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after death run back to storage ?

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if tents are gone when the server resets or goes down for maintenance then who cares?

persistent storage should be literal.

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if tents are gone when the server resets or goes down for maintenance then who cares?

persistent storage should be literal.

They will persist through server restarts, or at least that's the plan.

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They will persist through server restarts, or at least that's the plan.



you spawn, you pitch a tent, you fill it with loot, you die, you come back to it when you spawn again.


this is the way it always has been and always will be.

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So find their tent city/shed/whatever and loot/destroy it yourself. Or just stay in the woods, way away from where they operate. Or play on a different server from them. Or, you know, bitch endlessly about it.


People act like these tents and persistent storage and whatnot grant the players with access to them God mode. That's simply not the case.

I've got an even better idea. Stop posting. All you've done is attack other posters calling them stupid or their suggestions stupid. Do everyone a favour and stop posting drivel until you can come up with your own ideas.

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Didn't Dean say (at Rezzed?) that they were aiming to make everything persistent?


So, you drop a gun or an ammo box or medkits or food or whatever in some random bush, and it stays there until someone else stumbles across it, or it degrades to nothing? No need for tents as a storage unit - unless they give a bonus to stored items within against degredation?

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So, you drop a gun or an ammo box or medkits or food or whatever in some random bush, and it stays there until someone else stumbles across it, or it degrades to nothing? No need for tents as a storage unit - unless they give a bonus to stored items within against degredation?


I would assume that's the plan. Having everything persistent AND having persistent storage, without some sort of penalty/benefit between the two, is unsustainable.

Edited by Katana67

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I die but still i know wheres the best loot spots in the map, i probably would know like couple other tent villages.

Also wheres half wrecked vehicle needing some parts that i would know exactly what it needs to get it fixed.

I also would know my friends tents, and their friends tents.

But suddenly my own personal tent should just randomly re-spawn?

No sense at all.

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I've got an even better idea. Stop posting. All you've done is attack other posters calling them stupid or their suggestions stupid. Do everyone a favour and stop posting drivel until you can come up with your own ideas.


A stupid idea is a stupid idea, sorry my choice of words offended you, but I don't come here to make nice-nice with people who complain about something that isn't broken. Also, in the post you quoted, I offer 3 legitimate ideas as far as ways to deal with the "problem" you seem to know will arise from permanent storage.


And as far as I can tell, the "Go find them and stop acting like you have to take it in the ass" mentality has so far only been posted by me, because people here, including yourself, are too concerned with might be's and what if's to come up with ways around the hypothetical problems you're convinced you're going to encounter with persistent storage that somehow were not an issue in the mod, and haven't been for the 2 years since it was introduced.


Did you play the mod at all? The Vanilla mod? Did you take matters into your own hand and stop being a victim if you were victimized by a clan that controlled a large number of assets on the map? I did. I know plenty of other people who did as well. You and other posters here whining about how persistent storage ruins the realism of the game, but want it all to magically disappear, or have the loot "belong" to someone, or have it teleport across the map, or have someone be "locked out" of the loot for XYZ number of minutes or hours are doing plenty to screw up the realism of the game with those suggestions.

"Oh look, this tent belonging to this guy I just killed just disappeared."

"Oh look, this tent belonging to this guy I killed 10 minutes ago just disappeared because I didn't look inside it in time."

"Oh look, this tent just magically appeared out of nowhere 50 m from where I'm walking, in the middle of the field south of the Sobors."

"Oh look, I just died, and here's an AKM I was using, looks like all I can do is stare at it for another 12 minutes because it only took me 18 to get back to my camp."

Do any of those situations sound "realistic"? The answer is no, because none of them make any sense. You can't stop players from remembering information they learn in game previously. If you were to expect that, then every old Nintendo would come with a Neuralizer from Men In Black that would flash every time you turned your console off.


This is a video game, unless you want to have it so that whenever you die you are respawned on a completely random server and cannot go back to the original server you died on, people are going to be able to run back to their camp sites and gather what food/equipment they may.

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I've got an even better idea. Stop posting. All you've done is attack other posters calling them stupid or their suggestions stupid. Do everyone a favour and stop posting drivel until you can come up with your own ideas.


How about you read other peoples post before posting your drivel that has already been posted and a reason to why your idea shouldn't be implemented. Otherwise we just go round and round and round.

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my view is, if  there is no challenge to get full equipment again after dying, there is no reason to get players to value characters life in game, which removes challenges from dayz sa, and brings dayz sa closer to other pvp shooter games.

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There's only 2 options FULL STOP

1) Persistent storage after death - There is no other option because its unfair to solo players.

2) No persistent storage at all - also means no persistent anything to keep realism , bad for the game in many areas

Who cares whether persistent is realistic! For those that are seeking pure realism should get out in the real world more and experience it there!


You can't use realism as an argument because neither option is realistic in any sense of the word. How persistent storage is done is entirely an issue of gameplay, that is to say, in which direction the devs want to take the game: minimal loot and gear, in order to focus on the survival aspect of the game, or overabundance of gear (like Epoch) with the focus on gunplay with every kind of military equipment and loads and loads of vehicles of all sorts, to mention the extremes of either direction.


Anyway this issue of persistent storage seems to be deeply connected to the issue of hives, one hive per server or public hive with some private hives or something completely different. An issue which we don't know much about how the devs will handle either.

Edited by BadAsh

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You can't use realism as an argument because neither option is realistic in any sense of the word. How persistent storage is done is entirely an issue of gameplay, that is to say, in which direction the devs want to take the game: minimal loot and gear, in order to focus on the survival aspect of the game, or overabundance of gear (like Epoch) with the focus on gunplay with every kind of military equipment and loads and loads of vehicles of all sorts, to mention the extremes of either direction.


Anyway this issue of persistent storage seems to be deeply connected to the issue of hives, one hive per server or public hive with some private hives or something completely different. An issue which we don't know much about how the devs will handle either.

I'm not using realism as a argument! I care about gameplay over realism! Others don't!

We already know where Devs are taking this, persistent storage and persistent base building. So the only argument is whether persistent disappears after you die or not. And that answer is obvious if you want to keep solo players on par with groups.

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This is exactly how persistent storage is going to pan out.  


Plop storage in secure place, server hop all the empty servers and collect everything, place it in the storage, go pvp till your hearts content without the worry of having to die because you have your phat lewtz stashed away.  


Bad, terrible, shit gameplay.

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at first I was all for some kind of persistant storage.

wouldn't it kind of ruin the suspense and tension of playing and surviving if all you had to do was run back to your loot locker and restock with zero risk?

"but someone could find your stuff.. that's a risk."

oh noes! you'll have to put some effort into playing! if people wanted eazy mode then why the hell did they download DayZ in the first place?

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Provided you can only store a limited amount of gear, and provided other players can get to it, it's fine. If you go and kit out from your tent 2-3 times and then die, you'll have to restock your tent at some point, the idea is to keep players looting and moving around the map. 


We had tents in the mod, they were the best. The safes in epoch were a step too far. 

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One of the most entertaining things ever is finding someone else's campsite and stealing all their stuff. I can't wait for tents and vehicles because of this.

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