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[Suggestion] - Better integration with windows (the glass type not the OS)

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*** Mods: Oops, I started this thread in the wrong forum, could you move it to General Discussion please? Thanks in advance ***


I appreciate the game is still in Alpha, and there is a possibility the rendering engine used just now won't be the one that powers the final game, but one thing that annoys me is the inability to really utilise the insides of buildings in terms of stealth against those outside them. Sure you can look out of windows, but the actual view you can get is somewhat limited. For example go to the 1st floor (2nd floor for you US readers) of a building in game and look at how much of the ground below you can see. The same is relevant for upper floors. Whether you are holding a weapon or not makes a difference (for example holding a mosin will restrict how close you can get to the window and that I suppose makes sense) but even without holding an item you seem to be restricted to a stance some half a meter from the actual glass. Now go do this in real life and you will get a far greater level of vision.


Don't get me wrong, the inclusion of the enterable buildings is massive for the game. You only need to compare it to the mod and you'll find that out straight away. 


Ideally windows should be openable, although I'm not sure how easy that would be to implement (essentially they would all have the same mechanism, but you are in turn increasing the number of variables you need to hold and render), it may just need a simple subroutine for all windows or perhaps you would need to do it bespoke for every building type, however in lieu of anything that advanced, you should certainly be able to get a far greater range of vision from a window. Whether this requires an extra action (ie: press Q, W or E next to a window to lean in and get a different camera view) or simply if the collision detection near a window is reduced I don't know, but it certainly would help the game imo.



TL;DR? Windows should provide you with more visibility, allowing for greater stealth and improving immersion.

Edited by ricp
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Suggestions go to Suggestion Forum, not general.



Thanks for that, I made a pretty ham fisted attempt at a thread, first placing it in the wrong forum then asking for it to be moved to a slightly less wrong forum..  B)



Anyway, I feel the point is valid. The interaction with windows could be a lot better. I feel you are too restricted in terms of the vision you get from them.

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That makes sense! You are givenb beans.


Would be great if they removed the huge weaponhitbox...that caused alot of people to glitch through handrailings to fall off towers...

Edited by Khanarac

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I'm guessing that the game is designed to not allow players to get too close to walls. Wallhacking and such is prevalent enough as it is - it'd only get worse if players weren't restricted in this way.


I totally agree, though. Hopefully it'll be addressed at some point in the future.

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I'm guessing that the game is designed to not allow players to get too close to walls. Wallhacking and such is prevalent enough as it is - it'd only get worse if players weren't restricted in this way.


Completely understand where you are coming from, and naturally I would prefer the game was more difficult to 'exploit' than feature rich or more realistic, but I do miss the ability to properly look out of windows like you can in other FPS games.


I think some of the problem is also related to the limited number of stances. There is no point in prone as you will see nothing, leaving just crouch or stand, and neither provide you with the right eye-line when in 1PP mode.


Obviously this is all related to 1PP/Hardcore. I never play 3PP and I'm sure that those who do will wonder what I am talking about in terms of limited visibility.

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