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NPC Helicopter Death Squads

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Hey guys, after about 650 hours played I would like to make a few suggestions and see what you guys think. I think there should be NPC helicopter death squads in this game sent by organized NPC survivors OFF MAP to exterminate all human-like life in Chernarus. This would aid a few areas of the game that upset many people.


Lack of player interaction

Would explain helo crash sites that are on fire

Would heavily increase the fear factor due to its loud rotors and light machine gun

Would explain the presence of Western weapons


The key is to not make it overpowered. Make it rare. Something like a Blackhawk with a pilot/copilot, a door gunner, and a guy with an m4. Make their loot stay on them like a real player. And make zombies follow it from all around so if it comes for you, your only hope is to run like hell and team up. 


Thanks for reading


PS. We need a hunting backpack rendered black as well

Edited by Ether mR
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Why not have Player death squads once Helis are introduced - no need for NPCs.


Agree on the black backpack idea.

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I agree, player helo teams would exist as well, but I think a rare NPC team would increase immersion because the burned up sites do not make much sense right now. Again, I love the game and would never complain about it, but they are peculiar. And maybe they have some other device to cause zombies to swarm and form a horde.

Edited by Ether mR

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Hey guys, after about 650 hours played I would like to make a few suggestions and see what you guys think. I think there should be NPC helicopter death squads in this game sent by organized NPC survivors OFF MAP to exterminate all human-like life in Chernarus. This would aid a few areas of the game that upset many people.


Lack of player interaction

Would explain helo crash sites that are on fire

Would heavily increase the fear factor due to its loud rotors and light machine gun

Would explain the presence of Western weapons


The key is to not make it overpowered. Make it rare. Something like a Blackhawk with a pilot/copilot, a door gunner, and a guy with an m4. Make their loot stay on them like a real player. And make zombies follow it from all around so if it comes for you, your only hope is to run like hell and team up. 


Thanks for reading


PS. We need a hunting backpack rendered black as well

We need improvised ghillie suits,literally ALL im asking

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We need improvised ghillie suits,literally ALL im asking

FUUUUUUU....... :rolleyes:

Edited by Zyryanoff

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That map always had hellacious death choppers. I was in a town, and would sprint from building to building across the street and do my little roll while rounds left a smoke trail around me. Finally neared the bridge, and when theyd do a sweep Id prone and wait till they were on top of me. Finally lost them about 1 1/2 clicks later in the pine forest. Good times...

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I've played on DayZ mod server with NPC "death squads" and NPC helicopter.


And what I can tell you about it that it is completly broken, NPC "cheats", see throught walls, trees, have perfect aim etc etc etc.


Just look how broken zombies are and imagine them with guns that can snipe you from 600 meters.


That are NPC death squads for you in DayZ.

Edited by Frosti
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How about having theese helicopters,drop some kind of biological weapon bombs?

Something that will drive the survivors look for shelter.

The radio can provide broadcast information,such as the drop coordinates and the time left before impact.

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Explain to me who would send death squads to eliminate all "Human-like life" anywhere? Especially after an apocalypse which has clearly put non-infected survivors at a premium. What is the benefit?

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Explain to me who would send death squads to eliminate all "Human-like life" anywhere? Especially after an apocalypse which has clearly put non-infected survivors at a premium. What is the benefit?

Same reason everyone ingame is a kosing dick. That should be reason enough.

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I don't agree with this honestly, I see no point since like most people said players will already be doing so. NPC bandits that ambush you with melee weapons and maybe some weak broken hand gun are something else even though I'm sure even that won't happen but the moment you put a NPC in a heli dumb shit happens, sure they don't always kill you but theres already going to be so much to look out for and not to mention im sure they will glitch somehow, i believe someone already stated the sight through walls and long range sniper assault rifles they have. Just personally i hope to never see this, now maybe on some private servers this could happen but standard shouldn't.

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The attraction of DayZ is that there are other people trying to survive, they are unpredictable, crafty and funny.

We already have enough players that just want to shoot you, we don't need AI to do the job people are already doing,

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nope, just nope.


AI is already bad to say the least in the game, just imagine it with a m240 shooting down people from 600 meters away.


just nope.

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I don't know sounds kinda interesting. Just something happening a little different then well nothing going on in some of these cities/towns...I wouldn't mind seeing helo npc just flying over assessing the situation maybe pick off a zed or two but leave survivors alone. Fly into a town and hover slowly over a few buildings then fly off like they are looking for something. Or drop a box of supplies maybe you could find it and get some food. Other players may head toward it causing some interesting situations...not like you could carry all of its contents anyway so you take what you can then leave the rest for others. Maybe it disappears after 10 min or so.

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Explain to me who would send death squads to eliminate all "Human-like life" anywhere? Especially after an apocalypse which has clearly put non-infected survivors at a premium. What is the benefit?

I'm pretty sure tony abbot would be keen as cat shit for something like that, If the situation ever presented itself. Look at this nazi treatment of boat people seeking refuge from persecution. 


I apologize if you are not Australian because you will have no idea of what I speak of :D

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I'm pretty sure tony abbot would be keen as cat shit for something like that, If the situation ever presented itself. Look at this nazi treatment of boat people seeking refuge from persecution. 


I apologize if you are not Australian because you will have no idea of what I speak of :D

yes because burning all your paperwork and illegally entering a country sets a true blue precedent for your new life in Australia  .... so is it the nazi treatment that caused the nigerians and sudanese to create there 3rd world ghetto esque communitys years before abbott got in.... i would say interest free loans for asylum seekers who land here on a plane is far from facist behaviour ... the only nazi in Australia is cambell neuman with his anti association laws 

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yes because burning all your paperwork and illegally entering a country sets a true blue precedent for your new life in Australia  .... so is it the nazi treatment that caused the nigerians and sudanese to create there 3rd world ghetto esque communitys years before abbott got in.... i would say interest free loans for asylum seekers who land here on a plane is far from facist behaviour ... the only nazi in Australia is cambell neuman with his anti association laws


Pffffff to that.. ! there tonnes of genuine refugees with out thinking like a heartless pig ! :D  - i think ill just leave it at that. 

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