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Surviving Day 1 in DayZ

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Hey Guys


Total noob here.  Used to FEAR and L4D fps or Everquest 2 types of games.  Have not played sims before.


Having a great deal of trouble getting anything done. 


First spawn - popped down to village.  Searched houses.  Found some pop and canned food.  And a baseball bat.  Ran/sprinted/walked to nearest town. 


Searched houses.  same deal.  Got caught in the rain.  Soaked crossing from one side of the street to the other.  :)  


Ran into a zom.  Bugger followed me forever.  Shook him off. 


Back to town.  More searching.  More crap.  More zome.  More running.  Getting beat on by zoms.  Dying. 


Rinse repeat.


Found a map.  Couldn't find the town I was in on the map.  No real clue where I am.


Readily admit to being suckered in by the interactive map on EQ2, which always should your position.  Never needed map for FEAR, etc.


Hate exploits.  But would really appreciate a heads up about how best to break this cycle.  Can see that I would like the game a lot if I could get into it.  But I can't at the moment. 


And it's really frustrating.

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It's pretty hard to know the map by heart in DayZ Standalone. If you'll ever get a chance to play ArmA 2 (or Operation Arrowhead) or the DayZ Mod you could quickly learn how to navigate in chernarus. But for a start learn the coastal areas. Know where you are when you spawn and which side should you go. Knowing where's Cherno, Elektro, Berezino and Balota is pretty simple information that is important at all times. When you get those locations try knowing smaller towns around the coast and then go north. Learn to navigate to Stary Sobor / Krasnostav and the Northeast / northwest airfields.


If you'll learn that, the rest won't be so important nor hard to acknowledge.

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Thanks for the heads up guys.  My main problem is that I spend so long finding a town where the fruit isn't rotten that I am both starving and thirsty when I do.  Ponds seem to be okay to drink from - no bad reactions yet.  But food is scarce.  Thanks for the animal map, rotteck.  I'm guessing I have to kill and cook the buggers first though?  No Happy Meals then?  :)   I managed to find a hoodie and canteen but got whacked by three zoms before I could put either to any great use.  It stopped raining when I got the hoodie.  B)


I'll do as you suggest, though StanleyWasHappy.  Get off the coast and maybe punch some moocows.  What's the worst that could happen?  :rolleyes:


Thanks again guys.  Appreciate the response.

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Thanks for the animal map, rotteck.  I'm guessing I have to kill and cook the buggers first though?  No Happy Meals then?  :)     


the animals are currently only on experimental, but we will see them in stable soon



My main problem is that I spend so long finding a town where the fruit isn't rotten that I am both starving and thirsty when I do. 


try using servers with 15 people or less, you will find tons of everything



I'm guessing I have to kill and cook the buggers first though?


yes, and be cautious, because your meat can become burned.



Get off the coast and maybe punch some moocows. What's the worst that could happen?  :rolleyes:


the zombie that wanted to kill that cow will now want to kill you :D (yep, they actually try to kill animals)

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The sea is your best compass, if its on your right side you will eventually end up to north side of the map. And when its on the left your obviously will end up in south.


And about the loot, you wont find much in the coastal ares unless the server has just restarted. So two options, get a fresh server or head more to the inland.


Also i suggest you check this video out, its a great example how you can gear up in days relatively easy, you just have to be a little bit bold to make it happen.



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the zombie that wanted to kill that cow will now want to kill you :D (yep, they actually try to kill animals)


Zombies with a grudge?  Lol.  I wasn't having enough trouble defending against them with a shovel when they were just hungry?  Now they're gonna be hungry and pissed.  :lol:  Ima gonna die real quick!!  :o


Thanks man.

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Zombies with a grudge?  Lol.  I wasn't having enough trouble defending against them with a shovel when they were just hungry?  Now they're gonna be hungry and pissed.  :lol:  Ima gonna die real quick!!  :o


Thanks man.


Just circle around them and take aim for the head, once you get the hang of it you will find out that zombies are no threat at all you just need to learn the teqnique. You actually can take 5-6 zombies down at the same time pretty easy with a shovel without getting hit, even easier with an axe. They can take more hits on stable than on EXP(think they are way too easy on exp).

Edited by Kaboki
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The sea is your best compass, if its on your right side you will eventually end up to north side of the map. And when its on the left your obviously will end up in south.


And about the loot, you wont find much in the coastal ares unless the server has just restarted. So two options, get a fresh server or head more to the inland.


Also i suggest you check this video out, its a great example how you can gear up in days relatively easy, you just have to be a little bit bold to make it happen.


Sound advice man, thanks.  Will head inland.  Dunno about the kill stealing featured in the video.  Not how I like to play.  Unless someone does it to me first and I get the chance to pay them back.  In which case, I'll take so much from them, their guts will spill onto the ground.  :lol:



Just circle around them and take aim for the head, once you get the hang of it you will find out that zombies are no threat at all you just need to learn the teqnique. You actually can take 5-6 zombies down at the same time pretty easy with a shovel without getting hit, even easier with an axe. They can take more hits on stable than on EXP(think they are way too easy on exp).


Fly like a butterfly eh?  I think I can do that.  :D  Thanks!  :)

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ok right off the bat, (lol) are you running smooth frame rates wile playing Dayz? Lag can and will kill you. (Zeds don't care what kinda comp your on) if you are then its not to hard to punch a zed in the face till it go's down.. 2 or more zeds you should run and run far and fast as Zeds have LOS and hearing as well as you do (AND CAN RUN/SPRINT AS FAST AS YOU) so.. duck behind trees run around building anything you could do in RL to get away.... Now, Towns.. Find a water pump and Drink the shit out of it till your full / check status it will say full even if you have not eaten, Check out the town, are a lot of doors open? if so it means someone's been there before, picked through perhaps but not all, check. keep caned food any screwdriver/hacksaw/ax will open it and you can eat...Now your on your way, if you have a laptop or a printer you can get an idea of where you are from http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus its close /wink


So Find Water / food (don't eat rotten food unless your gonna die) / something to open canned goods / good clothes (the better stuff you have on the more hits from zeds you can take but its gets worse the more your hit and the stuff you had in it will get FUBARed as well, and a nice helmet can save your arse from a pvp sniper)


Search and Search and.....................SURVIVE



Hope it helps brother


stay strong



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Wow man, thanks!  I had already figured out that the zoms didn't do well in deep forests so ran there as quick as my little feet would carry me.  But the other stuff?  Hadn't a clue man.  Screwdriver to open cans?  Too cool!  I've been looking everywhere for a can opener.  This is brilliant!  :)   My computer is okay for running the game, thanks.  Four core 3.2 .  Only a gig of vram but smooth enough so far.  That interactive map?  Exactly what I've been looking for.  Major thanks.  :D   I have dual large monitors so that works really well for me.  I was wondering what those sewing kits were for.  Must be to fix your clothes if you take a few hits from the zoms.  Too cool!  'A nice helmet'?  Like a bike helmet or a hard hat?  have found several hard hats so guessing it's probably biker helmets.



Download iZurvive in the App Store.


All over that man.  Great find.  Thanks.  :D

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Lol.  It's no wonder I'm dying a lot in this game. 


I couldn't understand why it kept saying beside my profile pic that I was always 'On The Coast.' 


I found a city last night.  Camped at the top of a high rise.  Gonna wait for server reset on low pop sever and hopefully find some decent stuff. 


And yeah, it finally dawned on me to look at other peeps profiles and see that some were 'Survivors' and some were 'Helicopter Hunters,' and realise that 'On The Coast' is code for 'Noob!' 


I don't get out much. 


Thanks all for the help.  Very much appreciate it.   :) 

Edited by Zombly

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Those are just forum titles based on post count.  Someone who's been playing awhile could have finally come to the forum and started posting.  Once you post enough though, you get to set your own (like myself) or the highest preset is bean king at 500 posts.


A few tips on my end,


-Any sharp object can open cans for less than full amounts.  If your starving obviously do it, but otherwise hold the cans in your inventory until either you find a can opener or your inventory is full.  Otherwise, eat everything in site, your belly has plenty of energy storage.

-DO NOT drink from a pump or lake until you're full.  You can't eat and you'll die of hunger with pockets full of food.  Most cans will have water content to get you hydrated on their own, so pumps and lakes are just there for late game to top you off or if you're dying of thirst.

-In terms of food and drink, you're goal is to continue to eat/drink until you see a bright green "energized" status in your inventory screen as well as a "hydrated" status.  At this point, you regenerate blood, then health, seeing healing and healthy respectively.  This is the only way to regain health atm, and therefore the only way to survive in the long run.

-Rice is great for energy.  One bag will typically get you to fully energized.  However it's a lot of food and also drains your water, so do not select "eat all" option, but find a water pump, take it in bites, and make sure you don't get full or thirsty.

-If you're cool with using a 3rd party map, you can find the town you're in by finding a sign on one of the paved roads going into town.  It'll have the Russian name of it which you can match up with the map online.  Otherwise the in-game map you can use normal map reading skills, but keep in mind you may not have the piece of map of where you are.


All I have for now based on your issues you've posted and what's been said already.  Best of luck to you!

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Thanks Herr Jon


Bit confused here.  I have yet to eat anything beyond fresh apples and oranges.  I have, however, drank from ponds without issue.  I have repeated 'drink from pond' until my inv icon is green and reading 'Hydrated.'  Does this mean that I now can't eat?  :huh:   That would suck.  Esssentially, I would have to eat until full and *then* drink?  Okies if that's how it is but not sure why.  <_<


Other than that, liking the game a lot.  Is there a feedback option before the games goes retail?  'Cos there are a few things I believe would benefit from some tweaking (like spawning with basic survival items like can opener, hand axe.  Map wouldn't hurt either.  :rolleyes: )  Not saying it should be *too* easy but nuthin' wrong with a starter kit.  :D


Thanks again Kerr Jon.  Appreciate the advice.  :)

Edited by Zombly

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So basically you have 3 "pools"; energy, water, and your stomach. Whenever you eat or drink, it gives you energy and water depending and also fills up your stomach. If your stomach is full and you consume more you vomit and all the fun stuff that goes along with that. Hydrated means you have plenty of water, energized means you have plenty of energy (food) and you'll see stuffed when your stomach is full.

So say you go to a pond and spam drink until you're stuffed. Your stomach is now full but your energy is still low (dying of hunger) you find some food and eat it, but since you're full of water, you can't hold it in and vomit, usually dying soon after.

Hopefully that makes sense. The game even now is pretty organic and make sense logically when you think about it.

There's and devtracker you can give feedback in. I'll link it when I get to my computer, but you can find it by going to the root forum.

Edited by (TMW)HerrJon
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Cool.  I think I get it now.  Drink until you're hydrated.  But not until you're *full.*  'Cos full doesn't leave room for anything else.  Yeah, makes sense. 


Would be nice if there were cute little bunny rabbits.  That you could kill, skin, and devour. 


Don't see why the zoms should have all the fun.  :lol:  


Thanks again man. 

Edited by Zombly

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 (like spawning with basic survival items like can opener, hand axe.  Map wouldn't hurt either.  :rolleyes:


Nonononononooooooo, hope that never happens, dayz is supposed to be hard(survival sim).... But I think you will eventually get your wish come trough when private hives gets a reality and admins get to much power. Then most servers would probably be 1000+ vehicles, high loot, and starting kit with an m4, map, GPS, backpack, axe etc etc......Happend with the MOD and will probably happen too SA eventually and then it's game over for hardcore players such as myself :(. 

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Whoa ... back up the wagon dude.  Nobody's talking about dumbing down to oblivion.  :o   I'm finding it frustrating spawning with zilcho - doesn't mean I would welcome a full arsenal of weapons and a backpack stuffed with food.  :D


Think of it as if you went to your GP and asked him to examine you 'cos your back was hurting.  You're not demanding an MRI, CT, exploratory surgery, and a two week stint in intensive care.  :)


I don't believe that it will have a major impact on the authenticity or the dynamics of the game by allowing for noobs to have basic survival tools at initial spawn.  After all, if we are talking about a realistic simulation here, it's unlikely that anybody would wake post apocalypse with *nothing* on them. 


I welcome the 'if ya don't eat/drink you die' element of the game.  And it's a good idea to keep out of the rain when all you have for protection is a tee-shirt.  But if we're talking realism, then where are the small animals I could kill for food?  Why can't I eat the gorgeous pumpkins growing in back gardens?  I have stood beneath laden apple trees, starving, and can't eat the apples. 


And that's okay - life is tough and nothing is free.  But it's also a game.  A game that needs to be enjoyable for different types of player. 


This isn't Left 4 Dead.  I don't need to be armed to the teeth.  I'm not gonna have a hundred zombies running down on me at once. 


And I look forward to getting reasonable gear and not having to run from groups of zoms. 


Hell, even getting sniped by hillside asswipes would be better than constantly running around looking for building which haven't been razed ten minutes after server up. 


Not fighting with anybody here. 


Hands up total DayZ noob here. 


And appreciate all advice. 


Doesn't stop me whining though.  :rolleyes:


Or asking for basic survival tools at spawn.  :)

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Don't focus so much on scavenging. Scan where you are, sketch a good plan, and do it methodicaly. Greatly reduces risk of getting caught in a cat & mouse chase with a zombie.

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Don't focus so much on scavenging. Scan where you are, sketch a good plan, and do it methodicaly. Greatly reduces risk of getting caught in a cat & mouse chase with a zombie.


Yeah, I'm all over moving forward methodically.  Patience moving forward isn't an issue - just impatience in dying needlessly.  ;)


Not quite sure what you mean by don't scavenge - scan the environment?    I've killed lots of zoms - never found anything on any of 'em.  Scavenging doesn't give up much - maybe I'm just unlucky and there's tons of stuff that I'm missing/too late for?


Not sure if you mean kill other players and steal their stuff?  Not how I want to play the game.  No problem going head to head against other players if needs be (and that can be fun in its own right  B) ).  But not really interested in killing for loot.  Maybe I took you up wrong though?  Apologies if I've missed another alternative. 


I'm thinking I've spent enough time whinging here on the forums and should really go off and play the game.  if I die, I die, eh? 


Gimme a month or two - I'll probably turn into one of those creeps who sneaks up on people, head shoots 'em, and then nicks all of their gear.  :lol:   And then moan that they only have crap stuff to loot!  :D

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oh and there's no such town kambiwobo! It's kamyshovo, those are cyrillic letters!

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oh and there's no such town kambiwobo! It's kamyshovo, those are cyrillic letters!


Eh ..... Bal'shoye spaseeba ........... Ya nee paneemayoo :blush:



Give feedback here http://feedback.dayz...y_view_page.php  Best of luck.


Will do,  Thank you.  :)

Edited by Zombly

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And there IS an ingame map, but it's tricky. The map is split into 4 quadrants. You might loot one of the quadrants (NE, SE, NW, SW) or a half a map (N, S, E, W). The parts can be combined to make a whole map. You access the map by putting it in your toolbar then hitting the corresponding button. Unfortunately it doesn't give you an icon or "You Are Here", but it will center on your general area. That is ONLY IF you are in the section of the map that you have in your inventory.


TBH, I never use it. After playing a few hundred hours you'll know the map by heart, and can use the Dayzdb or iZurvive map to guide you in less familiar areas.


Hope that's helpful.

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