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37 murders and counting..

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no nw... but i got to belota alot too.. also stary..

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Now that I think about it, with 0 kills - numerically, I'm winning.

I welcome the chase.

But you've got a long way to catch up, boy.

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I sniped you in Cherno yesterday TheDukey.

P.S. 'Cool story bro' went out of fashion about the same time skin tight pants did.

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Go to the bandit sub forum you piece of shit.

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I doubt u sniped me because im still alive with 70 murders... maybe sniped at :)..

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I found a guy in the airfield today and talked to him as a friendly and we found out we were sniping 15 meters from each other.. I got a few shots of my m249 but he dced while I was checking if he was dead :(..

u mad??

great read!

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Go to the bandit sub forum you piece of shit.

stop being so fucking soft

how does murdering make him a piece of shit? being a bandit is part of the game. if you don't like it, don't play, bitch.

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I doubt u sniped me because im still alive with 70 murders... maybe sniped at :)..

Dude...why...is it sport to you?

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I would still like to know which server ?

I like a challenge.

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So you go to Balota a lot? killing unarmed survivors coming in from the coast i bet. This topic sucks just like some of the idiotic comments left by these e-nerds.

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37 murders is amazing. Good job!

I have 0 murders and I'm still on my very first spawn since the beginning. Haven't died once and I never dc'ed too.

It's really funny when you think about it; your ingame goal is to murder me and my goal is not to get murdered by you. I really love this mod and the tense situations we get entangled in.

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37 murders is amazing. Good job!

I have 0 murders and I'm still on my very first spawn since the beginning. Haven't died once and I never dc'ed too.

It's really funny when you think about it; your ingame goal is to murder me and my goal is not to get murdered by you. I really love this mod and the tense situations we get entangled in.

Aha, you'll see not too long from now that all this murdering is actually 99.9% of the population within the game.

And that it gets old, fast.

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Go to the bandit sub forum you piece of shit.

stop being so fucking soft

how does murdering make him a piece of shit? being a bandit is part of the game. if you don't like it' date=' don't play, bitch.


I'm telling him to get this garbage kill counted bullshit out of the general discussion and into the bandit sub-forum where it belongs, and I+do+what+i+want.+Top+5_4ecd97_3161423.gif.

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Go to the bandit sub forum you piece of shit.

stop being so fucking soft

how does murdering make him a piece of shit? being a bandit is part of the game. if you don't like it' date=' don't play, bitch.


I'm telling him to get this garbage kill counted bullshit out of the general discussion and into the bandit sub-forum where it belongs, and I+do+what+i+want.+Top+5_4ecd97_3161423.gif.

I second that! And it's ok saying its part of the game but in the beginning it wasn't because people werent afraid to help one another. But with dickhead topics like this just goes to show how much this game has gone down the shitter with pathetic pats on the backs for murder counts!? Go play BF3 ffs......

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40 kills and counting !

Like I said to the OP go to the bandit sub-forum GD doesn't need these kinds of posts.

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Go to the bandit sub forum you piece of shit.

stop being so fucking soft

how does murdering make him a piece of shit? being a bandit is part of the game. if you don't like it' date=' don't play, bitch.


I'm telling him to get this garbage kill counted bullshit out of the general discussion and into the bandit sub-forum where it belongs, and I+do+what+i+want.+Top+5_4ecd97_3161423.gif.

Get upset more over a video game rofl.

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how do people stand to play the game this way' date=' so fucking boring. took over 20 minutes for me to run a huge circle and get behind this guy. snipers are bad.


Nicely done but for the love of god use the left alt key to look around without turning your body all the time. hit left alt twice to go into freelook useful for using vehicles.

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Go to the bandit sub forum you piece of shit.

stop being so fucking soft

how does murdering make him a piece of shit? being a bandit is part of the game. if you don't like it' date=' don't play, bitch.


I'm telling him to get this garbage kill counted bullshit out of the general discussion and into the bandit sub-forum where it belongs, and I+do+what+i+want.+Top+5_4ecd97_3161423.gif.

Get upset more over a video game rofl.

dayz is a zombie apoc sim, not a video game brah and i'm just trying to keep bandit related garbage in the bandit sub-forum so GD can be used to discuss neutral subjects about dayz.

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