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I am sorry the game is unplayable now. The difficulty was perfect before now it has gone overboard with the amount of zombies you have everywhere. You kill one and 20 more show up out of nowhere in the smallest of towns.

I bought arma for this a week ago and I was in love with the game till 1.5.7 now it is just stupid difficult and not fun.

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You're all missing the point.

1. First off' date=' it's impossible to group up when you're being spawn raped by zed's.

2. As nice as it would be to headshot 30 zombies in a row to save ammo, sorry, it just doesn't work like that.

The point is, when you're on a respawn, and have literally nothing, it's near impossible.

It has nothing to do with being "stealthy". Do i start with tin cans or glass bottles to distract them?

No, I don't.

I knew there would be the crowd of people saying "Headshots are one shots kills" and "It's all about stealth"

That's easy to say cooped up in Cherno with ammo out of the ass.

Try a respawn, throw a flare(because it's black out) alert a town a zed's, clear it out with all headshots with ammo to spare and I'll eat my words.


1. if you have to aggro zombies then get inside a building

2. you dont need to run in the middle of a town to group up with people, so when you spawn just meet up with someone outside a town

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its a zombie apocalypse simulator.. I dont think an apocalypse would be very fun in real life either. lol. Its supposed to be hard and terrifying and nerve wrecking, but I agree it seems a big over the top at the moment.

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I am sorry the game is unplayable now. The difficulty was perfect before now it has gone overboard with the amount of zombies you have everywhere. You kill one and 20 more show up out of nowhere in the smallest of towns.

I bought arma for this a week ago and I was in love with the game till 1.5.7 now it is just stupid difficult and not fun.

i guess the problem for you is that people have different skill levels, before zombies were not really a threat

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I am sorry the game is unplayable now. The difficulty was perfect before now it has gone overboard with the amount of zombies you have everywhere. You kill one and 20 more show up out of nowhere in the smallest of towns.

I bought arma for this a week ago and I was in love with the game till 1.5.7 now it is just stupid difficult and not fun.

lol, it's just a update, no the final release. Be cool.

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Might just wait this patch out, no reason to waste time with unstoppable hordes only to respawn and do it again.

I agree it was too easy before, but this is stupid. 1 building, 10 zombies...worthless loot. Risk vs reward, i could just sit in the woods and be fine. Why even go anywhere.

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These are really lame excuses. Your idea for avoiding zombies is to glitch them running down a hill with a game bug? That's realism? Exploiting game bugs is not fun game play. Zombies run faster than you, they can hit you through walls and this is a game where you go prone in the wrong position or a door hits you when opening and breaks all your bones and you start bleeding. The current "zombies EVERYWHERE" thing does not work with the games mechanics.

We already have the bandits and survivors to deal with which is what makes this game great but having 30 zombies in every small town you go to does not make the game fun in any way. The difficulty was perfect before imo.

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There might be too many zombies but it's a step in the right direction!

People from sites like somethingawful (folks with tags like GOON and LLJK)are now banding together to whine about this so they can continue their dupe/hack/solo bandit gameplay style! Do not let them!

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Really? 1000 zombies and pitch black night was the norm back in april, before the mod asploded. Newbies just need to learn how to play tactically, rather than bouncie bouncie call o dooty

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Yeah, this is definitely way too much now. There was an issue with population before but this is overboard. Cutting it to 1/4 or 1/2 might be nice.

Up north you'd have maybe one zombie per village, though the major cities always struck me as fine. I'd be alright with zombies if there were fewer of the runners. I'm not opposed to running zombies or anything, but the way that ArmA 2 handles civilians is horrible. If it were maybe one in 10 zombies that ran it'd be much more tolerable, but right now it's impossible to do much at all.

Offering suggestions such as using crossbows or using ammo "wisely" are not very good since you'd need to first find a crossbow (random spawn in certain buildings, very difficult due to new zombie numbers) and considering the lack of subtlety in this engine (along with inherent problems like AI seeing through walls) and iffy (at best) hit detection make none of that very viable.

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Jesus christ - the patch has been out ten minutes. We get the picture. It's an alpha. There are lots of bugs and solving bugs opens up new ones. Man, with some of the anger here and in email you'd think I'd just killed peoples dogs or something...

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

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I am waiting too many zombies for scarce ammo and forcing you to go to hospital more often. Anyone that thinks this many zombies will stop banditry your wrong because its still running rampant maybe even worse. At night there are way more flares and lights now due to so many zombies and day I presume you'd just have to wait with a sniper and shoot anyone that enters buildings to fight zombies.

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Well the patch notes do mention increasing zombie spawns. There was no reason for us not to assume it wasn't intentional. No need to get so snippy.

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Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

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edit: ^ oh, hello there!

Chiming in to agree that the amount of zombies is completely ridiculous now. An eight building town had 20 zombies in it and more in the surrounding woods. One of them randomly saw me after I had spent 30 minutes crawling around trying to avoid attention and I had to shoot because there was no way to outrun or de-aggro. Shooting once drew in every zombie in the area and they all charged at me, taking sharp turns and moving unpredictably as they came. Eventually, after being chewed up and reduced to 4000 blood, a friend and I managed to kill every zombie in a 1km radius. It was a Pyrrhic victory. There was no skill in what we did, we just abused the AI and used up all of our ammo from before the change to cut through the horde. Keeping it like this will alienate a large majority of the playerbase because no matter how realistic or how challenging it is, it'll still be frustrating and unfun because EVERY town is like what I just described.

If it's a proposed fix to playerkilling, it really didn't work. After we saw what looting was like, my group agreed that it would be easier (and more fun) to just kill the next person we saw for their supplies instead of risking it in a town. I really like the mod but with this patch it's unplayable.

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For everyone who clearly posts the same thing I will keep posting this :)

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2225 before replying about fucking zambie numbers!

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It's ZAMBIES! Can't you read?

/me watches quietly as the "Average Life Expectancy" begins to nose dive

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the cities Zombie densitiy could randomly change. So not every town has the same zombie amount. Then its worth looking for another town...

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I think this simply demonstrates how badly people are currently handling 'zambies'.

Just came off EU 11 where one person had exclaimed "I get chased by a horde once every 20 minutes" and then proceeds to quite casually blame the game.

I can't imagine how this person doesn't try to think about why he is pulling a horde once every 20 minutes.

I personally like the denser packs of zombies in the towns as it actually presents a challenge now and although the same tactic of crouch walking to prone crawling still works perfectly; I find myself having to dodge more zombies and generally having to think more carefully about my route into a town.

For the larger packs of zombies spawning in buildings it raises the question,

"Do I really need to go into that building?"

Prior to this patch I would search every open building I could lay my eyes on with little to no retort from zombies. Now I seriously have to think about risk versus reward.

Additionally I have started to try and look into a building prior to entering them.

This patch has helped me to add on more layers of preparation which if I use them correctly should extend my life cycle.

A few other players were addressing that going it alone or 'lone wolfing' is now impossible and attributing that to the zombies and 'gl getting shot by 5 guys'. These arguments generally seem quite weak.

Why would a solo player attempt to engage 5 players and why is he even being seen in the first place? I would say in defense of this statement that the denser packs of zombies may slow down people moving into towns but really I love this because it seriously adds to the tension when lone wolfing. My strategy is to get in, get supplies and get out.

The faster the better. This patch slows that process down and makes it more dangerous.

I guess what I am saying here is that the spoils go to the cautious and not the over zealous.

In terms to the other changes:

I like the new zombie sounds as they are sort of guttural and at times they almost sound like dogs. Essentially sounding nothing like a human ( except when you shoot them).

I like the idea of the panic mechanic(?) but I think its overly loud and my guy sounds like he is having an asthma attack.

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Its still alpha which is not even beta

So rocket has a long way to fix bugs before ACTUAL RELEASE

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