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horses ^^

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what do you think horses -  for hunt, eat, or riding or carry your items with a backpack on the horse ^^    i think its a nice idea  

Edited by Crusader78
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Brought up and mentioned before, they would be deeply complex to do (or do right anyway).  Someone made a horse mod for DayZmod/Arma2...it looked HORRIBLE (The hooves didn't move, when they did they were horribly out of sync, it tumbled down the hill like a ball and hit a rock and exploded.)  Now granted that was just a vehicle shaped like a horse.  Still it would take a lot of work, and if they were going to do this, I wouldn't expect it to be out till much after Release.  There's also the 'realism' aspect, in real life you can't just grab a random horse and jump on.  I highly doubt there's many wild horses now a days in Eastern Europe, so you wouldn't have to truly break a horse, but I would think any four legged survivors would be very skittish of humans, unable to tell the difference between zombies and uninfected.

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I'd rather have a donkey; then you can put on a show for other survivors.

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