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Are we ever going to be able to look out of windows?

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They are there, but it is almost impossible to see out of them in a way that lets you see anything other than the sky. Especially when it comes to looking down at the street below. Forget about even trying to aim through them, most of the time it is impossible. If you get lucky enough where you can see through them and aim through them, most of the time you hit an invisible windowsill.  Is this ever going to be fixed?

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I have no idea what you're talking about.

me either, when I have trouble seeing thru windows I stand up. some windows are just not meant to see thru however, probably why those are 5 feet off the floor.

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Well, yeah, I agree about... not knowing... what you mean.


But, I've always felt that windows have never been done right in a video game. Partially due to having fixed stances (i.e stand, crouch, prone) which minimizes how flexible you can be when shooting out of a window. But also, I don't know what it is, but the perspective is all wrong in DayZ. Might have to do with the clunky collision, but still, it's almost suicidal being inside a house shooting out.

Edited by Katana67

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So basically this..





But, I've always felt that windows have never been done right in a video game.


Not true, MoH:AA and the original CoD had excellent window implementations that allowed for a very decent range of vision and the ability to shoot and aim from them.

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the windows arent too bad, first person mode im talking about anyway,  q and  e  offer 2 additional height stances while gun is raised , if we could stand a little closer to windows it would be fine i think.

few houses that offer full 360 visibility, most have there advantages and disadvantages i guess thats the design, i wish there were some more houses in 'better' positions tho, it seems like many  of the more remote houses on roads especially lack windows or are facing exactly the wrong direction to be useful while inside them,

Edited by qww

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Yeah,to be able to raise a bit, something like in Arma 3, but not needlessly that complex, would be great for peeking out of windows or above any cover.

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