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Dilemma - open fire or communication?

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Dilemma here, I get surprised by another player who has his gun up. He is not speaking to me and not leaving the room. I made a split second decision and opened fire, just like him. I shoot first, now I will never know if there was a way out of this situation, we are both dead. I feel the other player is responsible because he surprised me and had me blocked in a corner.


What would you have done? Take the risk of dying and getting looted but try to communicate and get out of the situation or would you have opened fire too hoping you kill the other before he kills you??


Edited by SAK

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He was clearly aiming at you trying to get a headshot. If I see or surprise other players but want to communicate with them, I turn on my heels and run out of that room. Then talk from a position where we can't kill eachother.

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Assume everyone is hostile, especially when you are near the airfields or high value weapon spawns. Sometimes trading bullets is the only language people understand

Edited by Tobias Winfro

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This is one of those "shoot and ask questions later" situations. He had a gun up first, in one of the most KOS locations you can possibly be. If you hadn't fired there would be only 1 person dead rather than 2.

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Airfield or other weapon spawns I probably would of done the same if someone rushed me. In other less hostile areas I would of probably taken my chances with communication.

Edited by haknslash

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