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Always out of breath (unaccurate aiming)

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Even when I'm not out of breath (or in pain or sick) my crosshair is big and aiming is pretty hard. Same thing when I aim down the sights or zoom (and hold breath). I have checked that my character is healthy in every way and not out of breath. What is the problem?

I've tried everything and it seems that the only way to get rid of it is to do a suicide.

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Have you been hit in the arm, so that it's broken? Are we talking about the mod here? DayZ Mod or some other mod?

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Yes, this is in vanilla dayz mod. I have not been shot even once with this character, but zombies have hit me. Do you know any other way to fix this than doing a suicide?

Edited by Wildux

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Is your "hold breath to aim" the same key as your zoom? Changing my hold breath to left shift helped me get less tired since i was zooming in all the time.

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Just run, don't sprint. That'll tire you out much faster. I also think that going in the sitting position will help you recover much faster..


I'm not sure if it has to do with your inventory or what weapon you're using either.

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I've tried sitting and laying still for several minutes and tried changing hold breath to another key and they do not work. Painkilliers do not work either. Crosshair still unusually big.

Edited by Wildux

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I figured it out, I probably had an arm fracture or something and needed morfine. Thanks anyways!

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