than you.

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Just feel like adding to the topic for no reason other then staying on..topic.

 I shoot people that shoot at me, period.

If they however attempt to open dialogue, I keep my weapon lowered and reply in kind.

 If they do not see me, I get the hell out of there and attempt to hide.

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yut yut kill. but no really the hunt is great specially when youre trying to track down your prey last time I did found hime at the boat crash site in the NE popped him right in the face there


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I kill people for the thrill of the hunt as well. It's not about killing, the feeling of superiority while you have their life in your hands but pick the exact moment you take it is quite gratifying. This goes especially when I kill people who never see it coming.. those who least expect to see the "you are dead" screen in the next second, you can tell by the carelessness they exhibit easily. One could say I'm training them to be more challenging prey.

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I got left with broken limbs after i played "new Player" on someone who was stupid enough to give me ammo. Needless to say i tried to shot him in the chest with that mosin but that dident kill him, not even knocked him over, he just bled...shot my legs and left.

DayZ Karma....i deserved that :D

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I got left with broken limbs after i played "new Player" on someone who was stupid enough to give me ammo. Needless to say i tried to shot him in the chest with that mosin but that dident kill him, not even knocked him over, he just bled...shot my legs and left.

DayZ Karma....i deserved that :D


Edited by BigCountry101

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Yay, more of your close-minded, judgmental BS.

Once again, YOU are the one that needs to grow up. And it seems to me like you're the one getting butt-hurt and throwing around the insults just because someone shares different views than you.

I feel bad for your kids. I still think you're 15, though. Either that, or a deadbeat.

No parent that wasn't living off of welfare would feel that way about their children. Societal douchebaggery at its filthy, stinking pinnacle.

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Societal douchebaggery at its filthy, stinking pinnacle.


You're one to talk.

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I never said terrible, just not as fulfilling. We're here for one reason: reproduction. Before I had kids I thought the best thing in life was making a ton of cash and spending it on things that go fast. Now that I have them, I'd give everything up for them and still be happier than living without them. Let me know if your opinion changes when you're 90 and in a retirement home with no one visiting you. I'm sure I'll still be posting here. (;

Since our population has reached about 7 billion, humans are no longer here for "reproduction" hell, we've never been here just solely for reproduction. We are here because we are sentient, and because we have a very bright future with space travel and technology. If we were only here to produce, then we would still be neanderthals.

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shoot first


ask questions while they bleed out with broken legs and your looting












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I usually just KOS now. I used to ask if friendly all the time. It's funny because I had literally asked if someone I saw at Balota was friendly just 30 minutes ago. I was in a good mood. I had the chance to kill him multiple times, he kept asking if I was friendly over and over again which seemed odd since the only reason he started talking on mic was because I asked first so I knew he heard me the first time. I was inside one of the tall military housing buildings near the hangars on the top floor, ended up shooting me in the head killing me instantly through the window from ground level on the outside as I was looting something.


That was after days and days of terrible sessions where game glitches and lag ended up killing me multiple times after I had gotten all the gear I could have wanted. One of them I spent 2 and a half hours walking from the eastern part of the map to the other side on accident because of newly added roads which got me lost.


Now it's either KOS if I have the chance or give them fair warning to stay away

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I usually just KOS now. I used to ask if friendly all the time. It's funny because I had literally asked if someone I saw at Balota was friendly just 30 minutes ago. I was in a good mood. I had the chance to kill him multiple times, he kept asking if I was friendly over and over again which seemed odd since the only reason he started talking on mic was because I asked first so I knew he heard me the first time. I was inside one of the tall military housing buildings near the hangars on the top floor, ended up shooting me in the head killing me instantly through the window from ground level on the outside as I was looting something.


That was after days and days of terrible sessions where game glitches and lag ended up killing me multiple times after I had gotten all the gear I could have wanted. One of them I spent 2 and a half hours walking from the eastern part of the map to the other side on accident because of newly added roads which got me lost.


Now it's either KOS if I have the chance or give them fair warning to stay away


I feel ya, I just posted similar story in KoS pinned thread.


Unless you are one of the Berezino warriors you better KoS untill humanity system with bandit/hero skins is in game.

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I feel ya, I just posted similar story in KoS pinned thread.


Unless you are one of the Berezino warriors you better KoS untill humanity system with bandit/hero skins is in game.

Have fun KoSing forever because it is not going to happen. Devs have spoken, 

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You're one to talk.

Says the shitty parent/15 year old troll.

As far as us being here for space travel, LOL. We can't even design a hull strong enough to withstand Jupiter's gravitational pull of around 50km/s, let alone withstanding the speed of light (355,000 km/s) necessary to reach the closest hospitable planet within a lifetime which is roughly 60 light years away. We're stuck on Earth, so NASA might as well put its resources into preserving this planet and defending it from potential meteor strikes.

Regardless of our population, it's still our primary purpose/instinct to pass on our seed until Mother Nature deems otherwise.

Edited by Grimey Rick
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You make it seem like having children is some sort of universal pleasure. I can assure you (from experience) that it's not. While the majority might enjoy it, I can safely say that I will never again let any child into my life for an extended amount of time. Not being able to fully enjoy what I loved doing most (partying all night, going on road trips for weeks with friends, traveling to other countries) was an extremely depressing experience for me.



Oh, you self centered dick. You don't deserve the pleasure of having kids. To try an continue your half-assed argument for not having kids is mundane. You look and sound like a fool. To fully admit that it's "stealing" time for you to party and hang out with friends?


Dude, you make me sick for having the gall to even proudly admit that. Fuck you dude straight up. I'm not going to argue with you. I'm telling you (and I wish I could say this an inch from your shitty little face) "Fuck you." 

Grow the fuck up. Get a job. Get your priorities straight. And cut your dick off while your at it because we certainly don't need any more piece of shits like you running around.

I sincerely hope someone gets angry in traffic one day and kills you; violently. God damn, you've pissed me off you fucking prick. 

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Says the shitty parent/15 year old troll.


Once again with the unwarranted insults. You're the only one who seems like a 15 year old. But you're probably just going to reply with another completely stupid assumption, so I think I'm just going to ignore you for now.

Was fun seeing just how uncivilized such an oh-so-great-parent can be, though.



Grow the fuck up. Get a job. Get your priorities straight. And cut your dick off while your at it because we certainly don't need any more piece of shits like you running around.


 Maybe you should also learn to be more civilized before telling others to grow up. And if you would bother to read, then you would know it's far too late for cutting off my genitals to accomplish anything.

Edited by Aanex

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