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we need regular/hardcore filter in server browser

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you just told me i need to reevaluate my life, sounds liek you were mad, and also abusive , to me.


the title of the thread is " we need hardcore/regular filter in server browser"



that explains it fully, to ANYONE  that understands the problem


you are not one of those people, (as the pic you posted shows) yet you post on this topic relentlesly


edit, you did not answer anything either, you have added nothing useful to the topic, only misunderstanding.



Be very careful now, you have sounded extremely hostile towards others (including myself) that just wanted to help you and pointed out there already is a way to show you which type / hive the server is running on.


It might change in the future, maybe soon. But there already is the option to sort the list by types - which we pointed out to you. This is infact some sort of filter, meaning it's not completely wrong and can easily be assumed you missed it when reading your first post.

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Despite language (I assume ESL), qww was very clear and it only took the title for me to understand what he meant. The sorting columns are not "filters" (a filter actually has to remove something from a selection) and he didn't make the suggestion just to hear about something he's already aware of. (No offense guys) The sorting columns indeed separate the many regular servers from the hardcore servers, but then you cannot sort by ping or population. 


I would love this suggestion to be added sometime before/during beta as I only play hardcore and it can be quite difficult to choose a hardcore server with enough players and a low ping. As it stands I've been favoriting all the common hardcore servers but this obviously is a bit tedious. 



And if thats the ONLY thing you want, and you can't bother to look at regular servers, then you should definitely re-evaluate your life.

Ya hit the nail on the head, but no need to be rude about it. ;)  Remember there are like 30 regular servers for every hardcore server so it can get a bit monotonous when you only play hardcore and want to sort by ping or server pop.


For the record kichilron, I didn't find qww to sound hostile, only a bit irritated in his attempts to get his message across. The replies, on the other hand, I've found to be quite condescending - especially the "reevaluate your life" comment from aimbot.

Edited by solodude23

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Be very careful now, you have sounded extremely hostile towards others (including myself) that just wanted to help you and pointed out there already is a way to show you which type / hive the server is running on.


It might change in the future, maybe soon. But there already is the option to sort the list by types - which we pointed out to you. This is infact some sort of filter, meaning it's not completely wrong and can easily be assumed you missed it when reading your first post.

no i have not been hostile, to anyone, if you think i have, please show me where and how.


all i have done is make a valid suggestion, you and 1 other guy who did not know what a server filter is, have posted unhelpful and uninformed replies.


just because you or someoen else does not knwo what a server filter is, does not mean my suggestion is not useful


i cant believe you think i hav ebeen hostile, i have makde a relevant and good suggestion, if you miunderstandme, thats your own problem



also, hopefully you have now learned what a server filter is . just because you dotn underdtand someonething, does not mean other players dont understand it.



i really cant to see how ive been hostile, im here for game discussion only, not for any kind of hostility, maybe you feel stupid after your original responses in this thread, but i cant be at fault because of your own lack of undersdtanding, can i ? sure i am blunt but i am not rude. in life or online,


so you telling me to be careful, i see it as a pathetic joke.


try giving more helpful and informed responses in future, dont tell me to be careful because i presented and defended a valid suggestion, thank you


edit: no the regular/hardcorer tab is not a filter of any kind, it just shows you dotn underdstand the concept of what i am suggesting/ a filter actually "filters " out what you dotn want. which is why they call it a "filter"..

Edited by qww

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if you miunderstandme, thats your own problem

just because you dotn underdtand someonething, does not mean other players dont understand it.

maybe you feel stupid after your original responses in this thread, but i cant be at fault because of your own lack of undersdtanding, can i ?

i see it as a pathetic joke.

try giving more helpful and informed responses in future, dont tell me to be careful because i presented and defended a valid suggestion, thank you



I am merely asking you to alter your choice of words, as this can be deemed hostile and we want this place to be as constructive as possible. I do apologise that I misunderstood your inquiry in the first place, but that is not a reason to respond like this. Nor should have aimbot.exe responded with a re-evaluation of your life.



And yes, replying as quoted above can be considered more than just blunt.

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well you responding with 2 or 3 words and even posting the picture, without understanding my simple (and clear ) question could  be considered as rude too


i just called it wrong. if you dotn want to be called wrong, then be right.


everything you quoted of me, i dotn see as rude, i just see it as being straight up. if i get  told to be careful or even banned for being clear and to the point, so be it.


i am being constructive, i am offering a very useful suggestion that is actually used in battefield series and other multi player games.


i stand by all words i said in this topic,


 when people claim to be being "helpful" by offering responses that arent relevant, because they didnt understand the original question, i see that as non-constructive


edit: i notice the way you didnt quote my full sentence there too, you quoted "i see that as a pathetic joke" when the full sentence was " you telling me to be careful , i see that as a pathetic joke". now that i do see as pathetic.

Edited by qww

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if a mod would like, please lock this topic ,  i think this is a good suggestion, that has been spammed with too many replies that dont add to the actual topic, by people who didnt actually understand the topic.

so its gone on like an argument

i hope and expect this feature will be added, i hope sooner than later, because i assume (might be wrong) that its not a complex feature to add.

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if a mod would like, please lock this topic ,  i think this is a good suggestion, that has been spammed with too many replies that dont add to the actual topic, by people who didnt actually understand the topic.

so its gone on like an argument

i hope and expect this feature will be added, i hope sooner than later, because i assume (might be wrong) that its not a complex feature to add.

Maybe we'll have it in the future. I mostly play on hardcore, and this never bothered me really. The more options the better, but it's really not a necessity right now. 

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youre right, i agree its not important to be here yet, im happy to play game in its current state, just looking to future, and suggesting something simple that most hardcore players will appreciate a lot


Maybe we'll have it in the future. I mostly play on hardcore, and this never bothered me really. The more options the better, but it's really not a necessity right now. 

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youre right, i agree its not important to be here yet, im happy to play game in its current state, just looking to future, and suggesting something simple that most hardcore players will appreciate a lot

The whole filter and server browser will probably get "updated" since I see other missing features with it too. Example, for me the filter for server name is really wonky and even if I have the correct spelling, it won't show the server I'm looking for, so I often use the "remote" option and use the IP address instead. (I often find server I like through the forums and on Clan sites for RP and light-RP)


But then another problem shows, when I use remote, I can't add the server to my favorites, making me need to always use remote and the IP for this server.


Anyway, I find myself liking the Alpha and current state of the game too much and look pass these to have a better overall experience. Somehow I use to have fun and enjoy bugs and glitches in video games, so when it became more possible to test video games via their alpha or beta state (about 12 years ago was some of my first beta tests) I was thrilled and since then have grown to like very much seeing the evolution of a game. The sooner I get access to it the better. Half the games I have on my system right now are early access, alphas, or betas. To each his own! Respect! (and beans! :beans: )  B)

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dayz is the best pc game i think as it offers the most freedom and creativity and i also i liked arma anyway,


as this is a suggestion section i am making a simple suggestion, i also do look past all problems and am fully aware and accepting of the alpha status. i agree with teh server browser  being sometimes a bit buggy, doesnt always bring up all servers you want to see even when they are there, also the filter option would help that i feel

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