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Came upon a huge weapons stash in Berezino.

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SO I didn't find my own akm, I was on a pvp server in Berezino and I happened to come upon this huuuge stash of weapons and gear, There I found a pristine akm, and a drum mag but it was ruined, so I took the akm, knowing it's supposedly the most powerful (and loud) weapon in the game. So that was a week ago, and since then I'm been raiding krasinov and balota, military bases, schools, EVERYWHERE. and I just can't get lucky, I can't find a magazine, and I find tons of scopes, folding stocks, handrails etc for it, I even found 200 rounds.

What I'm worried about it, I'm thinking this is a glitch, because I keep finding mags for amphibia, sks, fxn15, magnums, .22 30 round magazine, .22 round mag, every thing EXCEPT an akm mag, I feel like the game is taunting me, I have a fully pimped out akm and no damn magazine.

Any folks out there with my problem? What do you guys think? Are we guys too fully loaded so the game doesn't give us good stuff?

P.S- My friend whom I play with similarly can't find mags for his m4.

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trade you akm mag for amphibia mag ... i dump akm mags in the bush when i find them 

hahaha if I've ever learned anything, is that no one can be trusted and that I am a pussy, you'll probably just loot the bejesus out of my dead body lol

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M4 mags spawn at helicopter crash sites and I usually find AKM mags at the military tents but sometimes (two or three times now) I see them at the construction sites.

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M4 mags spawn at helicopter crash sites and I usually find AKM mags at the military tents but sometimes (two or three times now) I see them at the construction sites.

I'll check out the construction sites then, damn I wish Dayz had fast travel, sometimes it seems the dark souls community and dayz community are the one and the same, both get a solid kick out of difficulties.

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an m4 is almost completely useless in the game now.  in between helicopter crashe sites you'll be carrying an empty gun for nothing, or ammo with no gun.  there's no point.

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Check in the wrecked military vehicles/jeeps. I found an AKM mag there once (around Zelen.)

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What I'm worried about it, I'm thinking this is a glitch, because I keep finding mags for amphibia, sks, fxn15, magnums, .22 30 round magazine, .22 round mag, every thing EXCEPT an akm mag, I feel like the game is taunting me, I have a fully pimped out akm and no damn magazine.

Any folks out there with my problem? What do you guys think? Are we guys too fully loaded so the game doesn't give us good stuff?


I found three in around twenty minutes in the barracks on the north side of the nwaf, and in the bunkhouses there and in the base a few miles south of that location.


Last time I died looking I was looking for a single usable battery, and in the last few days I've come across at least 20, not counting the non-pristine... pretty sure it's just messing with you

Edited by CPO 1 Bishop

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an m4 is almost completely useless in the game now.  in between helicopter crashe sites you'll be carrying an empty gun for nothing, or ammo with no gun.  there's no point.


Not true.  I carry an M4 and have 300 rounds of 5.56 in my inventory, and I'm not even trying hard to find crashed choppers.

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Sounds like bad luck to me friend, I ran around for a week with a bag full of AKM mags before I found any attachments, and another 3 days before I found the rifle.

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Not true.  I carry an M4 and have 300 rounds of 5.56 in my inventory, and I'm not even trying hard to find crashed choppers.

Your luck might run out eventually. Imo its unreasonable hard to get an M4, involves too much serverhopping, as you can't effectivly search for crashsites without darn vehicles....and even if you find a crashsite, likley there is no m4 there, but always some ammo. They should remove 10 and 20 round mags for the M4. Makes no sense, the military doesn't use those.

Edited by Khanarac

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Your luck might run out eventually. Imo its unreasonable hard to get an M4, involves too much serverhopping, as you can't effectivly search for crashsites without darn vehicles....and even if you find a crashsite, likley there is no m4 there, but always some ammo. They should remove 10 and 20 round mags for the M4. Makes no sense, the military doesn't use those.

Yeah, 10 and 20 round mags should probably be eliminated.  I never used a mag smaller than 30 during my enlistment.  I've actually come across crash sites with multiple M4's, but I may just be getting lucky.  Have you seen the new map for heli crash site locations?  Some areas have so many possibilities for a heli spawn. For example, between Pulkovo and Zelenogorsk (~2,300m) it looks like there are 13 possible heli crash sites.

Edited by karlkurtz32

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an m4 is almost completely useless for PVP KoS CoD kidiots now.



I've been carrying around an M4 since a week before the patch, and between Z's and hunting I have used 43 rounds from my first 60mag, with 3 more full 60mags loaded and waiting. You don't need an abundance of ammo if you don't waste ammo playing the wrong game.

Edited by zeeabo

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hahaha if I've ever learned anything, is that no one can be trusted and that I am a pussy, you'll probably just loot the bejesus out of my dead body lol

        Listen, I understand what you're saying about how nobody can be trusted. But I have an extra mag and I really don't play DayZ much. I'm fully geared anyway, AND I have an AKM, no reason to kill you. I'll gladly give one to you tomorrow afternoon if you want it, I'll be in Berezino. I'll message you my steam name, add me and I'll meet you in Berezino. I'll let you come to me, though, so you know I'm not ambushing you.

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        Listen, I understand what you're saying about how nobody can be trusted. But I have an extra mag and I really don't play DayZ much. I'm fully geared anyway, AND I have an AKM, no reason to kill you. I'll gladly give one to you tomorrow afternoon if you want it, I'll be in Berezino. I'll message you my steam name, add me and I'll meet you in Berezino. I'll let you come to me, though, so you know I'm not ambushing you.

I really appreciate it man, people like you are rare in the dayz forums, but I just found one! and my friend found another for my gun so I'm good! it's like the game follows my forums hahaha and Im trying to convince him to lose the m4 for the sks and we could share ammo then, but then again  he doesn't want that. Again thanks for the offer! cheers.

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it's all good guys, I found my mag! Check out my Character, should I lose the mask because it's white?

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I've been carrying around an M4 since a week before the patch, and between Z's and hunting I have used 43 rounds from my first 60mag, with 3 more full 60mags loaded and waiting. You don't need an abundance of ammo if you don't waste ammo playing the wrong game.


I've found a total of 13 rounds since the last patch, and haven't fired one.  thanks for not making assumptions about my play style, forum troll.

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I've found a total of 13 rounds since the last patch, and haven't fired one.  thanks for not making assumptions about my play style, forum troll.


Then why is your M4 useless and out of ammo between crash sites? It's not useless if you have 13 rounds for it.. and it's certainly not out of ammo if you have 13 rounds for it. If you don't shoot everything that moves, 13 rounds will hang around as long as you want them to, there's no expiry date.

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Not true.  I carry an M4 and have 300 rounds of 5.56 in my inventory, and I'm not even trying hard to find crashed choppers.

Me too, and the M4 mags still spawn in military tents. Found some in Balota last night.

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it's all good guys, I found my mag! Check out my Character, should I lose the mask because it's white?

i shoot every guy that wears a mask on sight.


its like a douchebag sign in the middle of ur face DONT WEAR IT 

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i shoot every guy that wears a mask on sight.


its like a douchebag sign in the middle of ur face DONT WEAR IT 

ok :(

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an m4 is almost completely useless in the game now.  in between helicopter crashe sites you'll be carrying an empty gun for nothing, or ammo with no gun.  there's no point.


What i found like 150 rounds 5.56 when looking for a single AKM Mag. 

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akm mags in the prisons too - but bevor the pach you can find on the nwaf for example 25 or more m4 mags and over 300 rounds for a m4


after the 45 you can made be lucky you find on the complete nwaf  3 akm mags ( unlotet  ) that the ground for the extreme server hopping on the nwaf and dichina base now ^^ 

Edited by Crusader78

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I found tons of stuff for the AKM, including clips, until I found an actual AKM. Now that I have the gun itself, I can't find anything for it -_- I did manage to find a handguard rail at least.

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