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Killing a server admin, restart, and killing him again.

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So, yesterday me and a buddy were at Vybor and decided to raid the military base. With all the KOS happening lately we went really careful in, checking every inch of the base before starting looting the area.

When we're all set and ready to move out we hear a whizz and a huge BLAM, indicating a player is really nearby. Luckily neither me nor my friend gets hit, but we run like the devil is on our ass towards the wall. Standing there for like 10 minutes without seeing anything we start moving around the base, outside of the wall so we got some cover if shit is going down.

for another five minutes or so we scout around the area. Noone to be seen. We decide to back a little bit off, and then a yellow chain of doom appears. Two seconds later my buddy gets shot in the chest and legs, we yet again rush to the wall for some cover and then i see the enemy. He's inside one of those green watchtowers! Having a AK myself and a buddy with a M4 we just spray the whole goddamn tower seeing bloddspurts all over the place.

my mate just reaches the tower to confirm death, then the "no message" comes. Sure, no prob, my mates is gonna get his equipment back, and the serveradmin will spawn in the tower. I login as soon as i can to the server and raise my AK to the entrance of the little watchtower at once. To secs later i can see the admin right besides one of the barracks. My friend logs in too, and now were behind the wall, with the admin right on the other side.

then the funny part. Out of fucking nowhere, a guy comes sprinting towards the admin, emptying a whole fucking clip into his face. We have bo idea where this dude even came from, so me and my mate stay on each our side of an entrance, waiting for him to loot and then, "bambambam". Dude goes cold in just a second, and has a AK, drum mag and about 200 spare rounds. Winrar! :-D

now, long fucking story, but im a little interested in how the spawning works with the admin restarting a server. So far, i believe if a admin restarts the first time, the server time goes back around 120-160 seconds, making the admin and all other players come to life again if they were killed in that period. But when the server restarted, the admin died within 60 seconds of the server getting back up again. What happens to the admin now?

Hope this was a nice little read and i thank you for your time.

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So far, i believe if a admin restarts the first time, the server time goes back around 120-160 seconds, making the admin and all other players come to life again if they were killed in that period. But when the server restarted, the admin died within 60 seconds of the server getting back up again. What happens to the admin now?


Now, we laugh at the poor noob who can't even keep his gear using admin exploits.

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Best is to play on adminless official servers like DayZ DE, DayZ UK, DayZ US, DayZ SE, etc etc hosted by Fragnet, GameServer, Deluxe something etc etc.


Admin of private server always *always* always will abuse the little power he has, temptation is just too strong.




Check this out, server kick for everyone while admin and his gang is looting military zone and is attacked for someone accused for hacking/glitching




This or similar thing happens on all private servers, not mentioning "no join" servers taht are reserverd for admin and his friends as loot farms.

Edited by Frosti
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Best is to play on adminless official servers like DayZ DE, DayZ UK, DayZ US, DayZ SE, etc etc hosted by Fragnet, GameServer, Deluxe something etc etc.


Admin of private server always *always* always will abuse the little power he has, temptation is just too strong.


This bugs me to no end when we're all put in the same basket. Not all admins are bad ffs.


Absolute asinine set of statements.

Edited by R.Neville

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Best is to play on adminless official servers like DayZ DE, DayZ UK, DayZ US, DayZ SE, etc etc hosted by Fragnet, GameServer, Deluxe something etc etc.

Admin of private server always *always* always will abuse the little power he has, temptation is just too strong.


Check this out, server kick for everyone while admin and his gang is looting military zone and is attacked for someone accused for hacking/glitching


This or similar thing happens on all private servers, not mentioning "no join" servers taht are reserverd for admin and his friends as loot farms.

As much as what you're saying is true, when i play i always choose a server with people between 20 and 30 people. Believe it or not, but yesterday it was rather few on the official servers. Maybe due to the rash restarting of private servers the last couple of days? And to serverhopping upon restart? I dont really get how people think its fun to hop around from server to server. Half the fun is getting the unexpected loot and the other half is the player encounters!

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no ruined pants???

Well, that depends on where in the story you are. Before the restart we broke one leg, one arm, high cap vest, jacket, pants and everything inside of it. After the restart everything was worn or better - mostly pristine! :-)

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gah ist bad lately..one cant even travel without having Server restart upon Server restart....HAD FIVE!!! yesterday on my way from berezino to cherno...( plus got kicked at least 4 times upon joining some random Server, there should be a REPORT THAT MF button...)

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel
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As much as what you're saying is true, when i play i always choose a server with people between 20 and 30 people. Believe it or not, but yesterday it was rather few on the official servers. Maybe due to the rash restarting of private servers the last couple of days? And to serverhopping upon restart? I dont really get how people think its fun to hop around from server to server. Half the fun is getting the unexpected loot and the other half is the player encounters!


Yeah people flock to private servers becouse they have higher rate of restarts then official. Rarely private/clan server is up for more then 1 hour and often restarts few time in 20 minutes whehn admins and his squad is re-arming at Balota.

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This bugs me to no end when we're all put in the same basket. Not all admins are bad ffs.

Absolute asinine set of statements.

this is also very true, but its more rare to see a good admin than a bad one. Anyones who's played in any gaming community knows this.

btw, love your name on this forum. Favourite Z movie for sure!

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Best is to play on adminless official servers like DayZ DE, DayZ UK, DayZ US, DayZ SE, etc etc hosted by Fragnet, GameServer, Deluxe something etc etc.


Admin of private server always *always* always will abuse the little power he has, temptation is just too strong.




Check this out, server kick for everyone while admin and his gang is looting military zone and is attacked for someone accused for hacking/glitching




This or similar thing happens on all private servers, not mentioning "no join" servers taht are reserverd for admin and his friends as loot farms.


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