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Combat messages?Death messages?

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 1.     So, it bloody happened again , i was alone at the berezino airfield and i wanted to cross to the hangars from the control tower then halfway there a guy with an m4 on the field down in the valley started shooting me, hit me once, and when he stopped firing at me for a moment, i pressed escape then quickly exited the server.... so i lost all my gear.... again... gosh darn it we need a timer that would go off and start counting down next to that exit button that would not deactivate the exit button so you could still combat log ...and die of course.

      2.     Maps.... so useful... not really... [...] well , i guess there wont be any shift+click functionallity added to the map :/ .

          3.     Side chat, side chat, it just feels kind of lonely goin around and finding no one, well not really, you are bound to find someone and have some interaction but what i want to say is that even if they were busy surviving in the dayz mod a lot of people found the side chat a nice place to tell other players pretty much everything else game related , fun stories that happened to them in the game or something weird that they just found, questions etc. Side chat, why not? Of course side chat made in such a way so you cant speak on it over VoIP.. so you push capslock and nothing happens, so we wont have any stupid kids who dont have anything better to do than to annoy everyone on the server....



                      4. So , if you are a sniper you dont really know when you killed someone if he isnt on top of a building, if he is also hiding from you and you are both taking pot shots at eachother then you might find yourself waiting for nothing since you killed the guy long ago but you just dont know it, so, in arma II you could use the mouse wheel and it would tell you at what distance is a player, what is his name, and in what vehicle he is, now that is way too op since you dont even need the rangefinders.... well if there would be some kind of **** has died or *** was shot or *** was beaten to death to indicate you know the first one if you get killed by zombies the second if you got killed by a shot and the last one for melee combat.... but that brings up another question... how do we know if the guy that just died is the guy we are engaged with? well we cant, i guess you can use the mouse wheel when you are close to see the name but a better idea would maybe be if you just scroll the wheel and you see his name when you point at him but with a twist so you cant use it  as a laser that scans for players so you keep doing 360 around to see if anyone is around , no, only if you are looking straight at it for 3 seconds and he is around 300 hundred meters around you, that way its a little bit less op and you know who is who and who is dead or alive.....

I had more ideas but i forgot em, ill post more as/ if they come back to me....Thanks!

Edited by Rrraaayyy

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 1.     So, it bloody happened again , i was alone at the berezino airfield and i wanted to cross to the hangars from the control tower then halfway there a guy with an m4 on the field down in the valley started shooting me, hit me once, and when he stopped firing at me for a moment, i pressed escape then quickly exited the server.... so i lost all my gear.... again... gosh darn it we need a timer that would go off and start counting down next to that exit button that would not deactivate the exit button so you could still combat log ...and die of course.



What you have done there is logging out in a combatsituation, thus combatlogging. Meaning the logouttimer causing you to remain in the server did exactly what was intended.




so what im asking is the shift click feature that was in arma II and that would place a marker on the map but also draw it on your hud outside the map showing how far you are from it , thus helping you much more to locate yourself and not get lost...



Removed on purpose and won't come back, as far as I am aware.

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What you have done there is logging out in a combatsituation, thus combatlogging. Meaning the logouttimer causing you to remain in the server did exactly what was intended.


Well i didnt say i wasnt sure about that or that i want it to get removed or anything , yes the timer is probably working but what i said was that it would be nice if the actual timer was displayed counting down next to the exit button so we know exactly when we are out of the combat time bounds so we can safely log out...

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Wait wait wait wait wait.... what does exactly happen when you combat log? or there isnt such thing? As in it doesnt matter if you are in combat or not(got hit by a zombie, bullets got shot at you) what happens is you press exit and your dude still remains there for 30 seconds in crouched position while simulating whatever status it has ? as in you log out bleeding and you will still bleed for 30 seconds after you pressed exit? 

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If you combat log your character stays in game for 30 seconds, So there is a huge chance you will die. So yes if you are bleeding you will continue to bleed. You character will be killed if you log out unconscious or get knocked unconscious while logging out. So the moral of the story is don't combat log.


Side chat, while I miss it, it shouldn't be in the game for obvious reasons.

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well maybe they can make side chat without the VoIP and it will be just fine ! And also , when you log out normally you stay just 10 seconds standing but if you are in combat you stay 30 seconds.... this is such a bad system, i taught you get insta killed if you log out in combat, but no , your character remaining there for 30 seconds is really dangerous and not really fair, you cant defend yourself, the exit timer that was in the mod if you were in combat was a better option, since if you are in a combat situation and the guys that want to kill you know your name, you are dead since they keep cheking if you will logout and if you do then they will rush in and kill you because you are still standing for 10 or 30 seconds and its a free kill, unfortunately the corpse immediately dissapreas after that so not much reward in that and the guys would wait for you to log off since nobody wants to get killed :/

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Honestly the one thing I absolutely hated about dayz mod was the side chat , having endless retards with nothin better to do than yell over side chat doesn't seem like a survivor game to me.

and I wish we could draw on maps to maybe leave around or show a friend but we defly gotta start relyin more so on : the direction of the clouds (I think they go from west to east ) the position of the sun depending on the day (rises in the east so if the server you hop on is before 12 pm then the sun will be in the eastern hemisphere , if the server is past 12 pm it will be in the Western Hemisphere ) and one of my favorites (that we can't actually use yet ) is the star constellations that I heard upon release of the alpha that they would also be used for orientation ... Awesome , I can't wait for smoke signals and shit like that haha !!

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This timer is effective, because it tried to deter you from doing exactly what you did and punishes you for doing it aswell, mate.

Log out during a combat situation.


It doesnt matter when or how you log out, your char will "sit" there for 30 secs and then disappear.

So basicly its up to you to find a good spot to log out, and to make sure nobody is following you.

I dont want to sound like a dick, but you got what you deserved tbh.


Waypoints was the ultimate "pathfinder cheat", you didnt need a compas or a GPS, you just needed a map and then you would have the magic marker floating on your screen, knowing exactly where you where and how you would get ANY place on the map. Baah, im glad its gone.

Sidechat was just a nightmare imho, nothing good ever came out of sidechat, not even in "closed" communities.

Edited by Byrgesen

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Wait wait wait wait wait.... what does exactly happen when you combat log? or there isnt such thing? As in it doesnt matter if you are in combat or not(got hit by a zombie, bullets got shot at you) what happens is you press exit and your dude still remains there for 30 seconds in crouched position while simulating whatever status it has ? as in you log out bleeding and you will still bleed for 30 seconds after you pressed exit? 

There is no timer, every-time you log out your character stay in the game for 30 seconds.

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There is no timer, every-time you log out your character stay in the game for 30 seconds.

If you arent in combat then its just ten secs

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Side chat yes, but only for people who have a radio with batteries.

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