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Military bases have wayy to much loot

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Yeah, that's some really bad loot for NWAF. 


The only problem right now is that there's no reason to go to NWAF. You can get similar loot from NEAF, or heck, even from police stations. 


What this means is that if you do bother to run all the way there, you'll most likely be by your lonesome. In the mod, Stary Sobor and NWAF were the places for good loot, and people went there for rare stuff like M107s and NVGs and silenced M4s... so while you could get good stuff there, it was dangerous, which balanced it out. Right now, it's not.

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thing is, most people I met in DayZ don't know how to look for loot. They almost never use vicinity sensor, despite the fact that 50 percent of loot spawns in unreachable or invisible areas. I many times found a mosin in black barns spawned UNDER FUCKING floor and it was impossible to see it visually, only through vicinity. So even in already looted place you can find some gear.


Judging the OP, he is clear example of baby's first gear. Found bunch of random stuff in NWAF he will never use and claims too much loot. Try finding specific items in specific condition and then see what happens. I one time jumped in three different empty servers at NWAF tents looking for LRS and I couldn't find even a badly damaged. I checked literally WHOLE airfield, ever hangar and barack even prison who don't spawn scopes, yet, I didn't find it in three servers. So I call bullshit on OP.


Protip though: there is no difference between worn or pristine. AT ALL. Also scope's condition doesn't affect its accuracy. Badly damaged ACOG (I strongly suspect) is as accurate as pristine. It has only cosmetic difference.

Edited by MaxRain

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I certainly hope that upon Beta we have an epidemic of survivors starving or dieing of thirst as most people (it seems) have no experience keeping a character alive on the bare minimum without resorting to hold ups, banditry or server hopping.

*crosses fingers for forest spawns*

Edited by MarchHare

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It varies very much. I started a new character a week or so ago and it took me over an hour of looting to simply find an axe.

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The reason its so easy to find loot and gear up currently is because it is alpha pretty much.. Have to remember this is testing... It has been stated that around beta though the central hive will be balanced.. They havent really said much exactly on how rare some things will be, but they did say guns and ammo will be made very rare so enjoy it while it lasts..

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Why not give loot 100% chance to spawn then? That way rare items could be tested out and items such as the crossbow, for which bolts are hard to find.

I never understood why the devs would develop new items for us to test, then don't give us direct access to said items. Now, I know they they dramatically increase the spawn rate, but why not insert the item in question directly into the inventory? Then, they could get the largest sample size possible in the game.....

You know.. "n" and all that statistical stuff.

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I'm sure this isn't the first topic about this but seriously this was after just heading straight to NWAF after spawning, aside from the running it took me a total of 5 mins to get pretty geared. Military bases need their loot nerfed just a bit.









I can go and loot a town and get maybe half that if i'm lucky and looting towns takes much, much more time.

you call that geared? you dont have shit for military gear, what are you complaining about?


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Two pistols, an assault vest, and some ammo found over an entire military base is too much loot?  :huh:

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