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Health and medical supplies

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Sorry if this has been posted before, but I'm wondering about the "health" mechanics in the game. I don't mean general hunger/thirst, but the more intricate things. I've seen several things online and I don't know which are/aren't true, so here's a list of questions to make it easier:

* I know you can get sick from eating rotten food and drinking chemicals, but what other ways are there? Can drinking from ponds/streams make you ill? Do water purification tablets do anything?
* I've seen someone say using an item to kill a zombie then open cans with it can cause sickness, is this true? Does using disinfectant spray stop this, or can this get the spray on the food anyways?
* Do multivitamins, antibiotics and injection vials work? I've seen some bits online that says they don't.
* I saw someone say health works similar to real life; drink lots of Pipsi etc and eat cereal will make you more suseptable to illness than drinking water and eating fruit, is this true?
* Does how wet you are effect anything? Is temperature important? I know fires are in the experimental version, but in the normal version what are the best ways to dry out/warm up?

* Cleaning wounds with alcohol tincture, is this necessary? How is it done?

Thanks in advance for the replies :D

Edited by DagothNereviar

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There are no current infections or illnesses from water, unfortunately.


Wetness does not affect you at all and vitamins don't do anything. Drinking and eating stuff that is 'bad for you' doesn't make you get sick, either, and opening cans with zombie killing axes does nothing, too.

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There are no current infections or illnesses from water, unfortunately.


Wetness does not affect you at all and vitamins don't do anything. Drinking and eating stuff that is 'bad for you' doesn't make you get sick, either, and opening cans with zombie killing axes does nothing, too.


.....but there are some really cool looking canvas pants in the game though!

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There are no current infections or illnesses from water, unfortunately.


Wetness does not affect you at all and vitamins don't do anything. Drinking and eating stuff that is 'bad for you' doesn't make you get sick, either, and opening cans with zombie killing axes does nothing, too.

Thanks :) But alcohol tincture cleans wounds and antiobtics/injection vials cures being ill?

I did think some of them sounded a bit too intricate to be true, but it'd be nice if they ended up in the final release

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.....but there are some really cool looking canvas pants in the game though!

i see what you did there  :P

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Thanks :) But alcohol tincture cleans wounds and antiobtics/injection vials cures being ill?

I did think some of them sounded a bit too intricate to be true, but it'd be nice if they ended up in the final release

That mechanic doesn't work yet, either.


Other interesting medical things to note: morphine will fix broken, fractured, and painful limbs entirely and the same goes for the splint (yes, the splint fixes a painful limb). Painkillers don't work yet, I don't think.

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Hello! Your friendly neighborhood medic here


Infections don't yet exist, unfortunately, but rotten foods and chemicals like alcohol tincture or disinfectant spray can kill you from sickness.


In order to treat sickness, you can either use charcoal tablets, or wait for it to progress into the second stage as an "infection", then clean the wounds or take antibiotics.(tetracycline)


You can use alcohol tincture to clean wounds, and you can also use it and disinfectant spray to make rags, bandages, and IV lines sterile.


Sickness from ponds DOES exist, but it is rare. The second time I got sick, it was because of drinking unclean water.

I purify all of my canteens now.


Hope this helps you! For more information, check out a couple of links below.

One of them is a direct link to Merino's guides, and one is an archive I compiled that features Merino's guide, amongst the work of myself and others.




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Hello! Your friendly neighborhood medic here


Infections don't yet exist, unfortunately, but rotten foods and chemicals like alcohol tincture or disinfectant spray can kill you from sickness.


In order to treat sickness, you can either use charcoal tablets, or wait for it to progress into the second stage as an "infection", then clean the wounds or take antibiotics.(tetracycline)


You can use alcohol tincture to clean wounds, and you can also use it and disinfectant spray to make rags, bandages, and IV lines sterile.


Sickness from ponds DOES exist, but it is rare. The second time I got sick, it was because of drinking unclean water.

I purify all of my canteens now.


Hope this helps you! For more information, check out a couple of links below.

One of them is a direct link to Merino's guides, and one is an archive I compiled that features Merino's guide, amongst the work of myself and others.





Thank you very much for the response and the guides :D

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Also (i thought I'd just post here instead of making a new topic) does your energized/hydrated levels effect running speed? I seem to notice I run faster when full light green e/h than someone who has some dark greens e/h. Is this just coincidence?

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Sickness from ponds DOES exist, but it is rare. The second time I got sick, it was because of drinking unclean water.

I purify all of my canteens now.


Must be extremely rare. I have not experienced it during my 200 hours in the game.

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Pretty sure the answer to all of those is..


Not yet.

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yep, i think most of what you mentioned in op is not added into game yet, if u want to clean woulds or sterilize, right click alcohol or drag it over items, it wont make any difference yet

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