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Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

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Ok gave it another shot. Many servers beeing unable to load/save char + massive rubberbanding on low pop ( 5 players) server.


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I hope the new ppl coming with the summer sale will put pressure on the devs, as they totally dont seem to give a single fuck about how fubar this game is.

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is anyone else getting constant crashes after updating? when i first join a server, i get missing/ could not load errors (i played through them when i was on the previous update) i can play for around 10-15 minutes then, the game will randomly minimize, and i get error messages. before the update, i was getting small amounts of lag, now it is like i am playing on my old laptop.


is anyone else getting this, and if so, anyone know how to fix it.


-thx, Helix

wide spread issue, the game crashes randomly and after you switch server. there is nothing you can do, is a mistake in the code

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I logged in today and found out that I lost my character and all the items i have collected for almost 3 weeks, the last time I logged off I was in a safe place that zombies can't reach and I was the only player on the server at the time so I'm sure I didn't die.


Did this happen to anyone else?


Why did this happen?


Is there anyone from the Dev Team that I can contact to help me get my character back?

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The hospital on the far northwest part of the online dayz map is missing. I was on my way there and after the patch release I refreshed the map. Sure enough the hospital is missing. So I am assuming that it's also missing in game if it's not showing on map? Was this intentional or a bug?

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I discovered my character on a regular server had disappeared too. I continued to play with a new one, logged out and it was gone when I logged in the next day. I started the process all over again. To my surprise after I logged out and back in later my original character prior to stable patch was still around. Later signing into a different server I found I had two live characters going. So it depends on which server you log into which character shows up.  I also had a third one for a while too. 

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 So it depends on which server you log into which character shows up.  I also had a third one for a while too. 

This is just your thought. Actually it doesn't matter which server since every server has huge communication problems. Made that experience yesterday. 

I just wonder how such bullshit can me moved to stable. If its a known bug, fix it before pushing it to stable !

Edited by RoterBallon

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This is just your thought. Actually it doesn't matter which server since every server has huge communication problems. Made that experience yesterday. 

I just wonder how such bullshit can me moved to stable. If its a known bug, fix it before pushing it to stable !


Having the same problem on stable. But it didnt appear on experimental servers. There was a different kind of rubberbanding happening there.

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 I think the rubber banding has to do with players joining the server. I have noticed that every time a player is joining everything locks up and it becomes impossible to unload ammo, split stacks, or do anything that requires the servers "ok".

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I give up... tried to play the game, but getting teleported back the whole time.. It took me 10 minutes to get to the same point from where i started, lol.

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I hope the new ppl coming with the summer sale will put pressure on the devs, as they totally dont seem to give a single fuck about how fubar this game is.

Patch comes out with fixes, new content, smoother gameplay, massive new city, weapons, characteristics, hunting, animals and AI. 


Still not satisfied...

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Is there anyone from the Dev Team that I can contact to help me get my character back?


Sorry to say that, but I doubt it. I'd hazard a guess that we will lose our chars a few more times, some more often that others, until we reach the final version. Just imagine thousands of ppl contacting a dev and getting their chars back, that would not help the development of the game, even if it was possible.

If you are really into role playing here, instead of imagening your char is dead, think of how he escaped on a raft with a nice person (s)he fell in love with, found an isolated island big enough to support them, also found his remaing family there (hey, they also built a raft, family thinks alike - or not) and lived happily ever after. I can guarantee you that all your other characters that do not get lost will sooner or later have a really bad day. So your lost char is actually quite lucky.


Ultimately it's also not more unfair than loosing a char because of desync in a battle.

Edited by bautschi
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Primal scream of pansyfication? You don't get out a lot do you..


What I'm suggesting is, if people really want to go running from Berezino to NEAF, get in some bushes and pull off a shot from snipers hill into west jail just like that, they're going to encounter some sway in their rifle. It's either that, or they can go back to CoD.


When you run with that amount of equipment, weapon in or out of hand - your lungs start requiring Oxygen faster, this is what makes a person pant. If you stop suddenly, your lungs are still going to be requiring higher amounts of Oxygen until your breathing has regulated again and this is absolutely normal, it happens to everyone. 


What the fuck are you on about? Wipe the dribble from your chin and try again - if you can't construct a sentence then don't bother trying.

Firstly you know nothing about me and I will be happy to keep it that way.

Secondly no one is talking about the effect of running on the body and its ability to stop suddenly and then fire!. What we are talking about is the sway of the weapons when looking through the scopes. It is out of all proportion to reality REGARDLESS of whether anyone has run a distance or not! In fact aiming the rifles WITHOUT the scopes have far less sway to them. It is almost negligible in fact.

I think you have not managed to test these rifles your self and are just drawn into the conversation by the prospect of making absurd and belittling comments about others. 

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We just have to wait for those people who only wake up at a new patch to go into hibernation again. Then when the server are not so populated, the game runs smooth. I think the server are still not powerful enough or the code is not optimized to handle all 40 players with the new additions. The experimental server also had problems with rubberbanding and they were always full. I once had the chance to play on a half full server and had no problem. On the other hand, when the server says 40 slots, it should be able to handle these. Are they running 64 Bit yet?

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Patch comes out with fixes, new content, smoother gameplay, massive new city, weapons, characteristics, hunting, animals and AI. 


Still not satisfied...

Yeah, since it also deleted my char multiple times after joining the exact same server which I was forced to leave because of bugs in the first place.


I am definitely not easily to satisfy, and so should'nt you. We've been waiting for progress to be made for long enough, I think.

Edited by EpeeNoire
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Ok, after several more hours I can report that

- there is sometimes desync (no interaction with the environment) that is not displayed with yellow or red chains.

- When running with a friend, he was really jumping around very badly. Imagening he was an enemy turns my stomach, I would have been soooo dead, after all, he always saw me moving smoothly. My internet connections should not be the problem here, Later in a group of 6, I did not have that problem, so that was strange.

- Shot a guy from less than 20 meters with a Magnum. I saw some blood, analysing my recording - there should have been 4 or 5 shots on target. He turned around after that and after more than 1 second killed me with one shot from the Mosin. Now...was the Magnum nerved? Is it not usable at all over more than 10m? Or was it some kind of desync? Questions, questions... . Funny things happen in DayZ, but concerning shootouts, that's my funniest one up to date, so I thought, I'd mention it. Got a Magnum kill the day before with one shot to the chest, sooo...be careful with the Magnum.

- Now I also had some crashes of DayZ when exiting. But I can go all CTRL-ALT-DEL, start the task manager and then use the cancel button on the before hidden window that tells me, Dayz is not working any more. Windows itself does not die for me. I have Windows 7 64bit prof, maybe those with windows completely crashing should include their version in the posts.

- Some ppl I played with cannot ALT-TAB out of the game any more, it crashes.


And now, let's go to the bug tracker...


EDIT: Forgot, more rubberbanding than on lastest stable, definitely still a big issue.

Edited by bautschi

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Was on 2-3 servers now and heard zombies, waited for them, saw nothing, then got attacked, still saw nothing, hitting blindly several time with axe, no hit, had to flee, got rubber banded several times.. after beeing in safety, had some long "receiving" messages .. when menu was working again, logged out .. luckily still alive, but it seems unplayable now .. to be honest, i'm attached to my loot, so i will not complain about alpha but have to wait for next hotfix :) hope the devs find a solution ..

another general question: i was thinking alpha is only about including only new stuff into the game and bug fixing will be done in beta. apparently bugs are fixed also now regularly. how is it decided which bugs are fixed and which not? a clear statement would bring some clarity for us not to have too high exceptions on every new patch.

Edited by teiko

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Someone else also mentioned about bullet hits not being registered. I had the same feeling. I am sure that I shoot a zombie with an M4 with red dot from 40-50 m .No blood, he did not die.

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I discovered my character on a regular server had disappeared too. I continued to play with a new one, logged out and it was gone when I logged in the next day. I started the process all over again. To my surprise after I logged out and back in later my original character prior to stable patch was still around. Later signing into a different server I found I had two live characters going. So it depends on which server you log into which character shows up.  I also had a third one for a while too. 


how long will it take if all of u get it and try just another server until your old char gets loaded from the hive?


some servers are buggy... they cant load your char... disconnect and try another one...


hell... its so easy...



Edited by quantum2k6

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Patch comes out with fixes, new content, smoother gameplay, massive new city, weapons, characteristics, hunting, animals and AI. 


Still not satisfied...

im cool with everything, but not with smoother gameplay... anyway i am still not disapointed :)

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Fuzzy graphics, hit escape>settings>video and as you hit the video button you should suddenly see the graphics sharpen up without actually altering anything. This seems especially noticeable if you have the game Res matched to your monitors Res.


I fixed it thanks.It was my graphics card setttings. It somehow changed with the new update. Now on to more adventures. Thanks for the help.

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I'm still waiting for a statement relating server - hive communication problems and rubberbanding.

I might be old and grey until someone makes one..

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Anyone else experienced this: unusual very high speed when running? Even with gun in hands. This happened right after connecting to some server. After a while, everything was normal.

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Anyone else experienced this: unusual very high speed when running? Even with gun in hands. This happened right after connecting to some server. After a while, everything was normal.

yeah :) but did not realized that it was going normal after a while :) we were just like "woa now you run as fast as without gun"

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