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Dayz silent Knife Kills ?

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I think that the first step to improve melee would be to make a direction system similar to M&B (Left swing, right swing, overhead swing, thrust) and then give different propterties to the attacks depending on how you attack and with which weapon.


Instead of those silly ´´Press E to engage ZECRETSORSNIPORBAKSTEB mode´´ I think it would be more preferable to have a solid melee system which makes stealth kills possible in an emergent way, from how the system is designed, instead of having stealth kills be an actual feature, with requirements on what is and what is not a stealth kill and so on.

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I think that the first step to improve melee would be to make a direction system similar to M&B (Left swing, right swing, overhead swing, thrust) and then give different propterties to the attacks depending on how you attack and with which weapon.


Instead of those silly ´´Press E to engage ZECRETSORSNIPORBAKSTEB mode´´ I think it would be more preferable to have a solid melee system which makes stealth kills possible in an emergent way, from how the system is designed, instead of having stealth kills be an actual feature, with requirements on what is and what is not a stealth kill and so on.

Damn straight. If I drop a hammer-blow to the top of your head, you will be dead. If I stab you in the upper torso, you will either; be bleeding out internally, and/or (probably and) have a collapsed lung.

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I don't think the idea with dayZ was that you should be able to make an "instant kill" just because you are at point blank range.

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I see no problem with being able to easily kill someone with a knife from behind, seems pretty logical to me.



... but I do this already

Edited by pilgrim

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I see no problem with being able to easily kill someone with a knife from behind, seems pretty logical to me. The game could do with some more melee dynamics, even emphasise the stealth element of the game a bit more.


I don't really understand why people jump to conclusions and immediately shoot down a potentially good idea.


I think I wasnt clear, i would like some stealth action, but for gods sake not something similar to the knife kills in bf. This only fits in fast Shooters. If the Player can sneek on the enemy, and aim at his throat, or different weak spots, he should be rewarded, but not if he just runs to his Opponent and jumps behind him to do a Knife Animation.


You are able to do a silent kill, not as good as it could be, but still u can.

Edited by Ragnarookie

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Have you thrown a knife before?


1) A knife designed for use in the hand is most decidedly going to not be balanced for throwing

2) Even if you do have a throwing knife, it will take WEEKS of practice to get it to hit point-first, from more than one distance. (A know a kid from summer camp, bought a throwing knife set at the beginning of summer. Took him 6 weeks to be able to stick a knife within a 5 foot circle from 15 feet away consistently. When he moved closer or further away, he always missed)

3) Throwing a knife as a weapon is stupid. For more damage, throw a rock. For more accuracy, use an arrow. For both, use a bullet.


A throwing spear on the other hand would be nice to have. A self-crafted one.

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would be nice to be able to fight with rocks

nothing wrong with hitting someone with a rock

old and traditional method of fighting - very respectable


As for stealth:

stealth against zombies MUST be in the game sooner or later

but stealth against other players is really not in the style of gameplay

in this game, the reason another player does not notice you sneaking up, is because he really hasn't seen you

it's how the game works. A 'Stealth Technique' employed between players would complicate everything.

Edited by pilgrim

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And, 20 yards? 20 yards is goddamned 60 feet! Most of the people I've seen (granted, Boy Scouts = young, innattentive hyperactive boys, but still) can't consistently get an arrow cluster on target on a 10 yard range, without a week of practice!


Either you are pulling 60 feet out of your ass, or your dad needs to join the Delta Force. Seriously.


Hehe nailed it on the dot on what my father was. And throwing knives are a great worthwhile skill to learn seeing as how they are retrievable and you can throw with much more ease then pulling a bow string back. There is a reason the Qin Dynasty used throwing knives more than bows for its existence.

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        Sure, it'd be great to have a stealth kill system. Though I think it would have a success rate of around 40% of killing them and 60% of injuring them, something like that. Also, it can't be sensitive like Frostbite's knife system. That would be just lame.

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