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i persoanlly would love to see third person removed entirely

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I only entered this thread for 3 things:

1. Reading OP's barely legible, 2nd grade grammar and spelling...

2. Inspecting OP's logic and trying to work out how someone would think with a train of thought completely disconnected with reality...

3. And finally, seeing how OP justifies making the hundredth thread in a line of identical threads all on the same topic

Truth be told, I was not disappointed.

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Nope. It's needed and I prefer it. Just because some people abuse it doesn't mean we should all be forced into first person.

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ITT: Hurr durr i don't like 3rd person yet i'm too lazy to avoid it

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Third person runs counter to the theme of realism and immersion. Zombie encounters are trivialized and PVP is highly exploitable. The game would be better without it, but once pandora's box is open...yada, yada, yada.

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If it's not FULLY realistic then there's a bug that needs fixing :)

At the current time, we do not have the technology to make it fully realistic.

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why shouldnt people that actually pay for there own servers be able to choose what settings they have on there own server?

if you dont like it play on another..

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why shouldnt people that actually pay for there own servers be able to choose what settings they have on there own server?

i am asking this question myself. but as it seems the server hosters have rules to follow and if you rent a server to run dayz your server is only allowed to do this by following this rules:

(quote from server-hoster)

If you are found with the following' date=' your server will more than likely be suspended at most server providers and if it's not suspended it will result in the entire ip range being BLACKLISTED.

1. Your server does not conform with the DayZ name convention.

2. Your server slots are not valid ( This is for those servers within the list that have low slot counts in an attempt to get around the locking/password restrictions)

3. Your server is password protected or locked.


also, there are some kind of community rules, i dont know if you really can be blacklisted by violating them but seems first admins are gonna try ^^

(quote from some forum guy out of a pinned topic in serverforum)

BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!







- Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries)

- Their are only two reasons why you' date=' as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

- You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like.

- Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklisting

Failure to adhere to these rules will BAN YOUR SERVER'S IP from DayZ.


since my beginnings in the internetz its pretty common that admins of servers have their own rules. you can observe this back to half-life, cs or quake2 servers or later even aao servers.

the cry cry about serverules however i noticed first with the release of cod blackops. interesting because all cod titles including cod 4 had tons of servers with different rules.

again i lean back and watch how serveradmins manage to work with this approach of given rules for servers they pay for ^^


since there are already servers with own rules (3rdp, ch, and so on) i dont see a problem in doing more own rules. but i would also appreciate really strong rules for everyone. no 3rdp for all rule would be truely crazy stuff. i'd love it.

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Here we go... the same old argument again! It is getting really old.

It seems to me that the OP's thread title invalidates the whole discussion anyway.

"i persoanlly would love to see third person removed entirely"

You are entitled to hold your own "personal" opinions, just as others are entitled to hold theirs. You personally don't like 3rd person view. Fine don't play on servers that have it enabled. No problem! But please don't suggest to the devs that because you don't like it, it should be removed for all of those that do. Your argument is as self defeating and whiney as the carebear arguments you (self-titled) hardcore players so despise.

As long as all the players on the same server are playing by the same rules, the playing field is level and every player (barring hackers, DC'ers etc) has equal opportunity and handicaps.

And to those who say that there aren't enough servers using only 1st person view, maybe you should ask yourself why? Because the majority of people don't want it! You can blame it on the influx of young/new COD/BF players if you like, but you forget that it is the huge numbers of new players that will determine the future success or failure of DayZ as a project.

I for one would like to see DayZ and Rocket succeed! With all the work he's been putting in, he deserves his green lamborghini. And keeping DayZ accessible only for the few players with the loudest, most strident voices within the community is unlikely to bring Rocket and team the success they so deserve.

Please remember that this is/will be a game and that not every player has the same ability or time or interest to commit to it as every other player. There are levels of difficulty (recruit, regular & veteran) for a reason. If every player was forced to play in one particular mode from the start (i.e. 1st person view only & probably on veteran setting by the OP's tone) many people would quit because the learning curve is too steep for them. By encouraging newer players to progress as their ability increases to veteran and 1st person perspective would seem to be a far more constructive approach and of greater benefit to the community as a whole, rather than attempting to force it down peoples throats.

So maybe you leetist, hardcore, 1st person super gamers could mentor less able players rather than bully and browbeat them on the forums?

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can someone please state any reason how arma 2's first person is any worse than any other game

and no' date=' FOV and head bob can both be changed so those aren't reasons


Yes I can,

Arma 2 introduces massive mouse acceleration, which causes mouse control to be not consistent and feel very glitchy.

If you move your mouse fast, you will turn more than if you move your mouse slowly the exact same distance.

This feels absolutely terrible if you are a trained FPS player used to accurate and consistent first person mouse control (such as CounterStrike or Quake). Luckily you don't need movement/aiming skills in dayz whatsoever, its all about tactics and decision making, this bug would otherwise break the game.

This bug cannot be fixed or turned off, it is something the game introduces, no matter what mouse you use, what windows or registry settings you use. A member of BIS on the steam forums even admitted this and said something along the lines that they will give the controls in ARMA3 more love.

Oh and, just before anyone brings it up, no it is not "realistic" or "part of the simulation" at all. It is just a bug. In reality, you have VERY consistent movement, and you can control your body very direct. Its no problem to turn exactly the same angle at different speeds. And it is no "solution" to get a realistic cap for turning speeds either, if you crank sensitivity you can turn ridiculously fast anyways. First Person mouse movement is simply messed up in ARMA 2.

I only play on servers with 3dp:on, and accept that snipers have an advantage on me. But the mouse acceleration bug is simply not as distracting in 3dP. This game is for fun and atmosphere, and I dont want to let it screw up my aiming and movement for competitive gaming.

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I dont see what the problem is there are servers for 3dp and servers that have it disabled isnt that enough so you dont have to complain? I personally find that the game plays a lot smoother in 3dp my opinion.

Anyhow if you dont want 3dp theres about 50 servers with it disabled pick one.

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Yeah I don't like it either, so I play on vet servers only.

However I think it's wrong that it is available at all and goes against what the mod is trying to be. It should be removed. It instantly makes killing other players harder and also makes it harder to move around zombies, which is demanded in every second thread anyway.

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For me this is similar to the gamma settings changes which let people see at night. If full night time was enforced with gamma settings not working any more then there is no reason for this not to be. It should definitely be enforced to play in 1st person. It's just another way of using game settings to an advantage but that breaks the immersion of the mod.

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Check linked video in my sig, 3DP has its purposes and makes sense for a simulation. Everyone shall make this decision by his own, personal preference.

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i think this will be disabled at a later date anyway.

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@OP: If you don't like 3rd person - play on a 3DP=0 server. You are already catered for. Stop complaining and use your brain.

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1st person limits your situational awareness to less than real world view. 3rd person offers slightly more awareness than real world, but only slightly. Therefore I find third person to be better for realism than first, because a zombie apocalypse wouldn't suddenly cut off my peripheral vision.

AND as others have stated, you are already catered.

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A friend and I have spent the last 8 weeks trying to figure out why he can only sprint at about 65% of my sprint speed (and no, I don't need anyone to educate me about all the movement penalties for stance / weapons etc). What we found last night is that when he plays in 1st person view he has this speed bug. When he plays in 3rd person, he can run same as me. A lot of other people have also reported the same problem with run speed. Thank fucking god, we can finally travel together again.....

For this reason, I do not endorse removing 3rd person. It is a server option for a reason.

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